1. Not all hatred stems out from racism. Some people just hate from the time their day starts till the time their day ends.

    1. @Michael Kelly just because a person goes to church and says they are a Christian doesn’t mean the are a Christian . I think about 90% of the people in church on any Sunday are all going to hell 🤔👌

    2. @Mike Àndrews How many times are cops on time to defend residence’s against a robber? If they were ever on time for anything this country wouldn’t be saturated with gun owners who don’t understand gun laws.

  2. I feel like those cops that beat him were just power tripping and knew they would get away with it because they did this before. Shame.

    1. @Dale  Stop trying to find a reason to justify pure evil and murder. Everytime these situations involve cops killing Blacks, people like you always try to blame the victims for the cops poor and evil deeds!

    1. But only black police officers can be violent to the core, not the whole department or system that created the mentality the can do that and get away with it. Slavery never ended, yall simply changed uniforms.

  3. This is classic case of “Nobody like my kids! What’s wrong with everyone!” Then it turns into “Now my family is complaining about my kids! They hate their own family!”

    At some point, you need to take a look at your kids. They might be bad kids! It’s up to the community to hold themselves accountable. Change your toxic culture and maybe this won’t happen as often 🤷🏻‍♂️

    1. What???? Must I remind you of the culture of America and cops beating black bodies? This has nothing to do with looking at someone ‘s kids. The young man was stopped for a traffic violation, he should have been asked for his ID license and proof of insurance, wrote a ticket and sent on his way. The culture of violence is white culture, just look back in history the proof is in the pudding.

    2. @Funknfritter Agreed. Both things can be true. Cops shouldn’t kill people. People shouldn’t commit crimes (1) and should comply with the police and not run away (2).

  4. The verbal comments while they were assaulting Tyre were purposely said to mislead investigators on the audio record. They told him to get on the ground when he was flat on the ground, they told him to show his hands when they were being held behind his back, and so forth. Reportedly 3 of the murderers turned off their police cams. How many other audio recordings have had cops saying these kind of things on purpose to mislead?
    Every prior arrest by those guys needs to be reevaluated.
    Every arrest by any cop anywhere where there was that kind of audio needs to be reevaluated.
    Any cop who fails to keep their body cam on should be fired without pension.

    1. @Ivan Villamil Every big city has a neighborhood cops consider “ghetto” but that doesn’t mean only blacks live there like wtf.

      Btw the police academy doesn’t teach new cadets to handle white civilians differently than black civilians. Seriously have you even been to a police academy??? My guess is, NO!! Not a single police academy in AMERICA tells its cadets that when you come across a white suspect to give him a gift basket and gas money to get home safely and if come across a black suspect make sure you beat the brakes off the mf. It’s truly unfathomable the stupidity people have and their views on police are racist against blacks regardless the cops skin color. GTFOH 💯

    2. @Tycoon Estate If he complied and still died than that is the point proven that it wasn’t about racism it was about one of two things, #1 those cops were just bad people to begin with or #2 they had a personal vendetta against him which still would make them horrible people, in which they are regardless.

    3. @Markus Haahr When I moved back to my hometown Las Vegas, Nevada one of my buddies and me were walking down the sidewalk going home late at night. I was talking, and when I realized my friend wasn’t responding I turned to look at him and noticed he was about 30 feet behind me stopped by two police officers. When I walked calmly towards them one of the officers said to step in front of his police cruiser. Without hesitation I complied only to stop short dead in my tracks, I literally took ONE step to the left back onto the sidewalk of fear that while standing in front of their cop car that we possibly could get hit by a drunk driver (I watch to many cops episodes) and I said, “Sir can we talk where it’s safe out of traffics way.” Long story short when I stopped in my tracks and took that single step onto the sidewalk the cop yelled, “Whoa whoa whoa” he grabbed my wrist twisted my arm behind my back, as he was doing all this, at the same time he slammed me up against his hood, handcuffed me, I just went with the flow, because I can tell he was having a bad day hence why he was acting like robo cop. I didn’t get beat, I didn’t get maced, I didn’t get tased. Yeah he used excessive force for literally no reason at all however because I didn’t resist none of those bad things happened to me.

