RGD Workers Dissatisfied | Protest in St. Thomas | More Promises from Gov’t. #TVJMiddaynNews

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  1. St thomas roads which are underconstruction are full of white mall dust, which is a health and safety harzard.. sometimes I can taste the dust in my mouth, I can feel it in my lungs, eyes and everywhere.. I am asthmatic.

    When driving are using the road ways sometime it’s so dusty that you can hardly see clearly..

    While we are thankful for the road works, we are hoping for a timely completion and also for measures to be inplace as it related to the dust management

  2. Workers need to know they do not take their problems with them to work!
    Work place is not the place for that unless that’s where the problem is. If it happens to be there, then you make the best of a bad situation without taking it out on patients!!!

  3. All public sector workers should get customers services training like call centre workers do. Inaddition a customer care feedback/response/survey or matrix should also be done after interactions asking customers how satisfied they are with service/ how would u rate the person(s) tht deals with u..

    The result should be analyzed and proper action/coaching/training be taken for improvement.

  4. I often wonders which sets of jamaicans are the owners of the local debt owed by the government of jamaica.

  5. It’s really interesting that the healthcare is now speaking on this issue that is long overdue because of the lack of customer service and care and respect for the community that they’re supposed to take care of you have a lot of incompetent nurses and doctors who because of their ignorance family member have to grieve for the loss of their loved ones

  6. Mr Holeness get your act together sir because you are fed up of the promises sir we need to see action we needed more money to spend sir and more jobs for the young people and the youth to make them put down πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ the gun πŸ”«πŸ”« think about the youth that cannot help us now Satan is ganner find work to give them they need job to get going thanks

  7. You need to give the people a basic minimum income so less vendors on the street. Let’s the tourist pay an arrival fee to fund welfare programs. Too many sellers to harass visitors

  8. Suh how is this fair regarding disya new Frontier flight from Denver my Jamaican citizens can’t even tek a vacation without a visa, they just want a holiday like everyone else so why don’t the Jamaican government bring in visas as well.😑😑 Sorry but this infuriates me.

  9. Greetings.
    That’s right people of Western St. Thomas, don’t suffer in silence protest for decent roads/infrastructure. I thought that entire road network from Cedar Valley to Morant Bay would have been completed by now. It has been approximately 6 years!!! What the hell is taking so long?

    The MP for Western St. Thomas, James Robertson has his picture posted right across/a long the Trinityville community but he clearly is NOT in touch with the residents and what is happening on the ground. If he was, then he could have easily addressed the reasonable requests of residents to water the roadway while it’s being worked on at least twice per day. This would cost next to nothing because the NWA has trucks and the river flows nearby – free water!!

    It’s simple, these politicians have absolutely no interest in, nor respect for the people of Jamaica. The cries for basic services and infrastructure are identical across all 14 parishes. Politicians find money/resources to do what they want to do, when they want to do it. Selfish, incompetent, corrupt, unresponsive set of parasites, charlatans and jokers. Enough!!

    Stop collecting taxpayers money as pay if you can’t or are unwilling to do the job well. We need and demand effective and responsive political representation in St. Thomas!!

  10. What lies, the roads have been maliced by the water trucks. At 10:30/11:00am when the road was cleared, there were two water trucks and on my return at 6:00pm this evening they had just completed the final wetting for the day. We wait to see how much more of this and with what regularity. The NWA needs to do what they are paid to do and oversee the works. Seeing to it that the contractors do what they are also paid to do. Such a shame, and for persons outside of the situation, don’t talk of what you don’t know

  11. For Security Guards to be safe dont let them wear any uniform but they could wear a marino with the mark of the company for which they work

  12. Government need to sort out some things if you give RGD your right information and they make mistakes why is it the customer have to pay for a mistake that they make it is wrong and wickedness

  13. I’m currently in the hospital as a result of the dust on St. Thomas roads, it is so to traverse. Not to mention the taxi man that dont want to wind up the windows. My sister is constantly sick because her school is close to the main road. This need s to be fixed man.

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