A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll shows a shockingly high percentage of Americans are angry. Washington Post Opinion Writer Jonathan Capehart and former Congressman Carlos Curbelo join Geoff Bennett to break down the high anxiety of more than half of Americans who think race relations have gotten worse since President Trump took office.
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56% Of Americans Believe Race Relations Have Worsened Since 2016 | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC
Imagine a future without ANY Trumps in it. _Now, let us ALL go out and vote to make that happen!_
@Will Wright If Bernie S wanted what was best for our country, he would have supported the Democratic nominee and gotten all his supporters to vote for her instead of leading them in a “Lock her up” chant. OR he could drop out NOW and support E Warren who is more intelligent, younger and more progressive. He’s not even a Democrat except when he needs them.
There are plenty of Trumps out there. And this poll show that only 56% of Americans are sane, and 44% of Americans are entirely delusional. Obviously. Because, Americans have proved that you can be a pathological liar who works to destroy the U.S. constitution and democracy itself, alienate all of our allies, collude with a foreign government against the interests of the United States, and be an all -around evil person, and they’ll love you – so long as you hate the same people they hate. But the minute you touch their paycheck, you might be in trouble. But not necessarily. So long as you hate the same people they hate. You are witnessing this scenario being played out quite boldly in real time. Absolutely misplaced priorities. And THIS is the reason that the United States is prophesied to sink, while China is prophesied to rise. And it was prophesied long ago……
@branda Anderson You really think that Bernie supporters are as crazy as a Trumpist? Maybe you want to rethink that statement. Bernie pointed out what we do and don’t need from our government and if that excluded Clinton then that is on her, but he never said that she was as bad as Trump. While way too many people stayed home during the election, I seriously doubt Bernie supporters voted for Trump! While we all hate having Trump as our president maybe centrist democratics shouldn’t depress the vote of the more progressive democratics and independents. Maybe the centrists will realize the part that they played in getting Trump elected and they won’t do it this time around. Tell me, do you really think that Bernie would be as bad as Trump?

The [Super PREDATOR]
Hunter 20//20
Voters are pessimistic because our POTUS is a coward who thrives on chaos.
‘The role of a US president is to negotiate with the Globalized World and to do so with a clear vision and not to draw attention to himself to become a hero of his actions.’
At the 2019 summer G7 meeting, asked if he has changed his stance on China.
Sure….might as well. I have second thoughts about everything – Trump
This is what a defeated man says. A man who has no principles and is suffering from low self-esteem is one who is indecisive and lacks confidence.
On the surface, Trump comes off as a tough guy and YET…..he is the most fragile of creatures. He is the epitome of SNOWFLAKE.
Trump is not a man.
He lives behind a facade. On the surface, he pretends to be all bluster and tough, but he simply cannot take the heat. He is the most fragile of creatures. He is the epitome of SNOWFLAKE. He acts on emotional impulses. He has no control. He lacks foresight.
Not one man I know is so delicate. He does remind me of a teenage boy who can’t join the cool kids at the table.
He never had the required character for the Office of POTUS.
WE DESERVE SO MUCH BETTER. Our country deserves a better person.
‘Strongman’ in the context of governance means strength in diplomacy, stubborn in principles, unwavering in morals, and willingness to sacrifice. I see not one iota in Trump. All I see is a man who throws tantrums, hides from eye to eye conflict, flips and flops every minute, acts impulsively etc. He is a coward and lazy…yes…lazy.
@branda Anderson
When Trump started his first year as POTUS Washington DC and the world were afraid of him…..now, everyone is looking at him as the crazy drunk uncle at Thanksgiving dinner.
@Don Williams
Dude…we are going to have to do MORE than apologize…we are going to have to grovel, rebuild relationships, create new trade partners, fix broken treaties, …..sorry to tell you but we are going to have BEG for FORGIVENESS!!
KB Peters Don is a paid Troll.

The orange one is not going to stop.
He has a well documented pattern of behavior that demonstrates he is still the same old lying, bigoted misogynistic, xenophobic, racist sack of crap.
There will be much suffering until he is removed from the white house.
A B Maybe you should LOOK UP the number of Landlords that was sued all in a JOINT LAWSUIT.
@Power corrupts – Exactly.