  5. I could not bring myself to watch the entire video. What I did see was so terrible and the officers seem filled with rage from the start. Prayers for the victim and his family.

    1. They were mad from the get go!! They never approached his car and asked for license and registration! They violently ripped his car door open and yanked him out of it! Then they were totally pissed because he made their fat, out of shape, donut eating asses run!! Plain and simple!!

    2. You are weak. It wasn’t worse than a lot of violent crimes I’ve seen online. You are just weak and have a view of human nature that doesn’t bear out based on reality.

    3. @m I hope they were tested for drugs. Find it hard to believe that that sort of depravity exists in a policeman without some type of fuel.

  6. Watching Tyre get beaten was TOTALLY gut wrenching. Those 5 thugs did not do a traffic stop, they committed a murder!

    1. Tyre a dead reckless driving moron. He should have been taught by his Mama to pull over, because his daddy was never there to teach him that part of driving and traffic enforcement.

  7. Having watched the video many times it still horrifies me but I’m now “listening “ to the video and I hear inarticulate uneducated bullies grandstanding for each other and making excuses for inexcusable brutal behaviour . Did someone infiltrate a gang,cherry pick the most vile of the goons and say “hey you guys wanna be cops?”.The only articulate sane person was the victim. He was a human and they are savages. RIP sweet Tyre.

    1. Ppl hate to hear it, but this is typical cop behavior. This is what happens when you have ppl in power over others, and it’s not uncommon. The Stanford experiment provides some psychology

    2. They were trained by your white police force. Nothing changes, IGNORANT racist white people are only able to blame a black man for crimes whites commit every second of every day. those men were trained to do that to their own people.

  8. I’m waiting for the back story. This looks like it was personal or a hired hit. As corrupt and abusive cops are they usually need a “reason” to tee off on someone like this(after a high speed chase, real resisting arrest, cop got punched, etc) or they are “scared” and start shooting. In this case, it looks like(from we have been told) that this guy was not speeding or driving recklessly or had warrants or fit the description of a person wanted for a serious crime. He was pulled over because one of those cops had a personal issue with him(maybe sleeping with his wife, business or money, etc). There is a backstory and it will come out.

    1. I think the back story is that these people became cops so that they could legally brutalize other people, mostly black. Where are the videos of police beating white people to death? I can’t think of a one….

  9. I am in tears right now. I have a young Black 23-year old son who just yesterday turned in his Badge and hardware and quit the sheriff’s office that he worked for only 2-years in my town. after watching the sensless killing of Tyre Nichols. My Prayers go out to the Nichols family and ask god to hold them in comfort for the loss of their son.

    1. Hello Lloyd, perhaps your son can become a policeman in a town with a reputable police force. May God be with you. You have obviously raised your son the right way. Like you, my prayers are with the Nichols family.
      I am mystified by the brutality of these cops.

  10. I am still trying to understand why there are 5 cops at the scene for a simple traffic stop in the first place. It is almost like some kind of wolf pack mentality going there and they were just out to look for preys. There’s got to be something very wrong with the police training and hiring practices.

    1. There were actually 12 officers on the scene (the others watched) and 3 paramedics who arrived later and didn’t render aid. So a total of 15 people.

  11. Of course it’s about power – to dominate, to suppress perceived threats to that power/community structure. This case isn’t about the five members of a beat down squad. There is a sanctioned element of community control of threatening individuals that includes the psychological effect of living under a beat down threat. This structure is embedded in human consciousness, and has tragic results. It’s in most human cultures, and some other primate cultures as well.

  12. I’ve been saying that a bigger investigation needs to go further then this incident, cause I dont believe these officers woke up one day and just decided they will go and beat a guy to death. This (to me) is the terrible conclusion of months (possibly years) of bad policing without accountability. You can only get away with something so many times before you get caught doing it.

