January 6 remembered in Congress with moment of silence | USA TODAY

Moment of silence with prayer, pledge and a statement on the House Floor to mark one year since the January 6 insurrection.
RELATED: Biden marks January 6 anniversary with speech in U.S. Capitol

The building was attacked after a pro-Trump mob gathered at the White House to protest the certification of the 2020 presidential election. After praise from former President Donald Trump to "show force," the mob ransacked the U.S. Capitol.

Four people died during the insurrection, including Ashley Babbitt, a rioter who was shot by Capitol Police while storming the building. Three other rioters died of a drug overdose and cardiac arrest. Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, who was pepper-sprayed by rioters during the attack, died of stroke the next day.

More than 140 officers were severely injured during the riot, leaving many unable to work for months with concussions, broken bones, mental trauma and chronic damage. Four Capitol Police officers died by suicide in the months after the assault, which lawmakers have called a crisis within the force.

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#USCongress #CapitolRiot #Insurrection


    1. “the only violence that occured”. We must be talking about a different event.
      Not only do you pick the side of the domestic terrorist…you’re also claiming all those injured cops, as well as injured insurrectionists,…ARE ACTORS? The cognitive dissonance is strong in you, young qanon warrior.

    2. ​@2ruthfox82 Yeah, that whole insurrection thing wasn’t violent enough to warrant any sort of acting from the police.

  1. 10 Fun Ways To Celebrate January 6 This Year: 1) Share your celebration plans with all your friends on Parler: Yes, Parler was shut down by the deep state, but it’s back and still the easiest way to coordinate with federal agents.

    2) Gather the whole family around the TV to watch the big Macy’s Jan 6th Day Parade: This year the balloons are shaped like all your favorite insurrectionists! Yes, even Wacky Podium Guy!

    3) Perform a historical reenactment of the violent, bloody battle by wandering slowly through your city hall, taking photos: The violent surge on our nation’s Capitol can easily be recreated by ages 3 and up. For added flair, open all gates and move barriers to the side in remembrance of the police officers who did exactly that.

    4) Make sure to put out Tang and cookies for Trumpy Claus: He won’t leave a signed check on the podium you stole unless you do.

    5) Hide fraudulent ballots around the house for the kids to find: A great home activity for your young ones. It’s never too early to sow doubt in the democratic system.

    6) Dress up as a buffalo: Dress to impress! The buffalo is the noblest of creatures to be hunted. So majestic.

    7) Gather the family around the fire to relisten to Trump’s speech ordering you to loot, kill, and destroy: Okay, so he explicitly said to be peaceful, but we know what he really meant.

    8) Conduct readings of Pelosi’s written refusal of Trump’s request to have 10,000 National Guard on standby: There may be no record of this refusal, but imagining what it did say makes for a great party game. Your kids will love eating ice cream and pretending to be the House Speaker.

    9) Surround your house with concertina wire and 25,000 national guardsmen for 9 months: If you want to be patriotic you’re going to have to leave those decorations up for the long haul. The razor wire will complement the Christmas lights you forgot to take down anyway.

    10) Just go about your life like 99.9999999% of Trump supporters did last year. 📺🐑 @/lgbfjb+ 📺🐑

  2. What the one thing I’ve already learned; back then in 1980 is that, the Lord God’s peace is really serious. The Lord God’s peace is never a funny joke. Sometimes the U S. government leaders, don’t always agree with the Lord God. On the ‘700 Club’ TV commercial; here’s what the audio TV commercial narrator had said about the Lord God’s peace, “God’s peace won’t blow your mind.” I also remember this saying: there’s no rest for the wicked. 😌

    1. Please…! where do they dig up medieval mythologist like you? Religion is the root of all evil…!!!

  3. I didn’t see the January riot, but I do see for the last year the take down of this beautiful country…..same thing!

    1. What do you mean you didn’t see it? It’s literally all over youtube, there’s hours and hours of footage from all side and angles LOL.

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  5. It’s been roughly 12,000 years since an insurrection was led by a bearded man in a loin cloth and animal horns.

    1. We should not abandon the democratic system because of a democratic election in which dictators participate in cheating!!!!

    2. @yucrane宇鹤 ->Do you really think a bunch of unarmed protesters could really take over the capital and then govern from there? What if it was a well organized group of armed Russians? This was just a protest as not one has been charged with sedition, treason or insurrection. Just trespassing, vandlism and parking in no parking zones.

    1. Be sure to remember the unbelievable self constraint of those cops who had all the justification to take out MANY more of these domestic terrorists that day. Too bad Babbitt ran into a bullet. But hey…play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

    2. @Peter Honig unarmed woman, standing next to a cop, executed…pure unadulterated cold blooded murder by every definition that exists. Next time you jaywalk maybe they’ll shoot you, huh?

    3. @Noam Bukowski The abusive deeps state jack booted terrorists you call the capitol police? They all belong in a deep pit with no escape. Criminal terrorists to a person.

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