Tapper calls out Mastriano’s claims about opponent’s school

In campaign remarks, Pennsylvania's Republican nominee for governor Doug Mastriano commented on the "privileged" school his rival Democratic Attorney General Josh Shapiro attended. CNN's Jake Tapper calls out Mastriano's claims and explains his own perspective. #CNN #News


  1. He doesent mean itโ€™s like โ€œHarvardโ€ or โ€œYaleโ€ or โ€œuscโ€ that you could call elitist, he means โ€œJewishโ€. This is who the republic party is. If you vote for them youโ€™re just as guilty

    1. @kay armstrong his campaign has used Jewish imagery , this is by itself is ambiguous but not when he has history . Iโ€™ll give you the benefit of not knowing the context ,

    1. @Lindalee Law Isn’t it the American dream to make money in the first place?

      Ironic that Republicans can so easily switch from ‘patriotically’ touting the American dream of capitalism to using it as a negative when discussing their political opponents.

    2. @Mountain Nomad VFX Especially considering most of the GOP were born rich and have degrees from Ivy League schools. And if they weren’t born rich, they’re rich now. It’s amazing that people believe they represent the ‘working class’ when most of them have never really worked a day in their life (Gaetz, MTG, Cruz, Hawley, etc) and have no idea what it’s like for normal people.

    1. @kay armstrong Kay I followed all the things you posted above, but, I am really beginning to have doubts about both your sincerity, and your honesty.

  2. Jake, I have had an enormous amount of respect for u for years. Particularly ur war zone reporting, bravery & straightforward openness. Growing up as a 6th generation Tennessean we also had a Jewish/Hebrew school for the range (small number of people) of sociology-economic Jews n our city. Many multi-generation, well to do mixed together w/ those much less well to do. I went to the 101-yr old (50 yrs ago) Catholic boys school. Again a range from rich to very average (I was not Catholic). And we had the high end, rich boys school. Obviously most kids attended public schools. Mastriano is not only a Certified Village Idiot but a bad, bad guy. I was raised with Southern Pride but guess what? The South lost the war Thank God. I donโ€™t give a crap if Shapiro is a Jew who went to a Hebrew school. What is the measure of the man? A dedicated civil servant who shines n the community & raising his family.

    1. @Man Animal but why does she have to say more than “you are a troll”, you are already famous for being just that and under more than one tag, so, really, aren’t you just doing more trolling? You keep spewing nonsense but isn’t it because it excites you to be recognized, to have people engage, you, because, otherwise, isn’t your life just his ever so empty thing? Hey, thanks for playing!

    2. Jay,
      Itโ€™s easy to claim some is a troll when it can not be proven with facts. Supply me with some facts.
      1. What are the names of my other supposed accounts.
      2. Provide links were these supposed accounts made comments.
      3. Provide links that shows this candidate has recently said antisemitic remarks. A question she seems she can not answer.
      When you can not provide this we will know who the troll is.
      Look forward to you providing those links.๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿฟ๐Ÿ’ฏ
      Thanks for Playing.

    1. Love to hear Shapiro talk about how the Mastriano plan for education would totally screw rural school districts. He is a lunatic. God I cringe every time I see signs with his name on them

  3. I remember a time when politicians ran on platform and not on attacking their opponents. Sad that mastriano thinks his constituents are so stupid they need him to explain what is wrong with the opponent. He’s straight up deflecting from his own failing run.

    1. I remember when there was humans before all these demoralized hybrid demon serpent children..
      It was better then and way more intelligent..
      You can tell by the preschool nursery rhymes they jiggle to

    2. Sadly, there are people who support him. Just drive through central and western PA and see the lawn signs. Also, Trump backs him, need I say more๐Ÿคฎ

    1. Mastriano’s right, this school costs $37,000 a year for high school kids, sophomore through senior. That’s a rich kids’ school, sorry.

    2. @JK What schools did Trump go to? What schools did Trump send his kids to? I’ve never heard any trumpie claim that Trump has disdain for working people because he went to private schools and sent his kids to private schools. Why the double standard?

  4. Mastriano wore his Confederate uniform with pride in his faculty photo. He took bus loads of people to Washington on Jan 6, the day the Confederate flag was carried into the United States capital. Shapiro protected our vote and did not try to sell out Pennsylvania for Texas Ted and the Dump like Mastriano did.

  5. He’s insane and should have been disbarred from running while he himself was also at the capital he may not have went in but he backed that attack and he never said a word to the capital police officers who were hurt but he wants to be around them as if they should protect him if he wins! What a damn shame!

  6. My Dad’s five siblings, and then his four children went to the same “privileged” parochial school. (We missed the “ruler over the knuckles” years๐Ÿ˜‡… but not my Dad and his brothers!) We lived in a two-family house (an apartment)… Parents, 4 kids, two bedrooms, one bathroom. My parents slept on a pull-out couch until I was 12. The school was a block away, safe, and wonderful. I learned to be good and learned to study. We learned to love ourselves and our neighbors and to help and never judge, to share and not to be greedy, to have Faith and Peace and Respect. To love our Country. To love all of mankind. A middle-class kid from the Boston burbs. At least I know it was a heck of a lot better than wherever Mastriano went.

    1. I feel moved. I know it was not all “Skittles and Beer” as they say, but, it seems so “its a Wonderful Life” good. have a great weekend.

  7. as a voter in Montgomery County for decades, I’ve watched Josh Shapiro on media and off for the last few years, doing his job well; He has my support and my vote. He doesn’t seem to need to have any need to dress in tactical gear and play weekend GI Joe like Mastriano?

  8. The word PROGRESSIVE comes from the word PROGRESS, So it says a lot when “Conservative Republicans” disparage and decry anybody as being PROGRESSIVE…..PERIOD.

  9. I was a Taxi driver, and my daughter attended an elite, privileged school. Unlike Mastriano, she earned a scholarship.

  10. It must be nice to be able to have such a nice Education in the big cities when others had to deal with less. Nevertheless some of those others didn’t have it so good but managed to get through and became Great leaders as well. THANK you so much for all you do..

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