President Biden ‘good’ after falling off his bike at Delaware beach | USA TODAY

President Biden is 'good' after falling off his bike at a Delaware beach while approaching reporters.

RELATED: Joe Biden roasts Donald Trump and himself at Correspondents’ Dinner

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#Biden #JoeBiden #Bike


    1. It’s not the shoes. It’s the aviator shades. Wearing aviator shades while riding a bike is dangerous and should be banned.

  1. That man is not fit to do anything!!! As the bystander in the background calls out “keep up the good work” Bet he can’t stay on his bike either!

    1. I imagine they shouted that ironically. Anyone dumb enough to think Biden is doing good work wouldn’t have the brain capacity to string a sentence together.

    2. Who ever said “KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK” that person was a plant, probably one of his minders.

    1. Biden “they keep on taking theses things off” 🤣🤣😭😂😅🤣🤣 Training wheels??

    1. HA HA AHA HA HA HA! You are 100% correct. Who ever put him on that bike was thinking…”This old BUSTURD will fall over somewhere”.Joe thank you for keeping us entertained.

    1. @John Smith Yeah, keep tellin’ yourself that after grocery shopping or pulling up to the gas pump champ………

    2. @MrDavkoz he’s a democrat. He’s on food stamps man. He don’t gotta worry about the groceries. He also doesn’t have to worry about gas because he doesn’t work so he’s at home all day collecting unemployment.

  2. The real tragedy is what he says afterwards, when asked about lifting Chinese Tariff’s. “Were in the process of making up MY mind.”

    1. @Breaking Bad Goddess my point precisely and he does this all the time. I bet no one but FOX even mentions this on cable.

    1. The actual people in charge: Let’s parade biden around on a bike to try and prove he’s not too old and dumb like they all say.
      Also the actual people in charge: 🤦

    1. The actual people in charge: Let’s parade biden around on a bike to try and prove he’s not too old and dumb like they all say.
      Also the actual people in charge: 🤦

    2. Tour de Farce
      Tour de ol’FART

    3. We are unconscious when we are asleep or fainted.
      When we are unconscious, we have no thoughts, no emotions, and cannot see the world.
      When we are conscious, we know everything. Consciousness is thoughts, emotions, and everything in the world.

      This consciousness is one.
      Will consciousness be split in two? Consciousness is not divisible.
      Do you feel two consciousnesses when talking to a friend? Consciousness is felt only as one.
      Consciousness is one. I am Conscious and I am the World.

      Gospel of Thomas

      For many of the first will be last, and will become a single one.”

      Jesus said, “Two will recline on a couch; one will die, one will live.”

      “For this reason I say, if one is whole, one will be filled with light, but if one is divided, one will be filled with darkness.”

      Jesus said, “Why do you wash the outside of the cup?
      Don’t you understand that the one who made the inside is also the one who made the outside?”

      Jesus said, “I am the light that is over all things. I am all: from me all came forth, and to me all attained.
      Split a piece of wood; I am there.
      Lift up the stone, and you will find me there.”

      A [person said] to him, “Tell my brothers to divide my father’s possessions with me.”
      He said to the person, “Mister, who made me a divider?”
      He turned to his disciples and said to them, “I’m not a divider, am I?”

  3. I’m so glad he’s having a great day off, while my guys and I have to work 6 days a week to get by

    1. @P L please send asap as I am out , due to all my crying over this insane person who runs this country

    1. The actual people in charge: Let’s parade biden around on a bike to try and prove he’s not too old and dumb like they all say.
      Also the actual people in charge: 🤦

    1. Dude, last week I crashed my bike and broke my collarbone. I’m going to sue the city for not putting a “no crashing” sign! All this pain and missed work is the government’s fault! 😂

    2. @Mark Lundgreen You should sue the bike manufacturer and the government really needs to regulate how many speeds that have. Why should any civilian have that many speeds!?!?

    3. The guy CAN’T DO ANYTHING RIGHT- damn those shoes-allowing his foot to get caught— Balance is one of the first things to go, ya know..

    4. @JohnLeePedimore God dammit you’re right! Nobody needs a lightweight frame, high capacity cogset and finger shifters if they’re not on a sanctioned track! Cannondale owes me medical bills!

  4. Look at the crowd cheering him on 📣 Like a toddler learning to ride a bike 😂

  5. Joe we need you to project a young and fit image, ride up to these people smile and…..damit Joe every f**king time!

  6. Wow way to go USA Today! You just edited out the part where he went over to the little girl and talked to her. Watch one of the other videos of it so you can see his creepy interaction with her.

    1. Tour de Farce
      Tour de ol’FART

  7. Running a country is literally as easy as riding a bike Joe. You did it Joe! Gas prices are lower than they’ve ever been! Grocery stores are stocked, everything is so cheap! Look at the stock market, truely amazing. I can finally take that vacation I’ve been dreaming of with airfare being so cheap! What a prosperous time to retire after working over 40years nonstop for a crooked system, truely blessed.

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