Russian soldiers dying in large groups, pleading to Putin for help

CNN's Erin Burnett reports on the desperation of Russian soldiers pleading for help due to the severity on the ground. #CNN #News


  1. The fact that Russia thinks they can attack a country but can’t be attacked on their homeland is baffling

    1. @Krto7 lol uh, NO country believes they can be attacked, if an attack occurs, any country would retaliate, doofus

    2. I’m surprised no one has attacked Russia I would’ve attacked Russia a long time ago when they started attacking Ukraine

  2. I have so much respect for people like her, anyone who has the guts to stand up to an authoritarian regime.

    1. @Arch Angel so you also don’t understand what science is.
      Hitler never had any socialism. National socialism was clearly defined in opposition to traditional socialism. Hitler was antidemocratic, for a start, so could never be a demsoc. He also executed Marxists.
      Experts can totally tell you where Nazism ends and socialism begins. So can laypeople. They’re opposites.
      Turn off Fox and pick up a book. You’re making a fool of yourself online.

    2. @Arch Angel If you times the Parkland shooting by a million, then you have the Democrat party ? What does that mean ?

  3. Russian soldiers You can help yourself by leaving the sovereign country of Ukraine. there is no sympathy for the devil..💙💛💙💛🇺🇦

    1. @WE Kurtz The richest country in the world is not $30+ trillion in debt. If you mean poorest nation, then you would be correct. We are the largest debtor in the history of the world. Why would the “richest country in the world” be at the DEBT ceiling???

    2. @Derek D You left out Nulands snipers in Kiev. It’s a great story you have there. Wikipedia isn’t the best source of information you know. Does Langley pay you by the hour or by the post?

  4. The sad thing is Putin DOES NOT care about the loss of Russian life – it clashes with his ambitions.

  5. Russian soldiers should realize, just like every Russian should realize, their problems are in the Kremlin, not in Ukraine and not in the west. Glory to Ukraine.”

    1. @Bonnie ukraine is basically russia
      They are the same groups of ppl that speak the same language

  6. Grade ten?! I would lose my mind as a mother. Hide my son in the basement or garage or something. This is so messed up.

    1. @Ali Baba Assuming most start school at around 5 or 6 years old, a kid in 10th grade would be 14-15, possibly 16 but not much older. Simple 🤦🏼‍♂️🇺🇦🌻🇨🇦

    2. The strange thing is that the Kremlin has been leaving citizens from major cities like Moscow out of this. I would think the more educated citizens would start protesting like crazy if their children were being convinced into joining or dragged off to war. What’s the point of remaining quiet if it’s no longer going to keep you and your family safe?

  7. German Reich under Hitler’s madness started to lose the war, when the kids were sent to the front … at the age of 14-15, close to the end of the war in 1945. The youngest child soldier was only 12, his name: Alfred Zech (12 October 1932 – 13 June 2011),
    who received the Iron Cross, 2nd Class at the age of 12 years. Its the beginning of the end of any army if it loses moral lacking to face the truth that it’s time to surrender or to retreat. Shame on Russia’s military leaders.

    1. @zoom The Russian military is right in front of you telling you that they need help and their leaders are terrible. But yet you resort to “stop smoking.” Yeh, most people are dumb.

    2. @Tim Marshall No. Russia held 25% of Ukraine last March. Now it’s 15% plus the little town of Soledar, the only Russian battleground success for months

    3. Cant compare Germany with Russia. Germany was fighting on 3 fronts.Even boy of 12 had enough moral. At that time quantity wins. But this time its the quality what makes the different. Mighty Russia has only conquered Donbas and luhansk, the waste pit of Ukraine. Soon Russia takes Bakhmut at the price of 50 000 Russian soldiers..Bakhmut just is a trap. Ukraine is just lucky Russia use vintage sovjet tactics😁

    1. @Mango Dzeri there’s lots of people left in Ukraine, you think a few bus loads of people emptied out the country?

