Anthony Scaramucci discusses how Michael Bloomberg entering the 2020 presidential election would intimidate President Donald Trump. #CNN #News
Anthony Scaramucci: Trump sees this Democrat as a real threat

Anthony Scaramucci discusses how Michael Bloomberg entering the 2020 presidential election would intimidate President Donald Trump. #CNN #News
Trump LITERALLY asks Ukraine to investigate Biden in the TRANSCRIPT.
‘’Read the transcript’’ is a trick. Trump knows his supporters can’t or won’t read it … 😂😂😂
@Jeffrey Hagelin the FBI were informed and were the investigation team involved so yes they discovered attempted hacks
@Jeffrey Hagelin thats true but no-one knows if it was primarily Russia or China on the polls. Also all 50 states as there are more districts than that
@Jeffrey Hagelin how is anything I said a conspiracy theory as I stop at the facts and disprove only your radical leaps of logic to leap right past cause to effect. Like yes the hacks happened but they had nothing to do with the fisa warrants as this was never connected to an individual party
@Jeffrey Hagelin you have facts but you speculate more than the facts entail
Obviously Eric H is a rabid drumpf supporter. He believes the easily debunked premise that it was Ukraine factions that influenced the 2016 election and not Russian !
These drumpfonian conspiracy theories seem to have no end.
Apparently Eric H is another sore loser. He blocked my responses in the typical fashion we’ve come to expect from drumpf cultists.
Despite their pathetic paranoid grievances, this nation was founded as a Constitutional Republic, not a totalitarian banana republic, Russian traitors will be repelled…and. idiots like Eric H will cease.
Eric. H
Your contradictory nature is your worst enemy. Instead of pondering why you always lose, you should study ways to actually win first and continue from there.
I hate to say it, but “The Mooch” seems to make sense since he jumped from the T-train. Is this what Cult 45 rehab looks like?
@SonicTony Vasquez yep, moochie….just another typical smoochie for attention!
Bloomberg does not plan to beat Trump. He plans to take the Dem vote, Trump to win, and the Billionaires will keep making money off the back of the common man.
@Colin Cleveland I know! He didn’t drain the swamp, he brought in a bunch of snakes.
Socialist agenda? So taking away the sky high profits that insurance companies make on our illnesses is socialism? THEN BRING IT!!!
@Brian Barton that must make you a bootlicking cockholster.
If Michael Bloomberg got the Democratic nomination and won, we’d still be screwed, but by a true oligarch, not just a half-pint mafia wannabe.
Couldn’t agree more!
@Jason Paul Warren maybe. But recently Bill Gates showed his true billionaire colors. The richest man in the world said if Elizabeth Warren’s wealth tax would make business leaders leave. (The old threat by the ‘repressed’ rich.) I say if you love your country that much, Bill, then leave! You could not have amassed all that wealth without the generous tax breaks Reagan, Bush and Trump gave you. All on the middle class’s back. How many steaks can you eat at one time, Bill?
Eff you!
@Ewald Bracko I think he said exactly that. I’ll add to it. Let’s get the motherfuckers!
@Christine Musselman , Bill was just being honest. Most billionaires will work even harder to gain back profit losses from higher taxes, which means more automation, more job cuts, increased prices on consumers, etc. Bill has already given over $50 billion to charity, and he’s leaving everything he owns when he dies to charities too. At least with businessmen, they know basic accounting – Elizabeth Warren sounds like she’s going write blank checks to every hospital, which will bankrupt the country over time if you don’t get prices under control. I’d still vote for her to get rid of Trump, but we need to reform the entire system from the ground up and the top down (nobody wants to tell the hospitals and the AMA that they’ll have to cut costs and take a pay cut though).
The “Anonymous” writer is afraid of being ‘Epsteined’!
Christine Musselman Not Paul Manafort. Arrogant fucker remains loyal to Benedict Donald.
Trump got his goons to take care of Epstein!
