1. @joe mammon Except you got it backwards — as usual — Comrade Troll. Can’t wait ’til Putin mobilizes you guys and the Russian soldiers move you up to the Front with the “mobilized” criminals, etc.

    2. @joe mammon they were not given Abrams or Leopards, what they were given was both Soviet and Russian tanks from the neighbouring countries that happened to have them still in stock, and what you stated is completely wrong, sure Ukrainians have lost tanks but Russians have lost tenfold because of their doctrine, so much so that both sides are running T64s and T72s most of the time now so getting a state of the art albeit without the 2020 spec parts main battle tanks with way better guns and armor will 100% help, only problem with these tanks will be the logistics, especially for the Abrams

  1. The long range missile that I can thing of right now is GLSDB 80km-120km it can loiter and fit to more flexible platform like MLRS or drones, cmon give this to brave heroic Ukrainian soldiers

    1. @Gs forkan “haha then we’ll see both NATO countries & Moscow will be in flames.”
      Like Iran was last night when Israel hit you with a drone?

      Better keep your mouth out of this.

    2. @MammaDuck  Ukraine tried and did it to Poland. Claiming it was a Russian missile. When, in fact, it was a Ukrainian missile afresh all along. Another attempt was the missile attack in Dynipro. Ukraine accused Russia when it was their own doing. It’s all false flag attempts. Zelinksky’s to advisor even quit for that bold lie.

    3. F’n A right!!! C’mon, US Congress. Do your stinkin’ job and help our friends in Ukraine. Screw Putin and the money he funnelled to you through the NRA. Do the right thing NOW!!!

    1. Important to say if it was correct. Which it isn’t
      14 challengers, 31 Abrams, Twardy’s plus various numbers of Leopards from various countries

    2. It means they’re about to get air support. Better to get it done with rather than drag it out until nobody has money or resources left along with lives lost.

    3. That’s about right; and that’s what the Ukrainians need RIGHT NOW, good, upgrade, or just well functioning/refurbished T-72 they could just jump inside and start using. Leopards, Challengers, Leclerks, Abrams, etc. need weeks to of training.

      The Pentagon said those 30+ Abrams could take many months, even until 2024, to arrive, because the US needs to redo the armor, using focusing more on tungsten and less on uranium… before shipping them out.

      And those 100 – 200 NATO grade tanks wouldn’t mean that much, if they didn’t have air support. That means you’re talking about also training Ukrainian pilots on the F-16s and/or Gripens in the next 4 to 8 months; the Mig’s that Poland and other former Eastern European/USSR states have, the Ukrainians could operate those immediately, so if they arrive in Ukraine around March, the Russians would be able to fly, inside Ukraine, LESS than their normally do…

      By the Summer, if 2-3 dozens of F-16s and/or Gripens also arrive, the Ukrainians should be able to control a very large part of their own skies… as they use those 100 – 200 NATO supplied tanks with their cruder 300 – 500 USSR era ones… on their offensive maneuvers to retake loss territories….

    4. False reporting, on top of the 321 modern nato tanks there are 200 t72 from one country, I cannot remember which one right now and then almost 200 more t72 from places like Cameroon and Morocco. So all in all about 400 t72 andc321 nato tanks, sadly deliver times are not quick, but if the t73s are operational then 400 of them could hold back the orcs until the leopards marauders and American tanks arrive. Training is quick for already trained tank crews, mainly maintenance work to be trained on and ability to fix minor problems in the front line.
      The thing that takes longer to train on is the computer systems used, but a crew could be operational j a few weeks even on the Abrahams tanks.

  2. The Ukraine did what the Vietnamese outdone themselves. Combine the beauty of both West and East technology and create a lethal army that bogged down the Russian. Slava Ukraine

  3. The smiles on the faces of the Ukrainian tankers when they see the leopards and abrams they will be climbing into will be glorious.

    1. It’s just 100 or how ever many young men about to get burned alive when the Russias destroy their tank. Nothing glorious about dying for a pointless war that you have no chance of winning while fighting alongside Nazis.

  4. To say that Ukraine desperately needs modern tanks would be an understatement.
    It is amazing to see how this 1970’s era tanks are still functioning today in the harsh winter.
    The inside of the old Ukrainian tank looks like a pumping station in an oil rig.

    1. @senninha ChiefSMS89
      1 second ago
      Why would they need to do a mass mobilization if they only loss 26k troops….

    2. Had decades to fix infrastructure, republicans block it every time it is on the table. If you want infrastructure fixed or improved vote Democrats across the board

  5. Just a quick bit… I have Ukrainian in my blood,my father’s side. I have felt an attachment with them my whole life & I ask God bless & strengthen them this very day.

    1. @Charles Wilkinson My boi , how am I supposed to prove anything to you and show you some interesting videos and facts through a YouTube comment section?

    2. @Charles Wilkinson
      Who assisted Vietnam when America invaded ?
      Who assisted Kuwait ?
      What are you saying ?

  6. Ukraine needs GLSDB, Gripens, Predator Drones, and some kind of amphibious assault vehicle to cross the Kherson river under the cover of heavy artillery strikes while the tanks and IFV’s push down from Zaporizhzhia.

