CNN's Paula Reid reports on new transcripts that reveal how Donald Trump approached the aftermath of the January 6 insurrection at the US Capitol, including pushing for pardons for those around him. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) weighs in on the details with Wolf Blitzer. #CNN #News
What new transcripts on Jan. 6 may reveal about Trump’s mindset

This is sad news re Jamie Raskine – he has been a brilliant member of the Jan 6 committee – I wish him a speedy recovery – we need him!
@Zelenskyy-the-Blackmailer here o_________________o a genius ruskie troll !
@Zelenskyy-the-Blackmailer here o_________________o Looking at your comments, one would have to surmise, that the bot farms are now scraping the absolute bottom of the vodka bottle
Everybody love Shakira,Madonna,Debbie Gibson,Beatles,Donald Trump…
It’s true !
Now, this news is breaking my heart.
How much more has this fantastic man to deal with.
All my strength and well wishes for the incrediable human being.
(Trump 2023)Phil Godlewski on rumble has info that may shock you. December 27 2023 is when he put out the video. Trump and the Military are far from done my friend. Please take the time to watch and share this info.
I’d like to thank all 70 judges who laughed into Donnie’s face 😆
@Zelenskyy-the-Blackmailer here o_________________o Because you’re so laughable.
Trump’s never been convicted of a crime. Democrats try so hard, but fail so much.
@billucf96 A bit like you guys with Hillary and Hunter, then 😂
@billucf96 By the way, I love your ‘logic’ there, Cletus – it’s impossible for someone to be a criminal if they’ve never been convicted of anything. Way to go, Perry Mason 🤣
@billucf96 Incidentally, how did Pizzagate, Obama’s birth certificate, the ‘stolen election’, Q Anon, Hillary’s emails, Hunter’s laptop, Ashley’s diary etc etc etc work out for your guys? 🤣
Trump: “Nobody is giving me a chance to tell my side”
Also Trump: “I’m not showing up to tell my side”
When a person makes a decision based on LIES They Were Told it is NEVER a Win or Victory. Just A Total Disgrace
Let the 10% Big Guy Hunter Laptop trial begin.
voter tampering Insurrection trial begin!
. Joe Biden – MADE IN CHINA
. Hunter Biden – MADE IN UKRAINE
. Democrats – MADE IN MEXICO
@Ow3 Wells Can you imagine having a President that took NO salary, put ALL American Citizens First, ran the country like a business instead of a party while increasing EVERYBODY’S spendable income and lifestyle, making us energy independent at a cheap price. Also increasingly making the country more safe with a stronger military, bringing back Manufacturing, and increasing the border security on a daily basis. Using his own plane, not taxpayers, which he acquired running his own successful businesses not government grants while providing thousands of American jobs. Playing golf at his own resorts at his own expense with his own money, not taxpayers. And during his FIRST hole at playing golf accomplishes more Making America Great Again then the Democrats have done in the past 100 years. Now go enjoy your trip to the gas station and grocery store this week while you’re paying your utilities. WHILE you’re out there be sure and talk to other American Citizens about how great things are now with Biden and the Democrats.
@unlisted junk JFK didn’t take a salary, and he didn’t leave the taxpayers with a bill of 150 million dollars for four years of golf. Racists felt at home marching and chanting, Jews will not replace us” doing the Trump administration. Remember, January 6 and Trump stealing documents, he was a pathological liar and a🤡
(Trump 2023)Phil Godlewski on rumble has info that may shock you. December 27 2023 is when he put out the video. Trump and the Military are far from done my friend. Please take the time to watch and share this info.
@Zelenskyy-the-Blackmailer here o_________________o sorry I got confused where you the man who looked like a woman vacuuming, oh no that was Kari Lake on fire, no no, rats are you sure you’re a man, like sometimes it hard to tell especially when your crying like a baby, whaaaaaa whaaa where’s my binkie, my guy didn’t win, how will I survive with out my dream guyyyyyyy? Don’t worry you’ll be fine, there’ll be another election soon and who knows!
“An organised crime boss being given the pardon power.” That right there is the perfect description of Donald Trump.
Hunter Biden…
They’re all the same
Don’t you mean, the only one who had the balls to stand up to AGENDA 2030? How are those Laptops going?
@Troy Cote 🤡
Sounds like you are talking about the big guy. He is getting a 10% cut.
We wish him a speedy recovery, we pray for God’s healing miracles upon him 🙏
God speed for Jamie Raskins 🙏
He wasn’t burning documents, he was smoking a hind quarter of pork.
Get well soon, Rep Raskin! 😃❤ We still need you!
*how many more tragedies will the world endure…* before somebody figures out… this just ain’t right…
When is this criminal going to be put in prison? The time has come for quite a while for him to be indicted and convicted for his multiple crimes he has committed.
When they find actual evidence on them, but so far 7 years of zero evidence, keep crying maybe that’ll help
(Trump 2023)Phil Godlewski on rumble has info that may shock you. December 27 2023 is when he put out the video. Trump and the Military are far from done my friend. Please take the time to watch and share this info.
All the best to Mr. Raskin 🙏
A little off topic, but what a bummer about Jamie Raskin’s lymphoma. He’s such a good American, and losing his son was already too much misery for one lifetime.
I know…..let’s hope his aggressive treatment stops the growth <3
I’m sorry to hear about
Representative Raskin keep him and his family in my prayers. GOD BLESS Y’ALL
And I said in 16 ” I’m telling you this guy is more dangerous than the enemy, he’s ignorant, inept and shows clear signs of obvious and multiple personality defects” I just want to say as a matter of fact, I’m not that intelligent by God, I do not possess a high school diploma nor a GED. Are we that lazy in thought and reason, and so divorced of common sense that ANY of this is now being recorded factually as a historical skid-mark on our collective underpants fact rather than “Whew, I’m glad that didn’t happen”? I’ve clearly been deposited on the wrong planet as, I am not capable of digesting what I am witness to. No, I don’t want to know any more …sh*t, lie to me and tell me we aren’t this stupid so I can sleep.
I want to wish Jamie R. a speedy recovery also. He is a good man and patriot.
And a trump hater, seriously if he weren’t would you still pray for him, I doubt it. Shows how diabolical you ppl are.
@toxic wastetoid I didn’t say anything about praying and if he hates trump ? It isn’t without good reason.
Anyone excepting a pardon would have to admit guilt. 🤔 what does that tell you ?
Congress needs to close that little, never used before, loophole. No elected official, that has the power to pardon someone, should EVER be allowed to even muse about pardoning themselves! Congress can enact legislation to end that little fantasy, to nip it in the bud, before someone becomes president or governor of a state, decides to run rampant and break all kinds of laws and then ‘pardon themself’ just before they leave office.
No president should ever have, should ever HAVE had, or should ever have in the future… the power to pardon people in order to benefit themselves. This is a clear, blatant conflict of interest, and an abuse of power. If you want Trump to be able to pardon his friends, business associates, and cabinet members, then you have to be willing to accept that with Democrat presidents as well. I don’t think that’s the country that any American wants to live in.
Was the “serious but curable form of cancer” something that pertains to Raskin personally? Or was he just summarizing the findings of their investigation more succinctly? In all seriousness, America owes a debt to Jamie Raskin and many of us pray for his health and hope to be beneficiaries of his exemplary service for many, many years to come–and in whatever role he is willing to step into.
It would be very easy for the gov’t to give each document a bar-code, then they would know what documents are out, and who has them. This should have been done as soon as the technology was available. If they had done that, then they would know every document was missing, and who checked the documents out.
He wants to pardon 1/6 domestic terrorists. That speaks volumes.