Zachary Petite, a firefighter in Hemet, CA says his 1-year-old son Cole managed to take off his life vest moments before jumping in the family pool. Petite says he had turned his back just seconds before and saw his son “sinking” when he jumped into action. He says it’s a reminder of the importance of pool safety, telling families with pools: “make sure it has a gate, a child safety lock, door alarms,” precautions Petite says he had in place. #CNN #News #shorts
Dad rushes to save his 1-year-old who falls in pool

Literally one of the most important things to teach your kids is to swim
Right, let’s see the video’s of you teaching a one year to swim 😂
Especially if one owns a pool.
He’s 1, hard to even walk at that point
@Liberal Conservative you realize that you can teach a one month old to swim right?! There are vids Literally ALL OVER YOUTUBE. You do realize that….right??
Dad was like nope, not today
Man that was a fast save!! I am so glad Dad was there and this wasn’t a kid who snuck out, exploring on their own. Or a toddler left with other young children to be responsible for them. That’s one fast rescue. Great job Daddy!! ❤🙏🥰
Do you actually think the woman in the pool would have let him drown? Glad he’s Ok though.
That’s about the only risk. If he wanders out without them knowing it.
@BKM that’s his sister and she’s doing her own thing and barely watching.
The Dad was probably bbqing and didn’t notice until he heard splash, no excuse for not having a fence even the sister is too young to swim without supervision. He doesn’t deserve a metal deserves to be reported.
Once that child is inside that fence around the pool you better be there 🙏
Swim lessons are the key, they start at 6 months, some places even younger.
He did not fall in, he deliberately got in. Teach them to swim early and this will not happen.
They should put a fence around their pool
The mother was in the pool and paying attention. The kid wanted to get in the he WENT in the pool. His mother was aware. I think the kid knows how to swim. Watch how he got in the pool. HE DID NOT FALL.
There is a fence – look again. Child also had on life vest which parents watched him take off. Mom was in the pool. Dad was obviously a couple of feet away. Totally bogus incident.
There is a fence… it isnt mother in the pool. Its literally his sister who is like 6. 🤦♀️ god people are ridiculous.
@Ninja Turtlethats very blatantly not the mothee, but the kids older sister. She looks 9 max.
Been there, done that. Took 10 years off my life.
Children are so quick! My child had done something very similar and my husband did they exact same thing. Congrats to the dad for being so quick! Awesome Parenting!
Angela, yes it’s great, but there was a lady in the pool heading towards the child, so he had two who went to save him.
Both of y’all need fences to stop this from happening.
Dad was fast but she didn’t even hustle.
Measured response, not sure if that was even the dad, heard a different storyline in the news earlier, but what are you saying, she was already heading towards the baby, either way he would have been fine thank goodness.
The girl in the pool is his 6 year old daughter…. she literally swam towards him and yelled for dad. If you dont know the truth dont wirte out the bs.
@Ashley Baeri have no idea how anyone mistakes that for the mother, very obviously young and the way she is swimming certainly doesn’t look like any adult I’ve ever seen.
Not too early to teach them to swim, mine learned very early.
At what age should children be allowed unsupervised in the pool?
The kid did not fall into the pool. He WENT into the pool knowing his mother was there.
Yeah, I’m not clear on this story, I read earlier this was a fireman who just happened to be there and his instincts kicked in, so is he the dad?
Someone else noted that isn’t mom, it’s his 6-year old sister.
Knowing his float is there across the pool he’s very familiar with the pool area sadly. Dad didn’t care enough to put up a fence in case this happened.
Mother look unbothered
Swift reaction but literally the kid did not “fall’into the pool. He jumped in all brave like he could swim
Good job dad
The dumb dumb in the pool saw the whole thing playing out and turned away when the kid litterally got to the the edge! Parents are charged for far less than this!
Literally a 6 year old child in that pool. Not a woman. She didnt turn away she swam towards her baby brother.
He doesn’t fall into to pool, he purposely slid into the pool.
How does that change the outcome, kid still almost drowned.
Thank goodness dad was there and his child is safe
That’s what SHOULD happen! Both the mother and father were watching their toddler. All that happened was the child got wet.
Thats not the mother, thats very clearly just a little kid, probably his older sister
Good save Dad!! Just goes to show how in the blink of an eye your life can change..way to go with staying on top of the potentially deadly situation..the kid is ok and learned a very valuable lesson about how dangerous water can be..I have a friend that lost a son this exact way so these types of videos always get to me..
New rule: we go into the pool only when Mommy or Daddy is beside you. Also identify entry spot at shallow end of pool.
Good Dad.