A 5-year-old boy who was pulled over in Utah say he was on his way to California to buy a Lamborghini with US$3 in his pocket.
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Lol, only in America.
But 5? He’s big and what is on his face
Jung K covid19
@DeeJay Cee Lol
A pie.
A turtle
@Canada’s Worst Fisherman yeah why is he wearing a pie taped to his face?
That kid is not 5
He ate the 5yr old kid. Fatty boyo
@Ade Bra made cola come out ma nose!
he looks older
he looks at least 10
What the heck is on his face?
A turtle
Looks like the. COvid 19 stuff from a mask he had he probably threw up multiple times
Kyan Azad what?
@Tamara Fletcher I mean like he had a mask cause he had coronavirus and he probably threw up too much.
Kyan Azad Are you okay? What you are saying makes absolutely no sense on many levels haha.
This made my Day! I’ll show you, mom!
He’s huge for 5yrs.
If he would of been 6 he’d be in handcuffs.
The hells going on with that face!!
He has a pie taped to his face for some reason
What is that on his face?
HOW the HELL does a FIVE-YEAR old have a WALLET?????
He isn’t 5. He looks to be 13
I’m assuming they blurred his face because he’s a minor. But he’s a big solid 5 year old. He looks like he should be somewhere wrestling not driving!
If i had a kid, this would be him
I think thirty years in the slammer will make the Beaver see the error of his ways.
Someone call child services
that kid is not five, and since they lied about his age and he looks mexican, what else are they lying about? probably stolen ids for the whole family
Plays lots of GTA does he?
Lmao he was gonna buh a lambo with 3 dollars
Why does he have a pie taped to his face tho
Why does he have an extra extra large condom stuck to his face?