#45’s *cheated and lied to* his partners, both in business *and* marriage, for decades.
He even *cheats* at golf, the ‘gentlemans game’.
#45 – *So* embarrassing for America…
Clueless Cortez

Trump calls Jerome Powell a bigger enemy than China. Powell was handpicked by Trump. Trump is a bigger enemy than China by his own admission.
Trump was hand picked by the Bankers and Gave Trump his options for their FED CHAIRMAN.
The idiots online who spout support for Trump run the full gamut…racists, idiots, delusionals, to full-blown psychotics…dangerous misfits who have found someone as deranged as themselves to cheer for. Those cult followers will drink whatever toxic potion their cult master serves them. They lack the intellectual capacity to think critically or to engage in rational discussions, therefore, they often resort to ad hominem attacks to deflect from their abysmal ignorance.
Hit it right on the nail. Trump is public enemy number 1 for USA!
@pizdocivka – I am pretty sure that NO logic works against tRump and his supporters.
This guy is a frickin disease, feel free to quarantine him!
@joep meloen BTW I don’t take “facts” from cherry picked news clips and a dude wearing a trump shirt. LMAO! Come on!
@Lonewolf Fisherman Yeah yeahh at obama’s time it wat due to Bush and now it’s acoording to obama so you never ever can do good because all is obama’s efforts. Well, it is not. It was not booming, the unemployment was above 4% the inflation was above 3% and unemployment of minorities has been increased since 50 years and all because Trump has encouraged your industry by making products in USA and his deals with Canada, Mexico, S-Korea and now China. THe economy is better because of his tax policy so everybody has more to spent, not under obama..
No recession looms, this is a made up story by your msm, those liars and idiots of msnbc or show me why it’s looming show me economic future perspectives which shows recession is looming, I’ll wait for this proof…and don’t try to find in on msnbc because they lie to you without proofing why they’re telling you those lies.
Why is N-Korea playing him like a fiddle, maybe you don’t know, but it was Trump who invited Kim…
It’s not defend defend, it’s about telling lies about Trump. I hate dishones people and msnbc is the worst in it’s kind. Every narrative they tell can be debunked but you poor people believe all those lies. Wow, I’m impressed how easy people getting brainwashed.
And some things obama did’nt do well??? hah, here’s some bone to bite on: https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/obameter/rulings/promise-broken/
ok, it’s fair enough of you to say you don’t agree with all to obama and I don’t with Trump but believe me, obama will soon be able to give an account of his policy in the mails from clinton and the lied russian collusion.
Wow, you can’t win a debate by showing facts “documentation beats conversation” so you’re leaving with your tale between your legs??? poor…
It’s not cherry picking why? tell me what’s the cherry picking?? guess you don’t know…and have nothing else to bring in…I can debunk everythng you bring in.
@Lonewolf Fisherman I understand now why you say this. This is whom you leftists gets their education from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHIKEHCXfjU&t=99s now I know…
@Lonewolf Fisherman owh, i forgot; trump told congress to repeal obamacare so he would sign it, but sure know the leftists congress failed because to obstruct, but that’s not what they are telling you here at msnbc…you didn’t know this otherwise you wouldn’t have asked this…so…cherry picking..get a grip sucker…
@Lonewolf Fisherman What wonders me most is 1. When I show facts, I never ever hear anymore of the leftsts and 2. it’s amazing you (America) can call people racist if you like without proof. Here in Holland if someone is called racist without hard evidence you can sue them for defamation and slander and you know something, they can be sentenced to prison…..really really amazing…
10% of americans think race relations have IMPROVED under trump? ffs.
Well then they are just as deranged as he is
Nonya Bizness
If you are a White nationalist things looking up on race relations.
They have the President they always wanted.
They have gotten worse because the media keeps on instigating hate against black conservatives by smearing them while praising race baiters like al Sharpton also they didnt report much ralph northam 1984 photo because it was a democrat race relations have got worse because more black more and more blacks are becoming conservative and thus being subjected to hate
They are celebrating the killings. Do not invite them to your birthday party.
@Jack Givens well said.
Nazis with torches goose-stepping down main street in Charlottesville should have been our first sign that something was wrong.
@Justin Johnson Hi Igor. I haven’t talked to you in a while. How is St. Petersburg? It’s stormy here.
@Mint Visto Why don’t you cherry-pick one incident to make an irrelevant point.
My mistake. Ya did already.
Get off the steroids bro. It will really make you think a little different.
Oakley Moodie Thank you for proving my point… TDS infected, low IQ you are… Sad
10% believe race relations have gotten better? Who in the F would even believe that?
10% are the idiots that are delusional sheep and you’ll will find them normally trolling here because they have no life.
@robert veloz Вы говорите по-английски?
Those 10% are Liberals. Liberals made race relations worse and that is a fact. This is how Liberals manipulate polls.
@Sheriff Of Nothingbutham liberals don’t control right wing hatred. The fact is a lot of white people were cool with black people until one became president. Then every last white person that simply tolerated black people started hating hating black people. Those that already hated became white supremacist. The ones that were white supremacist became domestic terrorists.
YOU! CONSERVATIVE WHITE GUY… YOU and your paranoid fear &/or hatred of others is why race relations is worse in your eyes. For black people it’s about the same. You’re just thinking it’s worse because you’re exposed by camera footage.
The only people controlling the hatred white conservatives harbor are themselves. You have yourselves to blame for this.
GOP : Our government of the people, by the people, for the people (rich people)
10% of Americans clearly didn’t understand the question
@Sheriff Of Nothingbutham If trump reads that he will tweet it in a heartbeat.
@Angus Adolphus – We want the source of that ‘report’…dollar to
it’s “WND” or “Drudge(d) Report”. 
CynAnne1 no he’s right. I was reading somewhere that about 40-45% of the population is republican and according to the electoral college that’s more than half
Well, Chico, ‘somewhere’ is *not* exactly ‘corroboration’…

