1. Any nurse that would tell any patients loved ones that their family wasn’t a priority is seriously problematic.

  2. Wow this almost happened to me! Thank God one of my old doctors was working that shift and seen my name and seen my monitor she took over immediately. After my epidural I caught an infection of some sort that made my temperature shoot up to 103 within seconds me and my child was in Grave danger and the Doctor ignored our vitals signs! This Breaks my Heart!!

    1. Maybe the reason why that doctor Ignore it is because his Browsering with his or her cell phone.
      I just posted a message explaining the reason why some doctors and nurses make Unnecessary mistakes in the hospitals.
      Number one is because they are always with their cell phone in the middle work.
      Given all attention to their cell phones.

    2. @FRANK NNAMDI I believe it! I have actually seen it first hand in the ICU unit entire staff heads down focused on phones instead of monitoring patients.

    3. Its a common issue with a epidural had the same problem and when the staff did take action the medication they administered wasn’t prepared correctly and caused the loss of my son and almost killed my wife…the crazy part is we have been in a lawsuit since 2018 and still hasn’t been settled

  3. Kira was *SO* *BEAUTIFUL* with a smile that seemed to light up a room ~ she should definitely be alive right now. Her children deserve their Mommy and this man deserves his wife. 💔

    1. @TukiCat *AGREED* and to be clear, I didn’t just mean physically beautiful, I meant to say she seemed like a *BEAUTIFUL* *SOUL*

  4. I am so sorry for your loss. Agreed what happened to your wife was disturbing. Sending love in humanity to you and your family from Oregon 🤔❤️🇺🇸

    1. Hello, excuse me Ma’am would you mind telling me what happened to her, I watched it but couldn’t figure it out. YOu said you agree that it was disturbing

    2. @Elana Hammer I was listening and waiting to hear details about negligence, I didnt hear anything.

  5. What the hell is wrong with people?!?!! I’m so sick of hearing stories like this. There is absolutely no excuse for this kind of behavior from any mature adult, let alone a medical professional.

    1. @Alicia Stanley I guess we can safely assume what your opinions are about Dave Chappelle, Jerry Seinfeld, Kevin Hart….

    2. @Alicia Stanley More delusion? Just saying whatever you want to say huh?

      Is it fun?
      Milk comes from totem poles…..yeah….frogs beat dogs in ping pong a lot…..

      You said a person who makes jokes is off their rocker earlier didnt you? Run Run away Alicia

  6. This is heartbreaking and this mother had advocates by her side trying to get her the care she desperately needed. Think about what may have happened or may be happening to patients that don’t have advocates with them.

  7. It’s sickening to think that a doctor or nurse that is supposed to care for patients can possibly harm you. What’s the difference from killing someone with negligence or just killing somebody? She should have been monitored and it should have been the medical staff sounding alarm to doctors. If family sounded the alarm that there was something wrong and they dismissed it, the hospital staff is at fault and need to be held accountable.

  8. I was ignored in a hospital for 2 hours, but my family arrived & could advocate for me & I was ok (Hospital known to be crappy). I can’t even imagine being ignored because my skin color is darker than the other patients’!! I can’t imagine going through what he did, pleading with the medical “professionals” to save his wife’s life, only to be told that he’s just going to have to be patient & wait! And he is forced to just watch her slip away!! HOW DARE WE CALL OURSELVES A FIRST-WORLD COUNTRY WHEN WE HAVE SUCH A HIGH MATERNAL MORTALITY RATE IN WOC??!? It’s abhorrent.

    1. @bellmeisterful -You do understand, if those conditions are undiagnosed as a result of racism it negates your stance. I worked L&D, OR, ER, and ICU in a hospital who predominantly served people who look like your profile picture. Only a handful of employees shared my phenotype. This story is not foreign. Not only are there disparities in the treatment of patients, this extends to the treatment of employees as well. It’s not always a factor in healthcare; however, when it is, it may cost the patient their life.

    2. @GeminII* well said! He is falling to realize that there are bias’s in healthcare and as a black woman, I can confirm this to be absolutely true. He handpicked information too prove his point, without giving the full context that it has been proven that there are bias’s present that contribute to the mortality rate.

