1. 6 months ago you would have been called a conspiracy theorists, and right winger. And silenced or removed for making that statement.

    1. People who like to play the victim are a dime a dozen these days. Ever since Trump blamed China it’s all the right has been talking about.

    1. There’s an academic paper about this, I can’t recall the the title of the top of my head. But the theory is that a 5 year old Italian boy was actually one of the first COVID cases. His parents brought him for pneumonia, I think it was. So according to that theory, COVID-19 originated in a small town in Northern Italy. Not in Wuhan, China. (If I find the name of the paper, I’ll edit my comment.)

  1. Wait a minute! I thought this was misinformation and it is the new health crisis. Six months ago, this was a conspiracy theory.

    1. Not to me ever. When I first heard about covid in 2020 I pulled up Google maps and saw hmmm there’s a virology institute right there! Near the market. I’ve felt that’s where it came from all along. And I’m what Republicans call a lefty “communist” šŸ™„ nope, I’m a Democratic Socialist. Big difference ppl!! And it’s strange because many Bernie voters ended up voting for Trump? How do you even make such a huge political jump? I’m not Biden’s fan but I had to choose between the lesser of two evils.

  2. Glad CNN is finally giving this topic it’s do coverage, although behind many months to even a year, behind other news channels in doing so.

    1. No, they’ve been covering the possibility that Covid originated in a lab from the beginning, but as the scientific community has gradually discovered reasons to give the theory more credibility, so has CNN gradually given the theory more credibility in its coverage. If that’s not due coverage I don’t know what is. Anything further would have been irresponsible scandal-mag fare.

    2. No, they’ve been covering the possibility that Covid originated in a lab from the beginning, but as the scientific community has gradually discovered reasons to give the theory more credibility, so has CNN gradually given the theory more credibility in its coverage. If that’s not due coverage I don’t know what is. Anything further would have been irresponsible scandal-mag fare.

  3. Now CNN, do a report on the closure of Fort Detrick in the summer of 2019 due to breach of containment; the outbreak of serious respiratory illnesses around that time and deaths misdiagnosed as flu, if you are serious in getting to the bottom of it. This is what half the world population is calling for.

  4. Okay, say a lab in the US leaked it; the statistical ā€œhot spotā€ wouldnt be at the lab, it would be at public areas around the lab. Only a handful of people would get it from the lab, it would still primarily get spread by lab workers at Walmartā€™s and Target stores. The first cases of Covid spreading at markets wouldnt be evidence that it started at markets at all.

  5. It’s amazing that just a year ago, implying any relationship between this lab and the virus was considered xenophobic.

  6. How will things change if it were leaked from a lab? We still need to hold China accountable for a variety of other issues anyways.

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