Former attorney general says seriousness of this case against Trump is being underestimated

Former attorney general Eric Holder speaks with CNN's Abby Phillip about the range of legal issues facing former president Donald Trump, as well as the probes facing Hunter Biden and the end of immigration rule Title 42. #CNN #News


    1. @Jeff Hampton That’s mafia don was merely asking about the family and not a threat at all.😂

    2. ​@Jeff Hampton that’s what he (trump)says!! It’s truth if he says it????riiiight😂😅😂

  1. Yeah yeah yeah… lets see him arrested and in jail then ill start to believe in our justice system again.. maybe

    1. If Biden needed over 25,000 troops to guard him from the people on Inauguration Day,then it’s clear that he wasn’t elected by the people🤣🤣🤣💀.

    1. @Vital Signs Is that how you defend it,he was living openly in the community and under the srutiny of the law?

    2. If Biden needed over 25,000 troops to guard him from the people on Inauguration Day,then it’s clear that he wasn’t elected by the people🤣🤣🤣💀.

  2. As a reminder, Trump will not be the only one indicted. The Georgia Grand Jury foreperson said that they recommended indictments on at least 12 others!😅

    1. @Douglas Reagan You guys also said trump was gonna win in court,( 60+ loses and counting) and reelection and well… you were soooo bigly wrong. Stand back and stand by, it’s gonna be wild when you see donnie being held accountable and the world cheering.
      Nothing tickles me more than when maga’s get proven wrong, repeatedly!

    2. If Biden needed over 25,000 troops to guard him from the people on Inauguration Day,then it’s clear that he wasn’t elected by the people🤣🤣🤣💀.

  3. If you sell a gun and you don’t provide the law enforcement with legitimate documentation identifying the new owner then you should be held equally responsible for it’s illegal use.

    1. I’ve often proposed that the seller of any gun used in crime should get 1/100th of the jail time resulting from any crime committed with that gun. Someone gets a year, the seller gets 3 days. Someone gets life, you have to do at least a month. That would give the seller some skin in the game, and maybe he’ll decide not to sell to a guy with a crazy look in their eyes.

    2. If Biden needed over 25,000 troops to guard him from the people on Inauguration Day,then it’s clear that he wasn’t elected by the people🤣🤣🤣💀.

    1. If Biden needed over 25,000 troops to guard him from the people on Inauguration Day,then it’s clear that he wasn’t elected by the people🤣🤣🤣💀.

  4. I’m amazed at how many people were and are suckered into voting for a traitor and sending him money for all the lies!

    1. If Biden needed over 25,000 troops to guard him from the people on Inauguration Day,then it’s clear that he wasn’t elected by the people🤣🤣🤣💀.

  5. Greg Abbott confirmed what many already knew – besides being a fool, he has no character or common decency either.

    1. His bragging about assault is a confession of actions, attitude and character, not locker room talk.

    2. If Biden needed over 25,000 troops to guard him from the people on Inauguration Day,then it’s clear that he wasn’t elected by the people🤣🤣🤣💀.

  6. Common sense gun reform: Every person purchasing, owning, or possessing a firearm should be required by law to apply for and obtain a permit prior to purchasing, owning, or possessing it.
    To obtain that permit, every such person should be required to first undergo and pass a psychological evaluation and repeat passing that exam annually thereafter.
    No person should be permitted a firearm permit that has a felony criminal record.
    Illegal possession of a firearm without a valid permit should be a felony punishable by not less than five years in prison.

    1. @Vital SignsBecause most of the mass shooters,purchased legally bought guns within weeks of their shootings. Having to wait a week or two,to purchase a gun,allows them time to maybe mentally change their minds. Also there definitely should be safety classes required for gun ownership along with being responsible for keeping that weapon out of someone else’s hands.And in my opinion nobody needs an assault rifle to protect them or their family. I’m pro guns but believe in sensible laws and regulations,like the majority of Americans.

