1. This is an interesting strategy. Kind of like gambling away your grocery money so, you don’t go hungry.

  2. To the DCCC: What if those election deniers WIN the General Election. Remember you are the Ones who Promoted these Candidates. Are you going to continue Promoting these Candidates for the General Electuon too???

    1. @Robert Jamison The parties having been deploying this strategy for decades, because it usually works. It got Claire McCaskill elected in 2012.

    2. @Kevin G yep, I remember things exactly the way you described them. I am a veteran and former Border Patrol. I was raised in a republican household. I voted republican for many years. But when Trump ran against Hillary I couldn’t choose between the 2 evils. I voted for Biden last time. I am truly shocked by the conduct of the GOP or the GQP more appropriately. They have gone so far off of the rails, and still don’t have a clue that they are heading for a 1 way trip to destruction. I remember a quote from The Art of War “never interupt your opponent while they are making a fatal mistake”.

      I think we’re witnessing it right now.
      The J6 committee has seriously damaged Trump, it’s plainly obvious that the Orange guy is culpable in several ways. His numbers are disappearing. Meanwhile DeSatan is rising.
      Republicans also are responsible for Roe v Wade being overturned. I imagine that quite a few republican females might not actually be on board with this. They were surprised in Kansas? Will they claim surprise next time this bullshit gets voted down too?
      Gun laws/mass shootings. Republican law makers get a giant fail there, again. So many decisions they have made, purely to “own the libs” have seriously backfired in their faces.

  3. “How cnn could be helping trump.” Yep keep talking about him. *This ad was not paid for by trump.*

  4. It’s funny how well-known Dems can’t answer the question of β€œWill you vote for Biden again in 2024?” πŸ˜‚ 38% approval and Almost 60% disapproval ffs

    1. CNN asked Biden if he prefers boxers or briefs.
      Joe (whispered), β€œ Depends.”


      Spread it everywhere! Copy and paste or share if you thought it was funny!

    2. @Ghost πŸ‘ˆ. Lmao. That was for $hits and Giggles wasn’t it? Btw $hits and Giggles is biden and harris’s nick names πŸ˜‚

    1. Thank you for saying this , so far you got the best comment here ,I would like to know you more ,if you don’t mind you speak with so much wisdom

  5. Joe Biden, “Study, get a good job, and work hard and we will redistribute your money to someone who didn’t.””

  6. Oracle Lays Off Hundreds of Employees:
    The Joe Biden layoffs primarily hit Oracle’s advertising and customer experience group as company emphasizes cloud and healthcare IT services

  7. CNN & the media need to also stop helping. This is not the time to be critical of Biden and his administration (who are doing a great job btw). Every opportunity to highlight his achievements & hammer the fascist GOP should be taken. There is way too much at stake now. ‘Both sides’ be damned. Save democracy first.

  8. That ad was amazing. They will play the ad of a black man, Michigan born, self-made, grandson of poor southern sharecroppers, descendent of former slaves, who worked with Ben Carson, and is endorsed by a celebrity, in an Urban (albeit 78 % white) area that has a growing Somali and Hispanic population. It was a good ad, an effective ad. Why in heaven’s name would the party do that?

  9. Interesting. The dems have always said that Trump was an anomaly, and that the real danger was an energized voting base zealously behind a true-blue Conservative who was smarter, more media-savvy, more sober-minded and more appealing to minority voters. Do they understand that you are forming the very object you’ve sworn to ward off?

  10. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ so these guys go against their party and liberals back stab them πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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