1. Trust me, I know what dementia is – and it presents in many forms

      Blaming the conscious, and calculated actions of a neglomaniac on a common, debilitating degenerative disease is an insult to all those who have suffered from it

      Stick to what you know

    1. @Somebody Something Oh, let’s keep this chat continue for the next several months will you. I mean you can go back again and reply it… YET you’ll see the lost in Russian side will NOT change the results, Ukraine is still having less lands than before the war.

      Imagine this, you lose your bedrooms in your house, some homeless occupied it, you cannot kick them out, and you still call it a Win. LOL

    2. @Eli Card They’ve burned through a large portion of their professional army (Russia invaded with ~140,000 troops and has sustained ~60,000 casualties), a large portion of their combat capable vehicles (including tanks captured from Russia’s most elite tank battalion), a large portion of their useful artillery stockpiles, and a whole lot of social will. They currently hold some territory in Ukraine, that’s been true since 2014. However, the amount it will cost the Russians to maintain those battle lines is enormous. Ukrainians are fighting for their right to exist. Russians are just fighting for more land. If you were a Russian, would you be willing to die to add a few square meters to what’s already the largest country on earth? If you’re sane, the answer is probably “no”. If you’re a Ukrainian, are you willing to die so that your family, your neighbors, your friends, and your fellow citizens can maintain independence, instead of being pawns of a cruel despot? The answer could reasonably be “yes”. The war will not end until both sides agree to stop fighting, and as long as Ukraine has substantial international support, medium to long term, Ukraine’s prospects look pretty good.

      Russia drafting 300,000+ civilians is hardly a sign that Russia is winning the war. Putin may intend to use his own citizens as cannon fodder, but if they don’t want to waste their lives trying to murder people who are just defending their homes, then they’re not going to fight very hard. If reports that these conscripts aren’t being given any real training are correct, then they’re not going to fight very skillfully. Throw tons of unwilling and incapable cannon fodder onto a battlefield, and you might accomplish little except giving the opponent a ton of POW’s.

      Russia has lost a fortune in lives and material, and so far, the only sure thing it has gained from this war is more conflict. Putin can apparently tell whatever lies he wants. Yes, Russia holds some Ukrainian territory. However, temporarily holding territory doesn’t actually mean very much long term. In war, the theoretical object of the aggressor is to reach a peace that is more favorable to them than inaction would have been. If that isn’t accomplished, then going to war was a grave mistake by all metrics. How does Putin achieve a favorable peace here? I don’t see it. Are Ukrainians going to just accept this cycle of Russia invading and taking more and more of their territory? I don’t think so. With Crimea, the argument of a 1-off that wasn’t an existential threat could hold sway, but in the actions of the past year, it’s very much existential for Ukraine, and Ukrainians aren’t going to forget that. How does Putin achieve a peace where Russia profits from this? I invite you to offer ideas. I don’t think he can.

  1. Liked the Neville Chamberlain relay reference. If only he could have slipped in a Mets reference, they were big on “passing the baton” this season 😆

  2. Whenever I am having a really really bad day or a bad experience. I just still feel thankful that I am not Putin. Because I maybe going through a tough moment no matter how bad it is, it’s still nothing compare to Putin’s life review when he dies and have review. I dread to imagine an ounce of what Putin would have to experience on the choices he made that effected other people and what they went through. Oh Putin don’t complain when your soul assign you to your buddy Kim Jong land in your next life, because you have a lot to makeup for. Yikes.

    1. Nuclear war 🤣🤣

      USA numbah Juan

      We rule the world even after it’s blown up. Game over but we ended in 1st place

      And that’s all that matters 😂😂

  3. When he said “we will defense Russia “ meaning “We will defense me from losing power on Russia”.

    1. Russia got nuclear, we got nuclear too, n we more powerful than them, they can’t move the west already circle russia

  4. Jake, you’re my favorite. Great wording, refreshingly certainly not typically american, which is way too often too much of a political correct etc.
    Thanks Jake! Awesome!
    Thanks to CNN for making this possible, rather than issuing rather tame and well scripted coverage.
    Please keep at least one portion of coverage candid and REAL.

    1. trump has to go.
      He’s another ego maniac that seems to never get arrested,why?
      wtf is going on?
      He’s making excuses for poo-tin and supports him?

  5. Friendly reminder to Putin: When the U.S. dropped nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasake, Japan was the aggressor in attacking Pearl Harbor and several Asian countries.
    Then by Putin’s logic, it should be Ukraine that should drop nuclear bombs on Russia, being the aggressor in this war in Ukraine.

  6. I’m not gonna to lie Jake: I’ve been sleeping just fine. If missiles start flying ain’t much you or anyone else can do at that point. In reality, those at the top won’t have anything to governor themselves.

  7. The govt knew the whole duck and cover thing wouldn’t save kids from a blast by ducking under their desks. It was more designed to keep students calm in the face of a nuclear threat. And even though the students closet to the blast wouldn’t have a chance maybe in the next town over the shockwave still hits hard enough to break glass and may cause part of the roof to collapse. So thusly it was there to protect the students that were far away from the instant kill radius to protect from flying or falling debris.

  8. “I have nuclear weapons…” is not a rational statement at any rate. But let’s consider the criminal condition the Moskva was allowed to degrade to before it was sunk. It bristled with weaponry, and a great number of defensive weapons, very little of which worked on a ship that had constant overheating issues and an engine that required the admiral to sign off on before moving at half speed. And that’s not all it’s problems. Two Neptunes fired at that ship should not have gotten even close to it. Yet, both hit, inevitably sinking it. And this was the flagship! I can’t imagine what the condition of the rest of their navy suffers. Simply put, their economy cannot support even the troops they now have deployed in Ukraine. Calling up 300,000 more troops you can’t supply means nothing. And nuclear forces? Just what condition can they possibly be in?

    Putin could over-run Chechnya. But the moment they stalled their offensives in Ukraine, it was over. It’s just a matter of time now. Ukraine could and should have every square millimeter of their territory restored.

  9. Bush “I was able to get a sense of his soul, he is a man deeply committed to his country. This sure made me laugh 😊

  10. The facts so far:

    7 months into a 3 day ‘special military operation’.
    Failed to take Kyiv.
    Failed to remove Ukrainian leadership.
    Changed their strategic plan multiple times.
    Changed the on the ground leadership multiple times.
    Still have not gained air-superiority despite having a supposedly far superior airforce.
    Lost the flag-ship of the Black Sea Fleet to a country with basically no navy.
    Took, but could not hold, a tiny island.
    Significantly boosted NATO membership and strength.
    Ensured Ukraine’s eventual membership of both the EU and most likely NATO.
    Suffered massive troop and equipment losses.
    Lost more ground in 1 month then what was taken in 5 months.
    Became the biggest arms supplier to Ukraine from abandoned and captured hardware.
    Committed multiple war crimes.
    Had to try to mobilise 300,000 extra troops at month 7 for the 3 day ‘special military operation’.
    Destroyed their economy.
    Turned their biggest trading partners against them.
    Couldn’t even defend the most defended bridge in the world.
    Regular displays of poor fire safety and smoking in non designated areas.
    Resorted to nuclear threats against a non-nuclear nation.
    Targeted civilians because their army is getting smashed by the Ukrainian army.
    Tactically and logistically incompetent.
    While attempting to ‘de-nazify’ Ukraine scored an own-goal and nazified themselves.

    “Everything is on time and is going according to plan”

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