Take Influenza Vaccine – NERHA | Majority of Jamaicans are Working Poor – PNP #tvjmiddaynews

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  1. We have a right to our way of life you live your ways of life and we live ours there are a lot more serious issues in Jamaica that need full attention this gay thing is not one of our priorities

    1. @Mark Ranger How is he/she contradicting him/herself? Or is it just that you disagree? In fact, you yourself are most definitely contradicting yourself by saying “To each his own , no same sex marriage round here”

  2. We want a better Jamaica. All members of the house over 65- 69 need to be retired. No more nepotism in the house. Code of conduct to be signed by all members of the house. All MPs to declare assets. The house should have a youth contingent. Review of all civil servants. Everyone, including ministers, area leaders, councillors, and government agencies to be placed on performance targets failure to result in their removal.

    Punishment: Corruption or croynism, conflicts of interest to result in removal, fine, and imprisonment.

    1. @markranger9684ย Yes, but no young person can be worse than Warmington.

      Young people need advice and guidance, and they need to become engaged and develop the feeling that they have a contribution to make to our society.

      We need young people to be innovative and take the country to heights we have never seen before.

      The young need to feel that they will be contributing not only to the country or the region but to the international community.

      We need young people to develop the country for the future and learn from our adult mistakes and failings.

      The young people will have to pick up eventually, like it or not from where we left off.

  3. I hope this constitutional committee just get rid of the monarchy but also getting rid of west minster parliamentary system.

    1. @BG All, Jamaican politicians love the west minster Parliamentary system because it is use as rubber stamp for those who form the government JLPNP

  4. How does he plan to pay them more? I would have thought he would have mentioned something about improving exports and feeding ourselves ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  5. We will be putting our turmeric, garlic, ginger, lemon, orange to boil strain and drink.

  6. What was Jamaican using before these so call stuffed White rum with lime for sponge bath wrap in thick blanket and sweat it out. Dont let them force you ito taking these stuff big farmacy only see dollar sign not health.

  7. Have the MOH determine as yet if any of the cases is consisted of any person who have already took the vaccine?…

    1. I was just about to ask this question. I have noticed many of the vaccinated coming down with the flu very regular.

  8. Let’s see some news report on the healthcare system in Jamaica. Why are the hospitals operating as though they are in the backwoods of 1910? Why do you need to tip the nurses at the hospital so that your loved-ones receiving care are not abused? Why are the nurses in the cancer unit mixing toxic chemo to administering to patients when every other country in the world protect the health of their nurses? Why are there unqualified doctors treating and misdiagnosing patients in the hospitals? Why are people sleeping on the floor in the hospital to be seen by a medical person? Lets start with Cornwall Regional Hospital. Work your way up from there. The citizen of the country deserves access to decent healthcare. Report of this. No one cares about trivial stuff that you guys are talking about

  9. Although it’s politics being played here, I have to agree that you CANNOT just look at people who have worked 29-30 days, then look forward to their needed pays, only to be told they need to be patient. Cruel!

  10. Why are a few people making decisions on Jamaica’s future?
    Why not have a referendum to see what majority of the nation wants, whether Republic or to remain as is?

  11. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ l always notice once a party not in power they know exactly what to do…but when you in the seat all this you talking about wasn’t happening why unu Ave all these idea when unu not in power smh ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ unu cah trick Jamaican ppl need fi wake up!!!

    1. Them soon gone, gone Never to return,Prayer works,Father God is on the job,God is going to rise up the right person who He wants to Govern our Country. And to move it forward.

  12. We have to be careful Jamaica cannot go against God’s law and the natural laws. People will try to force the church to break God’s laws, we have to stand strong and watch over boys and girls and our family life.

  13. With the rise of the influenza like illness that’s in the island right now, has the health authority conduct a survey to see how many of those persons were vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine versus the number of people that didn’t receive the vaccine

  14. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ When everyone agree to fight against each other and cause destabilization, they shall be forever controlled by the enemies. ๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข

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