What surprised CNN legal analyst about Supreme Court’s abortion pill ruling

The Supreme Court protected access to a widely used abortion drug by freezing lower-court rulings that placed restrictions on its usage as appeals play out. CNN's legal analyst Karen Friedman Agnifilo weighs in. #CNN #News #shorts


    1. “Aren’t?”😏 Also, what about all those pesky medically druven situations? I mean, you got your State’s Rights but it turns out that was a lie…

    1. ​@Netty Wallace : Do you know what a Miscarriage is?
      Do you know what Intrauterine Infection is?
      How about Previable Pre Labor Rupture of Membranes?
      How about Preeclampsia?
      Maybe you know what Ectopic Pregnancy are?

  1. That judge lied in his confirmation hearing. There has to start to be consequences for doing that.

  2. I like how she calls it a medicine. Medicine treats an illness or ailment or disease. Pregnancy is not an illness. That’s why an abortion pill should not be covered by health insurance if it is only to stop an unwanted pregnancy whether you are for or against abortion. Others’ insurance premiums should not go up to pay for something that isn’t an illness when it’s just an abortion for convenience. It makes others pay for your abortion. Our premiums are to spread out each others’ health issues not to get rid of a non-health related problem YOU caused.

  3. >>> Any judge that changes or modifies the previously approved drug prescribing methodology for patents is basically practicing medicine, which judges in themselves are typically not licensed to do.

  4. my belief is it should be left up to the individual if the individual is in a sane state of mind witch might be hard to understand in an insane world…

    1. Consciousness does not begin until week 24-25. 24 weeks. That is when you, as a human, actually begin. Before that, the fetus is little different than an animal. Before then, there is no You.

  5. Yeah. It needs to be available to everyone. The trans women need access to this pill. Not many of them use it. I wonder why?…. 🤔 🦄

  6. Medication? Pregnancy is not am illness. I’m not you can’t have an abortion but you aleast need to call what it is

  7. And the mom has individual rights. The embryo is not an individual, it is a dependent element of a discrete object. <-----That is a math question, lawyer words would have zero effect here. An individual embryo is called a dead clump of cells. Individual rights are for individuals. This who argument is stupid.

  8. That’s, Karen Friedman-Agnifilo (sp?) the co-host on the Meidas Touch Network’s Legal AF. She is a veteran Manhattan prosecutor with 30 years, 10 of them as the deputy AG. CNN both sides the debate with the MAGA extremists.

  9. Well he can’t. The entire country isn’t Texas. You know in a video awhile back from MSNBC about tech companies and people moving to Texas from California, a Texas resident said “Welcome, but don’t California our Texas.” Well don’t Texas my Massachusetts please and thank you. If you’re a conservative moving to a liberal state, you can exist here without forcing your beliefs on people in that state. The first amendment lets you talk all you want, but it doesn’t guerantee that people have to agree with you. And if you feel SO THREATENED by what people you’ve never met in other states think of your belief system and are SO AFRAID of judgement. Then maybe your Faith isn’t as strong as you thought it was.

    Go back to your choice of Church, sit and think about it and have a good long talk with the Almighty about how you feel and start doing the psychological work involved in being a mentally healthy adult. Speaking as someone with mental health issues myself, I can tell you that work is WELL worth the struggle. Its not easy. It never is. But its WORTH knowing yourself and fighting your fears and insecurities. That’s the only way you can know courage. If you can get to the point where you can look yourself in the mirror and say “I feel small, but I’m okay with that.” I haven’t gotten to that point completely, but that’s okay because its a lifelong process to get there and you aren’t going to arrive there in an instant. What you learn on the journey is more important.

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