    1. Brilliant idea.. By the time China invades Taiwan the USA and the west will be down to 1 weeks inventory. Sleepy Joe could try a phone call to Putin and try diplomacy. They are sending Blinken to Israel over a dozen dead Israelies . Does that not wake you up sheeple.??

  7. We reeeally need to hope the training on the Leopards and Challengers has already started. I believe the latter already started this week and the Polish will probably be starting with the Leopards soon as well if not next week because they were already planning to start doing so even before Germany gave the green light.
    Slava Ukraine

    1. It’s not a problem. These incompetent people will just blow up their own apartment building or shoot into Poland and say Russia did it as usual. It will help them when they are begging for more money in order for zelenski to get some more mansions.

    2. Der Panzer ist nur gut wenn die Soldaten gut trainiert sind. Suchen sie nach Gepard Videos, der Fahrer hat es zu nah an einem Baum geparkt und als sich der Turm drehte was bei dem Panzer sehr schnell geht, knallte das hintere Radar als an einen Baum. So macht man es kaputt. Wir haben dafür keine Ersatzteile mehr.

    3. Poland had already begun training Ukrainian crews on Leopards. I think Poland was going to give Ukraine Leopards whether Germany gave permission or not.

  8. Ukraine needs pilots and ground crew training now as well as setting up the integrated air defence systems and logistics train for these aircraft to come on line. Based on what I have seen so far with the Ukraine/Western response, I am confident that is happening behind the scenes now. But it can’t happen quick enough

    1. @Pete Conway Hitler designed meth that only a good AntiChrist can. Hitler keeps on giving after his death.

    2. @sneakersetTurkey is ran by a puppet of Xi’s like Russia. Notice how a pro-Putin staged a Quran burning so that Erdogan can keep moving goal posts. Erdogan thinks he invincible because he thinks NATO still needs Turkey. I’ll take Sweden, Finland, Ukraine, and Georgia in replacement of Turkey

  9. No one is denying the fact that these tanks will make an impact. But long range capabilities are essential, they are an absolute game changer in every way. The ability to harras the Russians deep behind their lines is crucial. Putin can decide at any moment to attack through Belarus and they need the ability to reach them over the border.

    1. @Puran Apuu It’s very misleading. Last time, the fascist Germany was the aggressor. This time, believe it or not, fascist Russia.

    2. @engliterra How did they all fail? Javelins and NLAWs are still wrecking tanks to this day. HIMARS is one of the main reasons Ukraine was able to take back Kharkiv and Kherson, by forcing a withdrawal via destroying ammo depots, fuel depots, railway lines, barracks, bridges etc. starving the troops from getting sufficient logistical supplies to be able to hold their positions and/or conduct offensives. Russian jets are still being taken down with Western MANPADs, even cruise missiles have been captured being shot down on video. Western Air Defense has significantly reduced the amount of destruction caused to the cities outside the frontlines like Kyiv and Lviv where we used to see repeated hits from missiles on multiple targets, there has been a clear decline in such.

    3. @Daniel Culpepper Daniel, the Russians spent 5 months and thousands of men trying to take a 9km town called Soledar. The first actual victory for Russia since Lysychansk in the Summer. Meanwhile, by significantly damaging Russia’s logistical capabilities to supply their troops – Ukraine managed to force a withdrawal and take back over 10,000 square kilometers in under 2 months in the Kharkiv and Kherson regions during the Fall season. Now Russia has to painstakingly fight and lose thousands upon thousands of men again to get all that territory back, which with Western MBTs, Fighter Jets that are being discussed and potentially long-range weapons…Russia is going to find it extremely hard to do so. It’s time to think that maybe you’re the one high on copium and delusion.

  10. Peace,peace,peace, to those far away and to those near. Comfort the suffering and the innocent. May humanity turn away from its self destruction.

    1. You can run but you can’t hide. Humankind is what it is, and won’t ever change. Reality sucks. “You can get more with a kind word and a gun, than with just a kind word.”

    2. @Sylvia Maresca “Only the dead have seen the end of war.” (author unknown…but true nonetheless)

  11. Really well explained by the colonel. This should be a regular segment if it is not already

  12. The one advantage of using old tanks, is that they are easy to maintain
    Very simple designs with parts that easy to fabricate
    The disadvantage is finding ammo that old that still works

    1. Ukraine has the ability to manufacture tanks, after the fall of the Soviet Union, they lost access to cast turrets for T84s and learnt how to make fabricated ones that were superior to the cast units, unfortunately they didn’t have enough funds to complete more than 10 for their military, but they sold around 400 to Pakistan.
      Their factories are probably repairing Russian tanks now, watch out Mr Putin, stay away from the windows Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦💙💛🇺🇦✊

    2. Soviet era tanks were made to last a long time. You can treat them roughly, beat them to a pulp yet they still shoot. There is mud, oil and trash everywhere inside the turret yet they still can shoot. Their crews were trained not to be nice to their ride. Its a stark contras to a western tank. We shall see how they fare in a real high intensity, snowy and muddy battlefields of the Eastern front

  13. You don’t win aggressive wars by turtling up and never attacking your enemy. You kill your enemy before they kill you.

    1. The U.S. Congress NEEDS TO READ your comment, Shadowskill11. Maybe they’d get off their @ss and send some first line equipment to these brave Ukrainians defending the West from Tsar Putin.

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