Former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard asked GOP Rep.-elect. George Santos about his admitted lies regarding parts of his resume on Fox News. #CNN #news
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He. Has. To. Go.
Then Biden needs to be impeached for doing the same thing
@Austin Pritchett What about those people have they be accused of lying on a resume? Do have any other than incredible idiotic comment.
Now do all 535 politicans…I’ll wait
I. Ah. Gree.
For what sounding like a Demoncrat.
Santos clearly lied, yet he insists his lying is debatable. This is what we’ve devolved into.
@River Ocean She’s also pro-Russian – as many in India’s Right are……
@Andrew Stevenson I see what you did there, LOL. Just like Santos said he is Jew-ish…..
@Eric F. Sir, you are correct. Ish.
Elect a clown expect a circus
No. This is not what we have devolved into. This is what the Republican Party has devolved into. You only see this nonsense on Fox or at a GOP convention.
Great to see a conservative station call out a Republican for lying. That’s a step in the right direction
@Josephthe4th You’re numb.
This on Fox New’s part is not enough. I don’t ever recall them calling out Trump for lying and he lied hundreds of times. That’s unforgivable.
@Random User She’s not a democrat anymore. She very publicly unregistered from the party a few months ago. I haven’t been impressed by her lately but this was a good job on her part, she didn’t let him weasel out of anything
@Stalker how about all the lies coming from Biden oh yeah don’t forget about Schiff
@Josephthe4th they showed the interview that was on Fox
Santos thought he was in for a softball interview with Fox but to my surprise Tulsi ripped him a new one.
Follow the money
Here is the recommended clip that say it :
@Nadia Silvershine His reported annual income 2 years prior was only 55k. You know I’ve had some impressive pay jumps in my career, never a 1400% increase in 2 years though.
@Tim Santos recently said: “I am not a Russian puppet” which makes me think perhaps he is on Putin’s payroll.
That’s the difference between Fox and liberal media like CNN while they both have a political bias to the left and right respectively, Fox pundits that are super conservative bias actually admit that they are not news journalist but conservative pundit and Fox actually live streams entire democratic press conferences and speeches every single time 100% uninterrupted whether it’s Pelosi or Biden or Kamala or any major or minor Democrat in Washington because they’re not afraid of their viewers hearing ideas from the other side while CNN would never ever ever ever in your dreams let you watch an entire Trump speech or rally or anything from conservatives bc they are terrified that you might actually agree with what they say so instead they play a three second clip that they can spin towards their narrative and have “a panel of experts“ I’ll tell you what exactly Trump meant in those seven words in the middle of a sentence instead of playing the full sentence and full speech even letting you decide whether or not he really is as bad as they claim!!
I’m not saying fox is not by us obviously they are a wing of the GOP the same way CNN and the rest of the liberal media is a wing of the Democratic Party but they actually are at least honest about it while CNN pretends to be impartial and non-bias which is completely embarrassing at this point and they’re not afraid of their viewers sharing ideas from the other side so you will never ever catch CNN holding one of their own accountable like Fox did last night with Santos whom they completely grilled harder than the media on the left ever could if you watch the whole interview he was about to cry and I appreciate that and most importantly I appreciate Tulsi Gabbard who was the last real classical/moderate democrat in a circus of socialists & communists
@Nadia Silvershine I second that sentiment
“it’s not false at all, it’s debatable.”
if it’s not false, what’s there to debate?
Good job not letting him weasel his way out of it. Not bad for fox news. Perhaps there’s hope after all.
@Chris Garret cnn and fox is apples and oranges. You people’s judgement….good grief
@ex smoker what are you talking about? You have lies…what is opinion?
Faux is the one who says no reasonable person believes them.
@Robert Roecker Not exactly. FOX has people that CNN has no counterpart. Hannity has never graduated from college and no journalism degree. His closest calling was being a New York paperboy. So he can’t be held accountable for lack of journalistic integrity. Tucker argue in court that nothing he says should be considered factual and the court agreed so he couldn’t be held accountable for defaming Karen McDougall.On the other hand, Cosmo was fire from CNN because it was press to do so because it is unethical for a journalist to advise the subject of his reporting in his legal matters. So it not apples or oranges. It News and opinions or “Just For Entertainment Purposes Only. “
He figured he could go on fox and just turn his blatant fraud into a Republican vs Democrat thing.
Joe biden has made the same lies but worse. If you don’t believe Joe biden shouldn’t step down you are a hypocrite.
He said he didn’t lie, but just poor choice of words. Now he’s playing the victim. It’s our fault for calling him out. What a leader.
^Save U.S.!
What does the Bible say about the Anti-Christ and the false prophet? Liars and Deceivers…
What does Jesus say about the RICH Man in Mark 10:21-25? Billionaires and False Billionaires…
Almighty God or Almighty Dollar? Who are you following? Who are you voting for?
Help Save U.S. by watching and sharing YouTube video:
“Fight the Power – Global Declaration of Independence”
11) Passing Student Loan Legislation
Biden falsely claimed in 2022 he passed “student loan forgiveness.” But no student loan legislation has been passed through Congress.
12) Raised by Puerto Ricans
He fits right in with swinging Marj Taylor, GED Bobert, pedo Gaetz…
More “alternative facts”, all typical of the lying GOP.
@The Boss Right out of T-rump’s playbook, what a cowardly man. This reminds me of the story of the boy who killed his mother and father standing in front of the judge. Your Honor, I was hoping you would find it in your heart to show some mercy to a poor orphan. T-rump is the leader of these sleaze bags. George Santos needs to be removed from that position ASAP!
