1. 00:11 – Verdict on Lori Vallow Daybell’s charges.
    01:17 – Lori Vallow Daybell found guilty of the murder of Jackson Vallow.
    01:35 – Lori Vallow Daybell found guilty in the conspiracy of murder of Tammy Marie Daybell.
    02:07 – Jury is polled for the verdict.
    03:28 – Verdict entered into the record, closing jury instruction given.
    05:43 – Announcement of sentencing
    06:43 – Lori Vallow daybell found guilty
    09:33 – Prosecution’s description of the case as about power, greed, and money

    1. Justice?!?! You need a Reality Check.
      Two children were murdered. Her life isn’t worth those two innocents.

    2. @SAINT 65 Is there a way to return those children? no….Justice is revenge, punishment, rehabilitation and a few other things AFTER the fact. So Yes it IS justice, and it is you that needs the reality check. This woman killed her family, there is no greater punishment then finding them guilty and going to prison ( hopefully for the rest of her life)

    3. @SAINT 65 So, what, let her free?? I’d say justice was served here since you can’t bring them back.

  2. “Since it is obviously inconceivable that all religions can be right, the most reasonable conclusion is that they are all wrong.”

    Christopher Hitchens

    1. The truth is Christopher didn’t know, any more than any of the rest of us know, what lies after death. All we have is our belief and our opinion, without proof – whether we have the humility to admit it or not. I agree with Hitchens on everything else – but never agreed with him on this.

  3. Tammy Daybell was not an ex-wife. She was Chad Daybell’s current wife until they murdered her.

  4. “We keep on being told that religion, whatever its imperfections, at least instills morality. On every side, there is conclusive evidence that the contrary is the case and that faith causes people to be more mean, more selfish, and perhaps above all, more stupid.” – Christopher Hitchens

    1. When your god is satan, christianity is religion and has nothing to do with the The Most High, whom some call God The Truth and The Life, Jesus, the Only Begotten Son of God.
      The pagans have their god. Religion, christianity, to each his own. We all have a choice to make, it’s a gift from God, it is written.
      We all are entitled to our opinion.

    2. @Adam Johnson What other side? If one looks at history, religion in all its forms has only been about a few people gaining control over many other people and forcing their will upon those people by using religions greatest weapon …. fear.

    3. @Carolyn Jackson LOL “It is written”. It is also “written” that one shouldn’t like green eggs and ham.

      Also, you need to work on your coherence and grammar. Even Trump makes sense compared to what you posted.

  5. She’s gonna be real popular in her new prison. As for Chad he is defo gonna make a plea deal and put this all on Lori and her brother

    1. @Cat Dooley right, he has no value anymore…no reason for a deal EXCEPT to avoid the cost of a trial. Those deals are generally not that great.

  6. I have never wanted to fist fight and drag another woman so badly in all of my life. This was so satisfying to watch in lieu of that😭😭😭😭😡😡😡😡 I have it on repeat!!! There is a seed of fear that lives within every mother that she may someday receive a dreaded call that something has happened to one of her children… a mother’s most feared nightmare… so, I can’t even begin to unpack or wrap my head around this😭😭 a mother capable of this😭😭. You are the absolute SCUM OF THE EARTH. Filthy disgusting animal. What a win for justice today. RIP Tylee, JJ, Tammy and Charles.

  7. The role of manipulation and a religious cult in this case is deeply disturbing. It highlights the dangers of extremist beliefs and their potential impact on individuals.

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