Data comes from the Trevor Project, the world’s largest suicide prevention and crisis intervention network for LGBTQ youth. Amit Paley, CEO and Executive Director, discusses how anti-LGBTQ statements and policies made by government officials harms the community. Aired on 07/17/2020.
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86% Of LGBTQ Youth Say They’ve Experienced Negative Impact Of Recent Politics. | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Something about a racist man in a bunker increasingly desperate, insane and close to total collapse..Reminds of someone?
@SouthSide Chicago
she’s a looker that one. If I wasn’t happily married and…her father.
Rolling Stone
June 2015
@red is for freedom blue is for losers the difference is that your scenereo is only in your head.
@SouthSide Chicago You are terrible with facts.
Southside you mean your cult leader who was hiding in his bunker
Dittzx : Your comment is exactly why I adopted a Bunker Baby drumphf persona!
Seriously, I can not for the life of me understand why some people feel so threatened by this community. Live & let live.
“86% Of LGBTQ Youth Say They’ve Experienced Negative Impact Of Recent Politics. ”
So basically, them beating themselves up because of politics which they cannot control and people freely vote for, is now discrimination against LBGTQ.
People excercising their voting rights is now discrimination against LGBTQ.
Ohhh my brain hurts from trying to understand American Progressives.
@SouthSide Chicago your opinion is EXACTLY why this issue needs to be addressed. If you really are from the South side….shame on you and YOUR self absorbed ignorance. ♡RULES
@SouthSide Chicago Save your judgement until YOU have walked in their shoes. There is a proven reason for homophobes like you = fighting against your own sexual desires ♡ #me♡ulongtime
Because you’re latent.
@Jeffrey Becker Poor Jeffrey, insults do nothing but show true ignorance. How about you start being a grown up by admitting that the video i linked is just wrong and disgusting?
This is so very sad ……if your a godly believer then you are told not to judge and to love your neighbor !!!! Bless these people and the very hard path they are on
People who are secure in their own sexuality don’t need to think about the sexual preference or orientation of others, let alone interfere in their private lives.
Anthony Hafciojoni he’s saying that people like YOU and those who watch Fox are the ones insecure about their sexuality so that’s why the LGBTQ community threatens them so much.
Funny that you mention that, you do realize the people complaining are holding parades about these things in public ?
@Peter Pan You are stupid to understand that that has no relevance.
@Mick E O there is 1 way to show everyone the kind of hypocrite you are.
How about a White Hetrosexual Pride parade ?
@Peter Pan
That’s every parade except the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade.
I hope they don’t have to cancel it this year my wife loves it.
Mixed up world
Then vote Trump out of office or continue to whin.
I don’t hear anyone whining! Except maybe you!
That’s exactly our plan. We won’t be stopped anymore.
Moody swinger’s yes “Save me save me I have the minty pickle pucker band camp instructor” There were a few band campy instructors in my Jr. high as well. Band campy instructors have been around as long as I can recall.
The Trump Supporters are lashing out on anyone now. Blacks, Latinos, The LGBQT Communities, Jews, and anyone who is “Other” to any group of them at the meeting moment.
Ralph Boyd mirroring Germany in the 30’s….trumps favorite person, HITLER….
@Countryhippie1969 Benjamin Netanyahu’s favour person is Trump , ironic huh ?
@Minnie Minosa If your doing research for countering arguments concerning the bigotry and racism of Trump Supporters try starting with any line to enter a Trump Rally. Confederate Flags galore. Or how about the Trump Supporters who mimiced strangling a Black Man in front of a BLM March.
The Nation already knows Trump Supporters are Bigots and Racists. You can’t have a bumper sticker with the “N” word on you car, but you can put “Trump” there.
@Ralph Boyd sound like a Jussie SMOLLETT accuse to me .
I noticed how you lumped together LGBTQ , blacks , Latinos , Jews as if those groups all have some sort of harmony together or even a common denominator. I5s always you white folk that preach cultural diversity that have no knowledge at all about anyone’s culture but your own
@Ralph Boyd Ralph, you may be replying to a “bot.” It’s looking more likely with each response from ‘Minnie Minosa.’ Or a foreign intelligence agency trying to divide us further. Don’t let that get to you and take the bait.
Anyone who wants to judge, be prepared to reincarnate into that which you loathe, surrounded by people who judge and reject you. It’s beyond me that anyone in this day and age still fails to understand that this is not a choice – it’s who you are at your core. Every person deserves to live an authentic life. Have fun at your life review, that’s all I can say.
Florida labs admit to faking Covid-19 numbers … after an investigation
You also are latent, or have already “come out.”
@John Carpenter I’m 100% straight.
Donald Trump did not start anti-LGBQ prejudices, he’s simply become the American enforcer-in-chief of these prejudices. All those Holier Than Thou hypocrites before him never achieved the political power Trump now wields- on their behalf. These people are his biggest donors, & his most ardent supporters. Someone as self-serving as Trump would see the LGBQ community no better or worse than all the other minorities that he holds in contempt. With Trump money talks. Minorities simply don’t have enough cash to give him to buy his support.
I’ve never cared what you identify as, you’re either a good person or not. Jesus said love thy neighbor, and no one is without sin to cast the first stone. I pray one day we will all unite as the human race, instead of finding ways to divide us.
lgbqt? oh yeah, #TrumpGate doesn’t care about them either.
I’m cool with LGBQ but T is ridiculous.
Stop talking —- just vote blue,that is a way out.
Young people from the so-called ‘Bible Belt’ don’t feel safe and run away toward more supportive and accepting communities. They tend to end up homeless and require services to help them get back on their feet. If you know of non profit programs in your area, please consider contributions.
I guess when “normal” is the Gestapo, everyone HAS to BE “normal”. Never figured out what that is, but whatever.
It’s a mixed environment, the recent SCOTUS decision that LGBT rights are covered by the 1964 civil rights act made it safe for old trans people like me to come out at work after decades of fear that it would end our jobs. Thankfully I don’t live in a “right to work” state, or as I like to think of it more accurately as “wage slave” states. You know conservatives use deceptive naming practices to make really bad policy sound good.
Check out that mid-century Danish modern wall unit! Nice!