GOP lawmaker faces scrutiny for massive taxpayer funded travel

A review conducted by the nonpartisan watchdog Moonlight Foundation of Arizona Republican Rep. Paul Gosar ‘s spending shows he has spent more taxpayer dollars on travel than any other member of the House over the past five years — an unusual amount of money spent by a rank-and-file member who has served in the minority for part of that time and has built a scant record of legislative accomplishments. #CNN #News


  1. Paul Gosar is one of many GOP members of Congress and the Senate saying one thing (low public spending) and doing another.

    Spending an average of $4.000 of taxpayers money per week on just travelling is, by any standards, rich

    1. @Kelli Barnhouse

      That’s what you do in private whilst preaching osterity in public of course.

    2. @MD REDOU
      Good day to you and thank you for you support 🌹🥂🌹

    1. The IRS give you $0.56 / mile allowance, and $150/ night deduction. Good thing they have Rules for those damn Tax Payers.

  2. Someone needs to check his accounts. The GOP is not against spending for themselves or the rich, just for the poorer among us. Or Education, Job Training, Social Security etc. Lodging expenses might be code for hookers.

    1. This story is on cnn website. Source moonlight foundation. They tally the different expenditures of each house member. Travel is a sub category and 4 out of top 5 highest total expenditures in 2021 are dems.

    2. @Chris ONeill it’s their money, it’s none of your business what they will spend it on.

  3. Catholic Church: “Love one another”
    People: “They mean everyone”
    Some Republicans: “Well they mean love your friends and family and neighbors, not immigrants, homosexuals, trans gendered people, poor people, or Mexicans. Basically everyone I selectively hate because I’m small and feel unimportant”
    Catholic Church: “We mean love one another…”
    People: “See? They mean everyone…”
    Some Republicans: “No no, you’re misinterpreting the bible!”
    Catholic Church (seeing that some still aren’t getting it): begins feeding the poor, and immigrants “WE MEAN EVERYONE! Dumbasses.”
    Some Republicans: “The Church has been invaded by Satan…”

    1. The problem being that Republican voters love him for everything his family warned us about… The corrosive bigotry and rank hypocrisy are features, not bugs.

  4. Why the F*** are we paying for these people to travel in luxury?!?!? The Federal Government taxes the hell out of us and we all as the same thing, “WHERE THE HELL IS IT GOING?!?” well this is just a small insight into there it is unfortunately going. 😡

  5. The American People have a lot of soul searching to do. While the politicians keep us divided over hot button issues, they stuff their pockets with our money.

  6. EVERY member of Congress should have to justify ALL expenses the American people are charged!! We are NOT their personal ATM’s!!! Maybe if each state carried more of the burden there would be greater oversight!! It seems that some Congress people are not very good at policing their personal abusive spending practices!! An investigation needs to be conducted!! And stronger laws need to be in place now that integrity is rare amongst the GOPQ!!

    1. The paperwork is listed publicly on every trip. Thinking it is just the GOP though is really stupid. You think there is partisan support to take free money away from Democrats??? Hahahhaahahahahahaha. Seriously though wake up. Lobby your local house rep for spending limits on travel, and see what they do/say.

    2. They should also have term limits just as the president does. Same with supreme court justices!

  7. He should be under an ethics investigation. These Republicans are absolutely disgusting.

    1. @sandra casso Collins and Murcowski from Alaska are pro choice. I think Manchin also votes consistently pro choice but lately he seems to be in somebody’s pocket so he’s a wild card but the ladies from Maine and Alaska are all Shcumer needs

  8. Any company would’ve fired him, but he would’ve never got away with that much waste if he had worked for a company. Hypocrite!

  9. “The world is in more peril from those who tolerate evil or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it.” -Dr. Albert Einstein

  10. It’s disgusting and despicable that these elected officials get a travel budget on the taxpayers dime when they already earn a sizeable paycheck on the taxpayers dime and all the money they get from big corporations and lobbyists and all the other money’s and perks that come with being a government official. Then they don’t even have to disclose in detail what the money was spent on. That’s our money they are spending without oversight. This is one of the big reasons that these people run for office. All that “free” taxpayer cash to spend anyway they want.

    1. Glnn, some travel is expected and is a good idea. Someone else suggested that the money for it come not from Federal tax dollars, but from their own districts (congressmen) or state (senators). I rather like the idea of moving the encumbrances directly to their constituents. If their voters think it’s a good use of their money, then the rest of us really don’t have any reason to complain. And if they don’t think it’s a good idea, they’re the ones that voted for the politicians and have to pay the bills. They can vote for someone else.

  11. And yet, they argue that there isn’t money for healthcare, childcare, helping poor people with food and shelter.

    1. rick scott stole, and was convicted for, stealing multi millions $$$ from medicare while a board member at HCA. He was fined millions$$$ unlike us as we would be in prison forever!! Please take care!

  12. These people know they won’t be held accountable. Nothing will change until their constituents have a problem with it.

  13. He’s an odd weirdo extremist anyway. Even his own family has basically disowned him due to his extreme views. I’m sure he thought that being a Trump buddy that he’s untouchable.

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