50+ vehicle pileup forces closure of Highway 402 from London to Sarnia in Ontario

A 50+ car pileup on Highway 402 has caused the closure of the entire highway from London to Sarnia as a winter blast continues to cripple the region, OPP said early Friday afternoon.

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50+ vehicle pileup forces closure of Highway 402 from London to Sarnia in Ontario


  1. i drove about 2 km this morning to get coffee and i told my self anyone who drives farther in this crap is a fool today

    1. @Prometheus
      in canada weather, road, or the vehicle are not considered a factor in case of an accident
      it is always the driver’s full or partial fault

  2. Congrats to all involved, Honorary Darwin Awards “unlocked” ! ! ! Days of warning, from every conceivable source of information, was apparently not enough to elicit a greater sense of self-preservation with regards to driving in such dangerous conditions.

    1. It doesn’t seem like they are Christmas shopping @Ag Miner…. Businesses are on the verge of bankruptcy. I went in to work today because missing a day of business means we fall even further behind on the bills.

      If only they didn’t fire a bunch of snow plow drivers for not wanting flavoured water/blood clotting agents injected into them.

    2. Sometimes you have no choice but to be out. There are many reasosn, but some reasons are probably lame lol

    3. @biggie thecat True. And I’m one of them. That’s why I save a little bit of each pay cheque for “snow days” and “sick days” because I pay my own way. Unlike our illustrious PM I don’t take vacations or “personal” days on the taxpayers dime.

    4. @Jacob Wood I went to work today, too. Everyone else is on vacation, working from home, or sick. Fun times, but I still went to work. Must be nice, to get “snow days” on the taxpayers dime.

  3. Lol!!! this is the norm here in Saskatchewan and Alberta
    Freezing rain…. ✅️
    Heavy snow…. ✅️
    Cold as hell .. ✅️
    It’s called winter!!!..

    Today’s forecast for the prairies….. with wind -40 to -50, plus snow. Oh, I forgot minimal visibility on some parts of highway with added icy conditions.
    I think you all need to come to the prairies for a couple of days, then you will appreciate what you have there…lol

  4. Obstacle avoidance radar, lane departure warning advanced electronic traction control, electronically shifted automatic transmission, brain dead driver. What do you expect?

    1. Drive it everyday, it can be bad, but drive according to conditions and “not be in a hurry” will work 99% of the time. Theres always the aggressive drivers potentially putting everyone else at risk.

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