    1. @Faithwyn after SUA left Afghanistan, women’s are getting killed because they want to go to school. SUA tried to help the people to have democracy. But the Afghans did not made any progress… SUA did nothing wrong in Afganistan.

  8. It is baffling to think that these men believe that their leader cares about them, and would even try to help them!!

  9. 💙💛 #stoprussia #standwithUkraine Glory to Ukraine for defending Your homeland, for defending Your freedom !

  10. This woman, Alexei Navalny and others like them are what courage looks like. I pray they will both see their freedom — very, very soon!

    1. @Sinvx I can’t comment on that policy, but it’s certainly a lot better than Putin lining up his convicts and conscripts to be slaughtered in human waves

    2. @Mark C Convicts no, that was volunteer based, majority of convicts ended up dropping out of the program before signing papers. Conscripts though? That’s just the sad truth of conscription. It’s not unique to Russia.

    3. @Sinvx I don’t know what planet you’re living Ng on but the thousands of corpses in Ukraine beg to differ.

  11. I was in contact with a young medical student in Russia for a while. One day he told me that officials had come to his school and that they all would be constripted into the military. He said everyone was very upset including wailing a crying. He expected to be sent as a medic and I never heard from him again. Very sad and tragic!!!

    1. The students should start the process of change, change the government,protest, fight take the fate of there country in there hands.🇦🇺🇺🇦

  12. As a Veteran my 💔 breaks listening to the cries of these Russian soldiers. It’s a horrific inhumane situation what these soldiers are going through. I am very sure they don’t want to be there. And I know their cry is in vain 😢. I know Putin doesn’t give a damn about them. Ukraine 🇺🇦 will win this war I know that for sure.

    1. Except this is a fake by Ukraine. Not the first time they did something like this, not even the first dozen. This is par for the course for Ukraine. When you are losing, lie lie lie.

    2. It’s sad when your heart breaks listening to the cries of war criminals and genocidal horde.

  13. It‘s heartbreaking to see all these young patriots and oppositors being treated like animals.Russia is sliding back to old Stalin‘s habits,where human condition meant nothing at all,where civil rights and law are a sad jokeworst.These young people are really courageus and brave.Best regards from Spain.

    1. Lots of people are not aware that during the Spanish civil war the Republicans which we were a coalition of Anarchist , Socialist , Communist and Stalinist that the Stalinist were assassinating their ” Camarades ” who were not Communist/Stalinist enough ..
      History always teach you so much a window to the past , present and future .

  14. Король у нас был, но он был не добрый,

    Хотел только власти, и не жалел народы.

    Он начал войну, геноцид и разрушение,

    Не думал о людях, только о своем обновлении.

    Я был обычным гражданином, жил спокойной жизнью,

    Но все изменилось, когда война началась, страшно это было.

    Я потерял свой дом, семью и многое другое,

    Но король был слишком слеп, чтобы увидеть мое горе.

    Я пытался бежать, но не было никуда уйти,

    Каждый день это была битва, которую я боялся проиграть.

    Но я не мог промолчать, я должен был говорить,

    Что наш король – зло, которое нужно остановить.

  15. Love❤ Erin’s reporting👍👍, strength and courage to the one’s who are trying to do the right thing to end this barbaric war and the cowardly slithering snakes who are behind it…will one day bear it wrath!

  16. Silenced heroes, without their small acts of bravery and sacrifice, the world would be a different place…
    Hundreds of thousands of ordinary people have faced or are facing violence and retaliation at the hands of their oppressors. Mandela, Ghandi, Navalny and thousands of freedom fighters. Like Ukraine wants its freedom so do our hearts bleed for the daily struggles of our hidden heroes. May you have the strength, courage and faith to be victorious in your cause and help pave the way for a better future. There’s always hope May your sacrifice not be in vain ✊🏻

  17. I know that this has happened in ww2 but in this day and age where it still happens is just disgusting

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