Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris says President Donald Trump's Twitter account should be suspended for tweets he posted regarding the Ukraine whistleblower. #CNN #News
Kamala Harris says Trump’s Twitter account should be suspended

I keep thinking this is Ancient Aliens.
right around election time so mysterious.
Ancient asstronauts are dying in Uranus they can’t breathe.
Calling someone a mean name: *BANNED*
Calling for a 2nd Civil War: ZZzzZZzzZZzz
@Anonymous Person Yup, these NPC’s simply believe ANYTHING that their corporate masters tell them is true. They’re about as pathetic as they come.
Exactly. Twitter is absurdly arbitrary with their “banning” and suspension policy! I love the forum but despise the people behind the policies at the moment!!!
CNN and the left have been calling for a Civil War since Trump became president. Idk why you hippies would be whiped out no problem.
She probably wished Tulsi Gabbards mouth had been suspended before she took you down honey bunch…
@Sloppy Toons she is still on cable channels dollface
Darling pooch: stfu.
TJ Michael she appears less on my YouTube feeds recently. Yang gets most attention out of the more left field candidates.
Wait. We get WAY too much evidence against him from is twitter account to suspend it…lol…
@Natasha Norman Wakey wakey…lol…
@John Di Francisco Settle down Francis…co. lol
@mbolduc Shaddap, trumptrash…lol…
Such as?
Twitter is worthless. The whole site needs to go down
@pepe6666 LOL That’s funny.
“Moderated” = “Censorship”
Censorship = Cowardice.
But, ‘muh private company!
I love the real time dynamic of it, but its policy-makers are anti free-speech PUSSIES of the lamest degree!! (to those of non “high-profile” anyway)!
Yes, indee. Twitter causes so much harm. It’ sthe anonymity where the cowards hide behind.
Check and Balance, in Holland ( Europe ) we have that Too.
@Dorientje Woller but I bet you’re still allowed to call white people racist though right. But all your nazi car and garment manufacturers are doing well
@joe blow Well it seems you have ‘decided’ to keep the racist, derogative, isolationist, money-grubbing, corrupt, science-denying, lying, tyrannical, warmongering coward hate speech rolling. Is that correct?
US presidents have too much power. Elected tyrants.
@U. S. S. A. Ha! That’s a name which is going to really rile up the right.
@bluegold21 there’s tons of videos on here of leftists doing that
He feels emboldened because nobody said no to him his whole life and all this Republicans are spineless he needs to get checked for his words and actions !!!!!!
YORAK HUNT drink med now or call 911.
Ash Roskell need med or 911
True, he is the first millennial once you get down to it. Entitled, unwilling to listen to reason, lacking in common sense, delusional, selfish and extremist. And we probably can blame the parents in his case as well. Shame really, that we run the actual risk of seeing the end of humanity over someone throwing a temper tantrum.
Humanity’s time of death: 2020 AD
Cause of death: Childish temper tantrum.
well, ultimately Epstein was murdered too, right?!
@Tom Acosta Clinton doesn’t have nearly as much to lose at Trump. When Trump leaves office, he is going to jail. He is facing up to 200 years in prison for obstruction alone. Not to mention felon campaign finance crimes.
Trump was named as an assailant in 2 of Epsteins rape cases. He couldn’t afford to let it go to trial. You know if he ever went under oath for anything, it would be an instant perjury trap because Trump can’t tell the truth.
@Ash Roskell You can try, but you’ll lose.
@Your Reflection , Clinton isn’t a think skinned insecure snowflake like Trump.
If he can murder a rich pedophile with dirt on him, what won’t he do? Who wouldn’t he kill?
Who the hell is gonna go to war over this dame fool.
@Deplorable I always said the same. its history that determines how good a president is. Historians will look back on trump as a great president. Especially considering all he had going against him. Imagine if the demonrats shut up and actually worked with him. Imagine what h would of been able to achieve in the same time. Such a pity there is such a media bias against him. I dont mean praise him for no reason, I mean be honest and fair. Also could you imagine if they did cover hime fairly. How much he would win 2020 elections by. But either way hes back in for another 4 years minimum lol
@Derrick Mahon
Do you ever watch Pat Condell channel on youtube? He doesn’t do a lot of vids but they’re always good when he does.
The man was framed by democrats
Cult45 cultists.
I mean, the left has been trying to take more and more constitutional rights from people, politicians calling on liberals to harass and dox Trump supporters, we have a biased culture that tries to silence conservative voices. You are all worried about Trump but it’s the left that is going extreme. I have yet to see a single extremely policy proposed by Trump.
No POTUS should be allowed to run his press office from twitter
Why not. Trump is using the latest method of the media to get directly to the American people. Just like JFK used TV. Are you against free speech?
@Nicole yeah, right. Twitter is for morons. He uses twitter because he’s a coward who can’t handle facing people who oppose him. Every in person interview is a disater because he’s a man child. Firing people with a Tweet. Spreading conspiracy theories by Tweet. Calling people names by Tweet. He always cries, always the victim. He is a coward.
@Tom Acosta I’m against one way bullshit
@Tom Acosta of course they are
@Tony Brady Trump talked to the media virtually everyday. Nobody hide like Obamakhan.
He would loose his mind and transfer to Instagram and Facebook if you took his Twitter away! Twitter Fingers is a real disease and he has it!
I disagree. Keep his twitter wide open! He literally lets us know what his next move is!
It’s been three fucking years. How are you not catching on even a little? Let me know when this “next move” knowledge leads to a win for you fucking commies
@mbolduc … That would be a few days back when he admitted to treason dumbfuck.
@JDines You think an investigation into a former VP peddling influence is treason? You’re going to hate the next five years, ret@rd. When you off yourself out of shame for being so fucking stupid and ignorant you couldn’t see objective reality, know that no one will care
You didnt see this Democrat setup coming. Whistleblower yeah sure.
If you want him to hang himself, don’t take away his rope!
I think his twitter should be taken away all together.
I agree with Harris,because he is just spewing lies and defamation and bullying on twitter
If you take him his twitter, he’s gonna scream in front of a helicopter in the middle of the night.
Let him scream. It is altogether great and just when bad human beings are very upset! Just a couple days, then “give him his binky back” – until next time.
🥺 but the EVILgelicals luv it, when his words cause harm to others. 💔
Painful to listen them come up with stories !
I feel sorry for all his supporters that he Bamboozled, they must feel like trump’s wives…. used and lied too
If Obama so much as bought an ice cream cone, they would say he bought it with taxpayer $.