1. The U.K. & U.S. have phenomenol forensics teams. Our govts must FULLY, militarily, support Ukraine to allow these teams passage.

    1. @Kristi Stevens Are trolls anyone that doesn’t ride the trend of taking Ukraine and the West’s side? Some people have different opinions and they have every right to speak them.

  2. There’s only one version of the truth, and unfortunately for Vladimir, it’s on video for all to see

    1. The USSR had a permanent seat on the UN SC – and Putin’s Pirates are clearly not a party it is possible to have diplomatic relations with, therefore, that seat should instead be passed to Ukraine.

    1. It’s not execution by firing squad, it’s a “special firearms operation”.

  3. russia’s attempt to dispute everything just by saying that it’s all fake we’re good guys is just unhumane

  4. One of the best interviews that I have heard on Russia and how we handle them as we move forward.

  5. This is something I agree with. There must be real consequences for what is happening in Ukraine. How could we face the Ukrainian people otherwise?

    1. Let’s start with Tony Blair, then we can move down the line…or should we go back as far as 1800’s we can then try Queen Victoria or her successor’s, how is that for starters. bloody hypocrites.

  6. Mr. Brown speaks so eloquently about this. I agree totally! Weakness is no way to deal with Putin.

    1. @Mich jesto & pocketed the difference before we kicked him out.
      He is just talking out of his arse for publicity.
      Second term my rear end.

  7. The former minister is presenting a reasonable way forward in bringing Putin to justice. Putin must pay for his actions.

    1. @joyceflowershed Speaking as Scot who is politically neutral in my late sixties , I can only conclude you haven’t read enough of the best chancellors assistance to the Daughters of those on the Bottom of the rung , or you are testament to the old Adage , THERE AND NONE SO BLIND AS THOSE WHO WILL NOT SEE . I don’t read the mail or any other paper either , I do know what a woman is though , my mother was one . a mans a man for a that , Following the shocking revelations on BBC Radio 4 by former Chief Crown Prosecutor Mr Nazir Afzal, when he revealed a “Government Cover-Up” started 11 years ago in 2008 when the Labour Government under Prime Minister Gordon Brown, and Home Secretary Jacqui Smith, sent-out a circular to all the British police forces’; stating that “…as far as these young girls who are being exploited in towns and cities, we believe they have made an informed choice about their sexual behavior and therefore it is not for you police officers to get involved in.” – is the reason this a Public Inquiry is now being called for.

      The BBC Radio 4 interview was kept under wraps, and this is why at the time it never caused much of a public outcry, as it was simply ignored by the MSM. 

      And it was not until ex-police officer, Dionne Miller raised the matter of the circular allegedly sent by Labour Prime Minister Gordon Brown, and Home Secretary Jacqui Smith – during a rally outside the Old Bailey in support of Tommy Robinson, who was found guilty of Contempt of Court on the 5th July 2019, – then this outrageous act would once again been brushed under the carpet and it would have been allowed to continue.  

      Gordon Brown & Jacqui Smith MP – ‘Should be in jail…’

      The fact that the Labour Party sent out such an ominous circular to the British Police forces, they are without doubt responsible for their actions, for were the police forces hands not handcuffed behind their backs they would have probably started prosecutions years ago, and a lot of children lives could have been saved in that process.

      According to Miller, both Gordon Brown, and Jacqui Smith MP, should be in jail – and why a Public Inquiry is needed. 

      Both Brown, and Smith are directly responsible for this failure and not the British police, other than they are as guilty for permitting themselves to become “politicalised”, and instead of protecting the lives of ‘the people’, they have preferred to protect politicians interests and reputations.  

      According to Rochdale MP Simon Danczuk; ‘…officers discriminated and refused to believe that race was an issue even though dozens of young white girls were being specifically targeted and groomed for sex by older Pakistani men.’

      This is totally unacceptable at any level, and why the police forces in the UK have to start making MP’s accountable for their actions that prevented the police from carrying out their duty.  

      11 Years Later!

      As you will see in a Daily Mail article updated in 2013, – that even though an “official report” states “Hundreds of young girls were allowed to fall into the hands of Asian grooming gangs…” – and that in the town of Rochdale alone, “…these young girls were let-down by all 17 agencies that were meant to protect them”, – the newspaper bullet points the “abuse centred around just “nine Pakistani men” connected to taxis and takeaway outlets”, – when in reality (as it’s not just Rochdale Town that this type of ‘sex grooming-gang’ abuse has taken place) and that a lot more than just ‘nine men’ must of been involved (in which there were, as many others up and down the UK have already been convicted, whilst others are still roaming free) to have been able to have abused “hundreds” of girls in that period.   

      As this problem dates back to 2008, when the Labour Government first sent-out a circular to all the British police forces’ to ‘back-off’.  This scandal started 11 years ago and the grooming-gang criminal activity was allowed to continue and why “hundreds” of young girls were allowed to be abused, or insome cases murdered, – and that were action taken from 2008 on wards then it’s highly likely hundreds of young girls could have been saved.

      So even though this report has been released, and following the scathing speech made by Dionne Miller, and what the Chief Crown Prosecutor, Mr Afzal stated in the interview on BBC Radio 4, ‘The Powers That Be’ are still trying to play-it-down and not focus on “how many men” really were involved in this UK wide scandal.

      Full Public Inquiry

  8. It was the International Lawyer Philippe Sands who first advised to take this route. Shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine, Sands argued in the Financial Times that, while he supported the newly announced international criminal court investigations into war crimes and crimes against humanity, there should also be an immediate investigation for the crime of aggression.

    Sands’s proposal quickly gained steam, with the former UK prime minister Gordon Brown joining forces with Sands to propose setting up a special tribunal that could investigate the crime of aggression. Signatories to the plan include scores of leading figures in international politics and law as well as writers and public intellectuals.

    1. U don’t know nothing about politic. Supporting him for what he says is absolutely nonsense , you need to read a littel more history about the last 30 years event about decisions and agreements between West and Russia for Ukraine especially after war with Georgia what is happening now is consequences of broken thoes agreements by West and Nato

    2. @omid delha Putin had many choices which didn’t include murdering thousands of Ukrainians and destroying Ukraine and Russia in the process. Yes western powers reneged on assurances made, but that cannot in any way justify Putin’s barbarity in Chechnya, Georgia, Ukraine, and against political opposition in Russia. Only a simpleton could somehow wave away Putin’s culpability just because the west poked the bear.

  9. Imagine a serial killer, killing people, but the police are like, “once he or she is finish killing, we’ll prosecute him or her”. Like wtf?!

    1. What’s that got to do with this situation? Unless the serial killers have an army and nuclear weapons then that’s a ridiculous analogy. Simplistic in the extreme!

  10. “The Soviet understands only one language: action. Respects only one word: force.” – Dean Acheson (51st U.S. Secretary of State, who set the foreign policy of the Harry S. Truman administration from 1949 to 1953. He was Truman’s main foreign policy advisor from 1945 to 1947, especially regarding the Cold War).

    1. It is precisely this sort of thinking that has brought about the present state of the USA.

  11. He should also face financial consequences for the destruction of properties in Ukraine

  12. Excellent interview with Gordon Brown! I agree completely with his recommendations and observations. We have major decisions to make and obligations to fulfill if we are to remain free and able to control our own destiny.

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