82 year old Warren "Butch" Marion was able to retire after a TikTok user started a GoFundMe that raised over $100,000.
#CNN #News #shorts
82-year-old finally gets to retire after going viral on TikTok

82 year old Warren "Butch" Marion was able to retire after a TikTok user started a GoFundMe that raised over $100,000.
#CNN #News #shorts
What kind of society sets up like this? Shameful!
Unfortunately the USA. Veterans, disabled, elderly…. once they’ve used you up they discard you. There are some in power that really believe that it’s not our (society) responsibility to take care of those in need. It’s quite unfortunate
A corrupt, savage system of capitalism like the one U$A has created is required.
Unleashed capitalism. Without regulation your only value is labor and the system fully intends to suck you dry
Good on you humans – Butch is flippin’ adorable!
The old guy looks like he can hardly move. Do old people have to work to themselves until they’re dead? Seriously, it’s kind of sick
Politicans don’t care they work for big Corp that’s why minimum wage haven’t gone up in decades even though the price of living has, you almost have to work 3 jobs just to get by or get one job in Congress
Helping him will just make the right angry
95%!!! OF THEM!….NEVER!!!
Bless you Butch, be happy sir. Having such a struggle isn’t fair. That help was your dream come true, enjoy!💝
It’s not a “feel good” story, it shows how terrible our country is that people that age need to continue working until they drop. Toxic capitalism.
Still a good story! 👍😉💙
Man, the US really has some work to do to figure out how to give a reasonable life to every citizen. Someone who gave something directly to the security of the country should be first in line. Veteran homelessness must end.
It appears there are instances where tiktok is good for something.
But the sad reality is, there are millions more like Butch – and not only in the US.
And if you’re not that old yet, buckle up…
Working that job is one thing that could have been keeping this man Alive. Stay active out there everyone. My dad is 88 and just married 3 months ago. He never stops. You never know, things are not always what it seems.
Working because you have to at 82 is a lot different than because you are active and want to. The anxiety alone is awful.
That’s garbage I’m sorry. There’s a tangible difference between working for the activity and working for survival. I’ve seen both. One is confident and empowering and one is an absolute tragedy at that age. I would legit rather just be dead than working at Walmart for the rest of my life and I doubt I’m alone. I don’t mean to sound so harsh but these kinds of apologetics are exactly the spin corporations will use to keep sucking us dry until we drop dead. I’m happy you grandfather continues to live a long happy life. Mine has as well and he retired wealthy decades ago when he could. We deserve more than to give our entire lives to make others rich
@Tj Snape I’m glad to see that while one naturally appreciates the heartwarming story of the video that there are many who see that this sort of personal situation is an unnecessary travesty in the first place. We need to be clear eyed that we live in a country where an 82 year old has to work until he drops.
So happy for him. But this problem is bigger than one person.
Our system failed this man. We keep us safe!
What an incredible story! Thanks to everyone for the love and effort to create this lovely story for this man.❤❤❤❤❤❤
Very touching , kind people do live in this planet
That’s what it is supposed to be like for everyone in this country. Being able to retire to travel and enjoy life BUT at the age of 65!!! This was FAR OVERDUE for this gentleman.
Yet the Republicans want to raise the age of Social Security to 70 and Medicare to 67. Unbelievable!
Congratulations and thank you for your service, sir 🇺🇸
82 yo man has kids, probably in their 50’s & grandkids in their 30’s. Why haven’t they been helping him? In my family my 2 older siblings are millionaires & retired in their 50’s. They chose NOT to help our mother, who just passed at age 95. Mom had to scrape by on social security & my help. I’m 67 and still working as a nurse. Some folks are going to have a tough time trying to get into Heaven.
We don’t know what their situations are or if he even told them he was still working and having money troubles. Parents don’t always tell their children things (we didn’t know my grandpa had major medical problems until the week before he died, and it’s been like pulling teeth to convince my own father to let me help him with money for the house and he still feels strange asking me for it even though I live with him. My goal is to one day make enough money that both my parents can retire if they want, or at least only do work they enjoy and not worry about the money. Not sure how that’ll happen, but I’ll figure something out.)
Yes, ideally family should help each other, but there isn’t near enough information to be judging here.
Faith restored. Hope he lives a long, beautiful life. ❣️❣️❣️
This story is so important. The new Republican Congress is talking about the need to cut back spending (in spite of funding the Pentagon more than it asked.) on social programs and are gunning to cut the Congressional commitment to Social Security and Medicare. This man might even have less if they accomplish their goal. Be vigilant, speak up to your representatives about the critical need for these programs and vote.
God bless you for helping this man. God is going to bless you for what you did for him helping him finally retire. You’re an angel among us! It restores my faith in mankind. Thank you for what you have done and sharing it. It makes me want to do something nice for a stranger.
Thank you to everyone who saw that and donated, and Butch, we wish you ALL the very best for many years to come! You absolutely deserve everything great!! Thank YOU for all your work and the lives you’ve touched over the years!! God Bless You Butch! 😊❤