So we ‘googled it’.
And, last but *not* least…this:
Nothingbutham can thank us later for the edification provided.
@Chico DalianisWhen I am in control, I am getting rid of the wind chill index, daylight savings time, and the electoral college. It’s time we all face reality.
We went north Sunday to visit friends in the Skagit valley. It was hard to hear how people are telling them to ‘go home’.
These are our friends. They were born here, went to school here, raised a family here, started businesses here, paid taxes. They are good people. Hard working people.
Why are they being told to “go home”? Because they look Mexican. REALLY America? Get a grip.
There go I except for the sake of Grace…& Being born white…?
If people think our friends are going to take their jobs they should re-examine their skill set and stop making excuses.
I’m Sorry on behalf of white people who don’t feel that way. America should be for all, regardless of color.
100% of psychologists believes Trump is a very sick man
When one has literal *hours of videotaped interviews and ‘q&a sessions’* to review, one doesn’t necessarily *need* an ‘in-person consultation’, dan…
And 100% of sane people know that this country is not well. Only 56% means that 44% of Americans are entirely delusional. Obviously. Americans have proved that you can be a pathological liar who works to destroy the U.S. constitution and democracy itself, alienate all of our allies, collude with a foreign government against the interests of the United States, and be an all -around evil person, and they’ll love you – so long as you hate the same people they hate. But the minute you touch their paycheck, you might be in trouble. But not necessarily. So long as you hate the same people they hate. You are witnessing this scenario being played out quite boldly in real time. Absolutely misplaced priorities. And THIS is the reason that the United States is prophesied to sink, while China is prophesied to rise. And it was prophesied long ago……
It’s true…and we’ve *all* seen the ‘devolution’. Example:
At his rally in FL, #45 denigrated immigrants…then *laughed* at his followers cries of “Shoot them!”
The *worst* part of it…?
Looking past #45’s right shoulder during that *disgusting* display…at *the two small children* hearing those words as they’re spoken, and how *visibly confused and frightened they become* as the crowd jeers along.
Like the little blonde girl at his ill-willed rally in NC, looking bewilderedly *at* the ‘adults’ surrounding her, as *they shout* “Send her back!”, over and over.
*THAT* is #45’s lurid ‘legacy’, preserved *forever* on video…and for historians *to document* with both dismay *and* sadness.
#45 – *So* embarrassing for America…
okay let’s try this…race relations is worse since trump got elected…..duh. .Harvard you can go home now..I think we found the problem. ….
What Truman said in 48′ He had it right. When he said about the GOP buying the gov’t and other issue’s.
What else did you expect vote for people who only care about their party and corporation(NRA ,..) who feed them with dollars for corrupt the law for them!?
That poll is quite scary. We have 10% of our population are idiots & 33% are clueless.
You still believe polls after the election lol? Then again, you’re a fake news bot. So, no surprise there.
… … … … … ^^ troll ^^ … … … … …
Toxic Trump has spread across the world.
Let’s dump toxic Trump!
70% of Americans say they feel angry ‘because our political system only seems to be working for the insiders with money and power, like those on Wall Street or in Washington’?!
ya THINK?!?!!
Could they be saying that they believe that because it’s TRUE? lol I’m actually surprised that number is ONLY 70%!!
Things will not get any better as long as Trump is president. He is Hitler in a different body.