    2. @Jorge FloresWhat the hell are you talking about,the constitution can have amendments,or do you not understand that.Also you have to register pistols and other guns,which is a permit.

    3. @Vital Signs This isn’t an argument. Laws are put in place to prevent crime. In Texas the laws make it easy to get a gun. So in Texas it’s easy to get a gun.

    4. If Biden needed over 25,000 troops to guard him from the people on Inauguration Day,then it’s clear that he wasn’t elected by the people🤣🤣🤣💀.

  7. As Eric stated, the fact that the Supreme Court reversal of Roe wasn’t based on the facts or law changing but a change in personnel should be EXTREMELY alarming to any real American.

    1. If Biden needed over 25,000 troops to guard him from the people on Inauguration Day,then it’s clear that he wasn’t elected by the people🤣🤣🤣💀.

  8. “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards Justice”

    – Martin Luther King

    1. @ henry Lee Didn’t you guys also say he’d win in court, win reelection and never even be charged?! You must like being wrong all the time you sure seem to do it … a lot.

    2. yeah that is something of a mischaracterization – the way it is used – like it will all work out for the good guys in the long run – in order for that to be true – it requires plenty of good people to take deliberate actions to bend action towards justice. It is not going to happen by watching the Kardashians

    3. If Biden needed over 25,000 troops to guard him from the people on Inauguration Day,then it’s clear that he wasn’t elected by the people🤣🤣🤣💀.

    1. If Biden needed over 25,000 troops to guard him from the people on Inauguration Day,then it’s clear that he wasn’t elected by the people🤣🤣🤣💀.

    1. If Biden needed over 25,000 troops to guard him from the people on Inauguration Day,then it’s clear that he wasn’t elected by the people🤣🤣🤣💀.

  9. Texas businesses use illegal labor sometimes exclusively, because it is cheaper. Close the border and watch their mouths gape. Food prices would go up, and certainly landscaping prices for the upscale neighborhoods would triple.

    1. If Biden needed over 25,000 troops to guard him from the people on Inauguration Day,then it’s clear that he wasn’t elected by the people🤣🤣🤣💀.

  10. If you go to a large gun show, or even smaller ones, there are people who will sell you an AR15 in the parking lot for cash. Sometimes they’re stolen, I’m sure. Sometimes people just decide they didn’t really need to pay $850 for a gun they never use, because you can’t hunt with it for game. Varminting is it’s only potential use and there are better guns for that too. Long guns are terrible for home defense anyway, too much penetration and they don’t point quick enough.

    1. If Biden needed over 25,000 troops to guard him from the people on Inauguration Day,then it’s clear that he wasn’t elected by the people🤣🤣🤣💀.

  11. The “case” against Trump will never be serious unless he is indicted. It still remains to be seen if Merrick Garland can find the backbone to do it. And yes Jack Smith is in charge but Garland has to concur!

    1. Say it again for the people in the Balcony who may not have heard!!
      I’ve been saying this for 2 years now about Merrick Garland. And yes, you are right about Jack Smith. Garland is still the boss unfortunately…( IMO)

    2. If Biden needed over 25,000 troops to guard him from the people on Inauguration Day,then it’s clear that he wasn’t elected by the people🤣🤣🤣💀.

    1. If Biden needed over 25,000 troops to guard him from the people on Inauguration Day,then it’s clear that he wasn’t elected by the people🤣🤣🤣💀.

    1. If Biden needed over 25,000 troops to guard him from the people on Inauguration Day,then it’s clear that he wasn’t elected by the people🤣🤣🤣💀.

  12. We the people are not underestimating the seriousness. I personally want him in jail for the rest of his life. His kids also

  13. American congress is too busy investigating the last two years, pedant name calling and failing to score political points to do anything to make American lives better.

    1. If Biden needed over 25,000 troops to guard him from the people on Inauguration Day,then it’s clear that he wasn’t elected by the people🤣🤣🤣💀.

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