Epstein was murdered. Trump is in charge of the federal government including the prison system. Trump was a long-time friend of Epstein. Two words got Epstein killed “Katie Johnson”. Google it.
Hahahaha. Only a gullible fool would believe he offed himself! No narcissist is going to kill himself because he is so sure he is going to get off Scott free! The powers that be….the ones he had the dirt on that he was putting the pressure on to once again get him a get out of jail free card…they know they can’t help him anymore and they stand the very real probability of getting exposed by him for getting cought with their pants down with one of his little girls! Trump being one of them!
GTFO with that Bloomberg crap lol
Gtfo with biden’s Corrupt dumbass.
Stephanie Grisham is just another of Trump’s mistresses.
I hear that Mrs Pence belongs to that particular group.😱 How many other of the GOP wives have sold their……….. for their husband’s job security 😉
Along with Niki Haley. She is another that has sold her soul for personal gain.
pence is a traitor too….hes preventingthe 25 th amendment
Of Course, he might even be worst then trump if that’s possible.
But Traitor is not the proper ID
– Try religious Clones or Sophie’s
according to the anonymous book he would activate it if he had a majority of the cabinet behind him
If he’s not in this up to his holy armpits then I don’t know who is!
@Steve Lolz
The incumbent has allowed big businesses like Amazon and Google to channel income streams through Ireland financial systems and paying 0 taxes here. Pass ANDREW YANGS freedom dividend to remind Jeff Bezzos he is still an American citizen.
The Mooch will turn 180 degrees whenever it suits him because it’s in his self interested nature.
He is a moral invertebrate. A weasel. Still, at least he is doing something useful (and self serving) now.
Sounds like a trump.
@cdw442 two scorpions in a sock
He’s just a sock puppet for billionaires and corporations.
“Anonymous ” is not the issue, it’s the TRUTH that we should be focused on.
Yup, who says fallacy. Anonymity of the presenter does not invalidate a credible argument.
This is what Trump is good at, distraction
Treaty between Ukraine/USA signed 1999. Go educate your ignorant selves.
@Chucku Farley bot
” Lincoln’s Party” decades DEAD
Victor Valencia , Nah. We have the Brilliant and Brave President Trump .. mooching mooch is being well paid by the Traitorous communists DimDems.
Yup, since Goldwater at least.
@Ross Rain your another Russian bot.
Lincoln was Liberal.
Lincoln was a Democrat, for all intents and purposes.
The truth is always fictions to Trump administrations unless it is in their favour
The socialist label is wearing thin Mr Moochie. Americans actually want Americans who don’t have healthcare to be able to afford it.
Exactly. Less government control means more private sector jobs, more competition, higher wages, better innovation, less welfare and happier and prouder people. Its simple math. Socialism is an elite scam for controlling the masses to the level of slavery. Socialism and communism on a global level has always been the end game for the richest people in the world. Theyve dumbed our society down so much that the media and politiicans can lie for years on end about everything and people still believe their bs. Its really sad.
But the single payer system doesn’t work unless there is balances and accountability this will never happen in the government
@C. Todd very well said
@conservative atheist H thanks im under constant attack for trying to wake people up to truth. Its nice to get a compliment once a year 😆 God bless
@C. Todd well you earned it with a coherent argument
_”Every time a new transcript drops a goalpost gets its wings.”_ – Aaron Rupar
LOL. You go Clarence!
@Mike Summerville 😂😂😂….😇
it is like he fell from way up in Mars, or Saturn…. all the way down to Earth. 😂
San Diego it’s kinda like that for me too. Though I never liked trump and did not vote.
I went off tv for 10 years. No news.. then started paying attention because of Trumps trouble,.couple of months ago… and now I am ashamed I ever voted Republican. Def voting democratic now. Whoever can beat trump gets my vote. He’s so toxic for this country.
“Early stage fascism . . . ” — In evidence since the beginning of T. I’m glad people are starting to talk about it. Positively terrifying and needs to be nipped in the bud asap.
Trump must go….
But Scaramucci says “Prima Facia” every time! 😂