Harvard Expert Reveals How She Predicted Covid Disinformation

Harvard lecturer Joan Donovan, an expert on disinformation, explains her prediction that Covid disinformation would become a big problem during the pandemic.
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#MSNBC #Covid #Disinformation


  1. I’m no Harvard professor, but I’m pretty sure when their leader told America to inject bleach, that was a pretty early sign that the maga cult indeed would be this stupid. 😂🤣

    1. @Ronald King i believe it has to do with the positive results associated with it use. obviously a lot of pepole were given this and did better than those who didn’t…on average..they also received other meds with it. is that a good enough reason for you or are you just trolling for big pharma?

    2. The funny thing is anti-mandate protest are global. Your comment reveals how blissfully ignorant you are.

    3. @Alex Mitchell that’s not how lies work but if you’d rather troll for big pharma than research it yourself, more power to you.

  2. “When the most devout are the least moral”
    In our nation today, it is actually the most secular among us who are exhibiting a greater moral orientation — in the face of deadly threats — than the most devout among us, who are exhibiting the least. – Phil Zuckerman SALON

    1. Wow! Duck this is awesome! Thank you, for nailing this it’s absolutely the truth. This is what’s happening now. Very nice.

    2. @Stephanie Windler You’re quite welcome my cringy little covid cultists. Be sure to roll up your sleeve and submit to your 10th booster shot when the time comes like a good little sheep.

    3. @Chris ONeill I mean…you can literally research it yourself. But go ahead and make yourself look even dumber with conflations.

    4. I really hope these anti-vaxxers *don’t* get vaccinated.
      Hope also they don’t contaminate vulnerable people on their way out.
      They are too weak to accept reality and adapt.
      We are stronger without them.
      We have to let evolution follow its course.

  3. “Just publishers” does not hold up as an excuse for for dodging liability and responsibility. Not at all. If you, whoever you may be, allow misleading and flat out dangerous content on your platform/publication, you are responsible. The New York Times is just a “publisher” but if I wanted to publish gross misinformation rant in their publication and they would publish it, the NYT would certainly be held responsible for the content regardless of who wrote it. So why are internet platforms like Facebook, Twitter and other internet publishers not held to the same standards? This is complete madness. We have entered the stage in our society where “The Madness Of The Crowds” now rules the USA society and possibly the rest of the world. It doesn’t work!

    1. @squireson If they were to edit the publication of a page or post, it would be publishing, which has no coverage from section 230, which only protects platforms from liability.

    2. @Daisy Mae Imagine being triggered by an opinion, that you try to duct tape their mouth and then claim “justice” gfys

    1. The Indian Bar Association is charging WHO chief scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan with the mass murder of Indians. Dr. Swaminathan spoke against the use of Ivermectin in the Tamil Nadu province with the consequence that Ivermectin’s use was blocked and Covid cases skyrocketed with deaths increasing ten-fold.

      In the provinces where Ivermectin was used—Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and Goa— Covid cases declined sharply by 98%, 97%, 94%, and 86%. This success, which cleared large areas of India from Covid, was kept from you by the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, AMA, Biden, Schumer, Pelosi, and the rest of the criminals who control the narrative.

    2. @Yearning Nation that’s the biggest crock of BS I’ve heard yet. Go spread your RUSSIAN propaganda misinformation somewhere else. You are part of the problem. Go read a book your ignorance is showing.

  4. Funny how they dont trust medicine but they take horse worm medication and they run to the nearest clinic to be treated with medicine.

    1. The Indian Bar Association is charging WHO chief scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan with the mass murder of Indians. Dr. Swaminathan spoke against the use of Ivermectin in the Tamil Nadu province with the consequence that Ivermectin’s use was blocked and Covid cases skyrocketed with deaths increasing ten-fold.

      In the provinces where Ivermectin was used—Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and Goa— Covid cases declined sharply by 98%, 97%, 94%, and 86%. This success, which cleared large areas of India from Covid, was kept from you by the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, AMA, Biden, Schumer, Pelosi, and the rest of the criminals who control the narrative.

    2. @Yearning Nation first that was an article from June. A “bar” association can’t criminally charge. Dr Swaminathan is still doing her job. People promoting Invermectin should be the ones charged.

    3. The brief cited US Attorney Ralph C. Lorigo’s hospital cases in New York where court orders were required for dying COVID patients to receive the Ivermectin. In multiple instances of such comatose patients, following the court-ordered Ivermectin, the patients recovered. In addition, the Indian Bar Association cited previous articles published in this forum, The Desert Review.

  5. None of the social media outlets have in any way changed the algorithms that are meant to guide people to the things that make them click, comment, and post the most. This amplified echo-chamber is the reason that disinformation gets so much attention / credibility.
    It is like these companies are holding up a big funnel over a bucket during a rainstorm and asking us to admire them for dipping a thimbleful of water out of it every now and then. Their efforts to date are _proving to be absolutely useless_ .

  6. ‘Get to the hospital quickly sir, if you consumed ivermectin to fight covid, than you are dangerously stupid. We have a nice padded room for you.’

  7. All that misinformation is coming from Facebook. All that misinformation is coming from Facebook because Mark Zuckerberg wants algorithms than the people who use Facebook.

  8. You can not use profanity on most media outlets. You can not display nudity on most media outlets. Yet you can lie to the point of causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people and their is no consequence. It is disgusting.

  9. Sure, let’s have an argument over which capitalist exploiter of the Proletarian won the selection. Real brilliant!

  10. If they TRULY cared about “V” safety, every death and hospitalization would be accompanied by V-status.

  11. We don’t have the kind of healthcare system that fosters a long term relationship with a primary care physician for which trust can be established. Most of the people touting this misinformation have the weirdest reactions when I ask, “What does your DOCTOR say about that?”

  12. Remember when is was cool to put a middle finger to the system and government? Yeah I’d rather do that.

  13. “The UN body is now clearly looking to distance itself from the fatally flawed test as a growing number of lawsuits are processing through the courts exposing the insanity of relying on a test that even the inventor, Professor Kary B. Mullis said was never designed to diagnose diseases.”

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