Santos should be forced to resign or banned from ever being seated
@Suun Diial
Instead of yapping utter stupidity, why don’t you, MAGARepubliKKKon show proof?
George Santos, if it’s even his real name, is a pathological liar and the biggest fraud I’ve ever known.
@Suun Diial
If George Santos (or whoever he is) committed crimes, he will certainly do time in prison, whether you like it or not. No one, I mean, NO ONE is above the law in this country. That’s not hate. That’s simply the application of the rule of law. The NY DA has just opened an investigation into his whole pathetic life. Given how much he has lied to get elected, I have no doubt that he will be criminally indicted for things that are not related to this election. … He is basically f#@ked. If I were him, I would flee outside the country and return to wherever he came from.
It’s apparent that, as the typical MAGARepubliKKKon, you are a clearly cheat, a pathetic cheat. You will eventually get caught.
No he will just switch to the Demoncrats. He’ll fit right in
Joe biden has made the same lies but worse. If you don’t believe Joe biden shouldn’t step down you are a hypocrite.
@Pierro Jules
‘I’ve always said I’m “jew-ISH”‘….that’s just hilarious! My God, now we can’t even call a lie, A LIE!
It’d be more accurate if he’d said “I’m Jewish-ish.”
Hes liar-ish.
When you say you are Jewish, you are saying you are kinda like a Jew, but not really a Jew. Melania Trump, for instance, is Jewish. That is about the only truthful thing he said.
@Wally Kimball Let’s not forget Harris is “blackish!”
You left out the best parts. She thoroughly humiliated him.
@Zoe R Every “news” outlet does it. Not every anchor does it though.
@Bitchslapper316 yeah, the prisoner exchange situation is a conundrum for sure. But I’m glad she’s home now, wish we could get every American home.
Valid intellectual summary, although in a proactive perspective it serves as a decent test of current higher level capabilites of both keeping track of low life individuals, &… whether there is indeed higher logic in the satisfaction of avoiding the further wasted life in returning a sincerely respectable, decent, young, talented citizen to our Democratic society, that most certainly deserves further enhancement & elevation via more of the caliber of individual that Griner continues to prove to be via every facet of social behavior, intellectual conversation & interaction (regardless of one’s approval of personal sex preferences)
Good she’s giving fox news some credit for that interview
I find it interesting that you call your self B……..r….and you presume to be the moral one….
No I’m not a “banker” I’m a bank “robber”
Tulsi Gabbard, whose political career imploded spectacularly, has to the surprise of most found a second life on Fox ‘News’ – a network that may have stumbled upon the best hire they have made in the past 20 years.
Gabbard checks all the boxes for Fox News. Their MAGA-obsessed, Evangelical viewer base embraces her foreign policy isolationism and her anti-abortion stance ingrained in her Science of Identity Foundation (an unorthodox Hindu offshoot) religious beliefs. Her AAPI identity gives Fox a prominent on-camera slot for a diverse individual in an all-white lineup, and putting her politics aside for a moment, Gabbard gives Fox someone who is a cynical straight-shooter when they need it.
I think its fair to remember how Tulsi destroyed Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign before hers ended. And, later Harris was picked up for VP because it checked a bunch of diversity boxes. Tulsi Gabbard has always stated she pro choice and I dont think that conflicts with her view that it needs to be codified into law. I suspect that she shares the same personal opinion as many, including myself. I’m pro choice, at least for a few months in. But also I think most who do that are so narcissistic that they’d kill a baby, and/or are lying to themselves that they are killing a baby.
@albinoman13bt Technically Tulsi, not being white either, also checks a lot of diversity boxes. She just landed on Fox News whereas Harris landed in the history books as the first women and VP of color.
She is a horrible person but whatever.
Well written
@chuck sellers I don’t know too much about her, but how is she a horrible person?
Lying causes ppl to question your character. Politicians are already looked as as not the most honest ppl already. There needs to be accountability and this also shows he figured he wouldn’t get caught.
Wait…what??? A politician exploiting a tragedy for political gain? Say it ain’t so! I’ve never seen that before.
So funny…loving the wit
He is a fraud and should be charged. He lied about darn near everything, he did not embellish. He’ll make a good Republican!!!!!
We need to stand up and hold people accountable.
The reason the GOP is silent , their probably thinking “Ehh, another one”
@KUUIPO PAKALOLO now do dems and Russian collusion…I’ll wait
I’m a republican, and I want him gone. Don’t care if we lose a seat, he’s an embarrassment to the country and an example of what’s wrong with politics.
Are you kidding me Jew-ish what the freak is that
@KUUIPO PAKALOLO Well, I guess AOC needs to pack her bags too you think? Maybe even Nancy baby too.
Hunter biden laptop.
Ashley biden diary
Yal groomers
its the voters fault for not asking the right questions…when you just vote the party line and dont ask questions of your elected officials then this is what you get, duh
So he basically says lying is just fine and basically meaningless.
So he will do it again. And what else did he lie about!?
Should never be allowed in ANY position in government or anywhere else.
George Santos is the gift that keeps on giving. He is the GOP in a nutshell..
Ilhan, Omar, and Elizabeth Warren lied as well
The GQP attracts pedophiles, con men, grifters, liars, traitors, racists.
He fits right in.
@Rob Roberts Yo mama lied when she gave birth to you..