    People need to come forward! problem is, if you are already in jail because of the misdeeds of these officers no one listens to you! They just say “yeah, yeah we know you’re innocent” when in fact they may well be. We heard them say that when Tyre was pulled over he swung at the officer, which was not true and we saw another officer say Tyre went for another officers gun, also not true. So how many are in jail right now because of the lies these officers are so eagerly willing to put out there? I’m gonna say it again “These officers need to be investigated further then this one incident”.

  13. There is a reason why as horrific as this was, it wasn’t something anyone couldn’t imagine as possible. The easiest way to validate what Van Jones is saying here is ask yourself if you really think this would happen to a white man or woman. You can’t even imagine it for a reason.

    1. Unarmed white men are killed far more often than black men by police. Young black men butcher each other by the dozens on a regular basis in cities like Chicago, New Orleans, and Detroit. No no one cares about THEIR lives? Oh but when black POLICE do it, it’s all the sudden racism. Do you understand how RIDICULOUS this sounds?

  14. I think it’s crazy that he actually needs to convince anyone of this. As a woman, some of the worst discrimination I’ve faced is from other women. It’s pretty common to suppress your own group.

    1. Yes – AND – a lot of people don’t realize how much self-hatred affects our world. And, as Van Jones says, the particular case is mostly about power and the abuse of it.

    2. Same. I came public with SA from cops, and it was mostly all other women who harassed, mobbed, and lied about me (in order to protect their cops and husbands). I have many other examples too

    3. Do you have 2 or 3 examples of this you can share where you’ve been discriminated against because you’re a woman by other woman ? I’d be interested to know.

  15. He speaks facts, I thought the same. Consider this squad was activated to go after the worst crime ridden areas and those are usually in areas of poverty where black and brown people are. I imagine these cops have dealt with so much horrific crime they’ve become desensitized to the fact not every black young man is up to no good. I can see how they evolved into detached killers. However, they are responsible for their decisions and choices and they failed this young man and the community at large. I hope they’re prosecuted to the pay for what they did.

    1. @Cobalt1520 in urban areas which this was they are, and in my observation of poverty areas there’s higher crime rates. This is not calling poor people violent, just stating what I’ve observed.

    2. @Precious One I understand what you meant, but what I mean is: not every poor person is violent in fact the overwhelming majority isn’t. I have no doubt cops in USA are under a great amount of stress, I believe last year 60 cops lost their life in the line of duty. What the American people must ask themselves is WHY are so many cops being shot and killed. When you solve this you will solve police violence. Its not because people are poor. If you want to see what being poor really means, you should visit a few countries I’ve visited, the car he was in would sustain a small family for several years in those countries.

    3. @Cobalt1520 13% of the nation is black, 38% of the prison population is black.
      This means blacks are more violent and commit more crimes than whites.
      Simple maths don’t mean racism, it means REALITY.

      Usually the poorer areas is where the more crimes happen, it’s obvious.

    4. Meanwhile the real criminal is laughing. Who formed the unit? Who trained the unit? How many above their pay grade encouraged the use of the unit? But let’s blame the brothers following orders. Slavery never ended only uniforms changed.

  16. It is heartbreaking to know his mother will live with the thought he was calling her for help and she did not know and probably could not do anything to stop it.😩😥bless you mother that God helps you get through this!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. The senseless and barbaric murder of Tyre Nichols is beyond comprehension. The five officers involved, who acted with a criminal and gang-like mentality, should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. It is terrifying and sickening that there are so many bullies hiding behind badges in police departments throughout the country. My thoughts and condolences go to Tyre’s family and friends as they grieve this tragic loss. Justice must be served for Tyre and may he rest in peace.

  18. I would think that Van Jones thinks the same as any decent, caring human being would. This was horrific and there aren’t enough words to describe the evil of these cops.

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