    3. @bellmeisterful you need to actually search for bias in healthcare towards black women not the leading cause of death, *sigh* You are cherry picking information to suit you. There is no way to have a productive debate with someone like you because you refuse to really read and research what black people know to be true and have actually been studied. I literally have experienced this and so have many others but because you have never been presented with it in your environment, you can’t relate or refuse to actually give the benefit of doubt. It’s a shame… Really a shame.

  9. My heart is aching for this young family, and I truly believe this needs to be addressed. The history is undeniable 😔.

    Edit: What can we as regular people do?

    1. @Mario Be I don’t just mean the story he’s telling I literally mean the sound of his voice sounds like Smollett

  10. I’m so sorry this happened to his beautiful wife. God bless this man and his family. These hospitals need to know this is not acceptable and they should be held accountable as an example to all healthcare agencies to reform and re-train their staff to make sure this never happens as this is a horrible statistic for black mothers in childbirth especially. I do hope and pray he wins.

  11. I worked L&D/NICU for 15 years north of L.A. and to hear this man’s story breaks my heart. Yes, bad things happen but to basically watch someone slowly bleeding to death is unbelievable, absolutely unbelievable. For that to have happened means that this poor patient “fell through numerous cracks”. I hope he gets a satisfactory outcome.

    1. Youre very nice and your intuition is correct. Nothing racist occurred here. This is a cash grab and I hope he gets it. You know why? Cos were the idiots that have allowed an atmosphere to foment that allows fo this kind of bullcrap.

  12. How awful, suing the hospital is only the beginning. Something needs to be done to stop this from happening again. Every patient is a priority. How can a nurse even say this beautiful lady was not a priority. This makes me cry.

    1. Don’t cry its most likely a lie.
      Im an expert in criminal psychology.
      Notice how he said that a nurse told him that his wife wasnt a priority but also said that he “had a feeling something wasn’t right. Felt like there might be racism”etc?
      One doestn really go with the other.
      If the nurse said that to him that would be foremost in his mind when explaining what happened. Like a base or a foundation. That wasnt the case here. That part about th nurse seemed completely left out when he explained it.
      Look, we all know its a cash grab and I hope he gets it.
      If weve really become dumb enough in society to do it, give it to him.

  13. I remember seeing this story in the resident tv show, it was so heartbreaking. I’m so sorry for your loss

  14. Totally agree with Mr. Johnson. Sorry for your loss sir. Knew of a friend who went in with a massive headache, they kept her in waiting room until she has a massive stroke and died. Another in-law who walked from his job to the emergency room on his break for burning chest and abdominal pain, they gave him mylanta or maalox and sent him on his way and he had a heart attack walking back to work. This kind of negligence happens all the time in the black community.

  15. My heart is so heavy hearing what happened to this gorgeous wife, mother, daughter, woman, fellow human. Seeing her kissing her sweet little boy goodbye for the last time as she is being prepped for her C-Section, knowing that the staff would ignore her husband’s pleas, she would never make it out of that hospital. It is infuriating that after a rushed 17-minute procedure, a nurse didn’t have the basic humanity to hear her husband and take a few minutes to check her out and make sure she was okay. If someone had done that, they would have seen she had internal bleeding that needed immediate intervention. She would enjoy being celebrated tomorrow by her husband and both her beautiful babies for the wonderful mother I’m sure she was. She would have been able to raise yer children and watch them become adults someday. They stole all that from her and her family because racism in medicine is way too prevalent. Too often, when black and brown men and women report pain or other symptoms to their doctor or other medical professionals, they are not taken seriously. I am so sorry her husband and those two beautiful babies have to live without her for the rest of their lives. I hope this incredibly strong husband, father, man, fellow human can receive so accountability from the hospital, and the personnel involved in allowing his wife to die on their watch while he warned them repeatedly something was wrong. 💔

  16. The pain in this man’s face is palpable. You can tell Kira was a beautiful soul – and he will never get over what happened to her. I hope he is able to get some justice for her and find peace.

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