74 Yr Old Man Seeking Help | TVJ News – June 24 2021

There's a desperate appeal of help for a 74 year old man who narrowly escaped serious injuries after his one bedroom board shack was burnt to the ground two weeks ago in Old Harbour, St. Catherine.

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  1. YouTube is for everything. People posting all kind of things on it not just this so please. Dont respond if you dont have anything good to say. Maybe if youtube was around along time more people would have gotten the help that they need. What about people living in Canada, US and all over the world that is homeless? At least this man in Jamaica lived in a hut but people abroad is on the street so dont criticize….give sympathy to others doesn’t matter their nationality….

  2. Why do a profile a story and not provide contact info? So much food in the world yet people are going hungry, such a human shame. Where are Jamaica’s wealthy, step up instead of hiding behind your gated homes.

  3. How can I help is there a way to send them some money as little as it might be. If you have the information please leave it in the comments. 🤔🤔

  4. Please give some information on this man who do we contact when we go to work we don’t go to work for our self alone we go to help other brother and sister that are in need our hands were made to help our neighbour and our eyes were made to read God’s word and our feet was made to walk in his footsteps its blessing to give.

  5. Forgive me if I’m wrong but Looks like elder abuse to me. How house burn down and his kids live suh close by. Kids live suh close by and looks well put together but dad looks malnourished. Food for the poor when yuh guh around to help the senior citizens, guh back n check up on them n mek sure the ingrate children not enjoying the benefits n the poor old people still suffering.

  6. Where is the son who was living with him. Please contact food for the poor. Hope he gets help he needs🙏🙏

  7. He will get help now, sometimes drastic things have to happen for help to come….

  8. The children need to contact MP and Councillor to get him into a Government Infirmary quickly. They are too poor to help their Father.

  9. He should be able to stay with his daughter and any donations she gets she use it to take care of him.

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