1. As a viewer, I want to express my sincere appreciation for your unwavering dedication to creating visually stunning works. Your exceptional talent in grasping the essence of a story and representing it through your artistic direction is truly remarkable. You possess a natural skill in bringing to light the emotions, atmosphere, and importance of a project in a way that surpasses words.

  2. The outcome was a tale that not only provided amusement but also evoked recollections of uncomplicated days and lighthearted instants. The audience admired how the story adeptly blended humor and horror, and how Marco portrayed the characters’ sentiments and apprehensions with profound insight. It was a narrative that fostered a sense of belonging and unity, reminiscent of how that old photograph had brought Marco together with others.

  3. There’s a problem with that. Kimme is to short to reach the launch button. 🤣
    Let’s hope he doesn’t find a phone book. 🤣

    1. @JSpidey  yeah no kidding. I’m shocked it hasn’t happened yet. Considering how many mishaps have happened militarily through the decades.

  4. Just as a reminder: we invaded Iraq on the pretense they had nuclear weapons. But we refuse to invade North Korea because they have nuclear weapons. Just remember that when the government promises you anything, regardless of party affiliation.

  5. We’d probably let anything they shot fly for 12 of those minutes to make them feel better. Shortly after, Korea would have an interesting new glass industry to their north, possibly bringing more uranium glass into popularity again.

    1. You overestimate your forces.
      China got the baloon up US air and it went pass half the country before people realised.

    2. @Temistogenyea right they knew , the only reason the US said they didn’t is so when a real threat comes they can catch the enemy by surprise

  6. Wow I read the title more literally and thought world war 3 was starting in 33 mins. I was looking for other news of which city it was heading towards😅

  7. 1:20 well, maybe, maybe not, the surface area of a missile warhead is still the same size even if its 6000ft above in the sky it does not become a bullet otherwise the Israeli iron dome wouldn’t work, maybe in the case of a hypersonic missile then thats different, so the logic of shooting a bullet with a bullet just depends on the speed of the projectile.

  8. The funny part is because of US Ohio subs in the pacific region and numerous nuclear bombers. Kim Jong und and North Korea will disappear within 5 minutes after they launched a Missile to the US. So they won’t even see the impact of their own.

  9. I think, there’s only few options the US Defense can do in response to this ICBM questions:
    1. Install a major defensive line of Anti-ICBM systems along the critical US coasts.
    2. Appropriate a huge defense budget for Counter-ICBM Strikes Units, it’s the “eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.”
    3.Harness quantum technologies

  10. Wow, I must say, your piece is truly exceptional. It’s not every day that someone can pull off such a stunning story with flawless video, audio, and makeup. CNN must possess some extraordinary journalistic skill.


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