$40K worth of canola stolen from this Manitoba farmer | Grain thefts on the rise

A Manitoba farmer who had thousands of dollars worth of canola stolen from him fears this is only the beginning.

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    1. @Susan Sealy a real woman has curves No one likes a washboard!!! Real women have curves and enjoys real food..

    2. If any official threaten you with challan for Rs. 1,100 he is misuing his powers and if you know that he cannot issue a challan for this amount you can go ahead and ask him to issue challan

    3. @Susan Sealy is canola ‘gmo crap’, in fact, as you say? (you also state that you are a nutritionist).

    4. @Daktari Oskar van Nederhosen yeah its totally garbage food. High in omega 6 so very inflammatory. Why do you think its so cheap?

    1. Why not, they have cops who only investigate gang shootings at funerals, seems there are enough to make a who team dedicated to it.

  1. Agriculture cops may become the norm

  2. We should really move farms into cities. Old fashion folks just don’t know how advance the world has become.

  3. Did your insurance company ask if you were up to date on survelance and said you should invest in some that they recommended. Then you got robbed. Think about it. They will denie it of course but it does happen my employer did the same thing said he was fine and then gor robbed twice before he got their anti thieft. Never got robbed again until they asked him to upgrade seems funny.

  4. Did your insurance company ask if you were up to date on survelance and said you should invest in some that they recommended. Then you got robbed. Think about it. They will denie it of course but it does happen my employer did the same thing said he was fine and then gor robbed twice before he got their anti thieft. Never got robbed again until they asked him to upgrade seems funny.

  5. If any official threaten you with challan for Rs. 1,100 he is misuing his powers and if you know that he cannot issue a challan for this amount you can go ahead and ask him to issue challan

  6. Probably was done by a groups who is invold in farming or transport id say. Youd need the large farm / transport equipment just to steel it.

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