Douglas K. Uhde, the man accused of shooting and killing former Juneau County Circuit Court Judge John Roemer, had been sentenced to prison by the judge more than 15 years ago, court documents show.
Roemer, 68, was killed Friday in a New Lisbon, Wisconsin, home, the state’s Justice Department said in a statement. Uhde, 56, was identified as a suspect, and was found in the basement of the home with an “apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound,” according to the state DOJ.
Uhde is in critical condition, according to Attorney General Josh Kaul.
#NadiaRomero #CNN #News
Man kills judge who sent him to prison more than 15 years ago

Dude in that mugshot looks like Tucker Carlson from 2035
Not even close
How is it in 2035? Have mattresses improved?
Surely guns are still not the problem in America. The real problems are that (1) the judge did not have enough locks installed, (2) all criminals should be sent to psychiatrists instead of prisons. 🙄
Reading this, I think we all know who needs the psychiatrist…
@Faux Que every gun used in a crime was legal at one point!
I bet they should watch out for you with your views I just fear you also might be planning a hit
He’s a prohibited person, but that didn’t stop him from illegally possessing one.
One would think this would happen more often.
All of these judges and politicians getting their security ramped-up, will the kids are left to fend for themselves….nice one, America.
How are you doing today?
Protect judges but not kids… see how fast they move to change things if the target are political figures
Isn’t it true that not all judges are as honest as they’d like us to believe? Some have wives that do bad deeds.
They’re not political figures. They’re judges. And if you don’t get why victimising judges in a legal system is so bad then you really don’t have the IQ to discuss this.
Thats the “pro-life” gang.
Was thinking the same
Very sad. We could have been rid of Mitch McConnell.
The same thing happened to my uncle. He was a war vet who was ruffed up by crooked cops while trying to see an old friend. When they forced shaved him, it triggered his PTSD from Vietnam, so he went crazy and killed everybody.
That’s terrible! My uncle was a cop in Detroit until he tried to arrest some drug dealers and got shot to pieces. They even held a shotgun to his hand and blew it off! He would have died if the police hadn’t built him a robot body so he could continue to fight crime so I know how you feel.
@Stoopid Pursun I remember him! He used to sell nuke on the low, I dont know know if you know.
@Josh He must have been in prison on a murder conviction then… or certainly the case was in the news. I’d love to read about it; what’s your uncle’s name?
@Rich Marceau no then the military came in and shushed everything. So it didn’t feature much in news. His name is John James Rambo I believe if my memory is correct. 😁
I am hearing “The more you know” music.
I guess they start singing a different tune when one of their own gets killed, but when the killing of 19 children were in the news it’s we’ll pray for you..
super bummed he didn’t go with mitch first.
Same lmao
Umm. Murder is murder. Leave politics out
Priorities, right!
We will change law and protect our own Judges but screw a child’s life, ironic.
Never understood anybody wanting to be a judge, for this very reason.
There’s 2 reasons
1. To promote savagery and get money
2. To promote righteousness and get money
People should do No.2 but they do No. 1
Only one reason. Power
Where did this guy get a gun? He was convicted of violent crimes!
I never would have thought a defendant would come back years later to kill the judge that heard their case and sentenced them!! That’s terrible!!!
Depends, you’d be surprised what an innocent person will do after their whole life is ruined.
Which is why easy access to guns is the problem.
@Me Off Amen! And Amen again! 🙌🏽👏🏽🤌🏽👌🏾
I bet that his civil lawsuit was thrown out on the ridiculous theory of “qualified immunity”. Funny that the resolution isn’t mentioned in this story. When you deny someone their day in court, you increase the chances of killings like this.
They create these monsters
Remember Stephen King’s “Thinner”? A judge conspires to help a man beat a body. It was wrong and goes on every day.
Judges and histrionics: a bad combination. She could have articulated her compelling argument without the over-the-top and earnest display.
So sad, my heart goes to her. Condolences to the judge’s family, may his soul rest in peace.
I hope the Senate do a what’s right.
This is unbecoming.
Lots of hearts condolences and souls but there not bullet proof. 💔
What a beautiful time to be living in the states
Once again, the easy availability of guns is an important factor when it comes to murder. Not the only factor, but an important factor. If judges are allowed to be intimated in their decisions, organized crime will take over. If any individual judge’s ruling is at odds with existing law or legal precedent, there is an appeals process for that. Wish I hadn’t scrolled down. It always sickens me to see victim-blaming.
As an Australian, I don ‘t understand the mentality of the American people to insist they need guns to protect themselves. When was the last time this occurred? Was it at any of the mass church and school shootings this year, or the single murders this year or last year. It is a crazy notion to think you need a gun in the first place. Thank goodness our Prime Minister some years back after a mass shooting in Tasmania declared a gun amnesty and buy back, made with parliament approval and the voice of the people, made so many weapons illegal or only available to a licensed holder. Most of our gun crimes are related to gang warfare and even they are few and far between in the scheme of things.
You’re Australian. Stay out of American politics.
That’s why you wouldn’t understand. We Americans don’t want our guns taken. It’s our right.