Presidential candidate Julian Castro joins Lawrence O'Donnell to react to the president’s attacks on four Democratic congresswomen, the Southern District of New York and the Justice Department's decision not to prosecute the officer in the Eric Garner case.
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2020 Contender Julian Castro Responds To ‘Send Her Back’ | The Last Word | MSNBC
Wow, this is where we are?
And Joey Salads is running in NY for Congress as a Republican (big surprise). Just google his name and you will see him wearing a swastika armband and peeing in his own mouth.
That is where we are.
*who we are
@Rohitava BanerjeeBanerjee yeah, unfortunately, this is where we are still and racism was busting at the seems until it finally got an outlet with the current illegitimate president… this is why it is illegal to receive help from foreign entities as Trump did. however, this presidency, I believe, was a necessary evil to wake us up and get back our government working for the people and by the people.
Imagine *ANY* other American president acting like this?
Imagine the GOP reaction of a Dem said such things?
Conspiracat. Never again
Conspiracat : This all happened, just when Epstein’s Saudi Passport, was uncovered. That’s what this dog whistle was about, in my view. A fake name? And, the judge couldn’t get ANY answers as to what that was about? And, the Trump’s best friends are the Saudis, right?
@Ash Roskell DING DING DING!We have a winner!
Trump’s rhetoric is what MAGA means to his base.
MAGA is a promise to his base who is actually the minority and a threat to everyone else who is the majority.
GOP is not conservative,
it is regressive!
Exactly! Whenever someone tries to make points by bringing up Democrats racist past, I say, Democrats have E-volved
Republicans have DE-volved!
Maybe people read “Mein Kampf” like Trump did and wake up. Trump beleaves he is Hitler 2.0.
Tobel Stoker. Trump yesterday rally give chant supporters 11 seconds “send her back”, he might’ve like it too and support his supporters, he might’ve love his white supporters. White haters will not raise.
You’re giving Trump too much credit. I hardly doubt he’s read anything in his life.
He is a real Fan
@Craig Simpson there’s no way he read it ! It just comes NATURALLY to him! I’m not kidding…people with narcissistic personality disorder like him are intuitive masters of manipulation.
I like Castro. He has a good head on his shoulders.
And HIS head doesn’t hurt the eyes!
I respect Mr. Castro too. He never seems false. He is less a politician than a decent citizen working to improve conditions for the majority of ripped off, enslaved and destitute majority.
The time, that America welcomed German draft-dodgers like Trump’s grandfather, is over!
Ratings are his thing, next election, not so much.
This all happened, just when Epstein’s Saudi Passport, was uncovered. That’s what this dog whistle was about, in my view. A fake name? And, the judge couldn’t get ANY answers as to what that was about? And, the Trump’s best friends are the Saudis, right?
My thoughts exactly. As soon as Trumps name was mentioned in connection with this I said to my husband what’s he going to tweet to take the attention away and boom there it was. I’m thinking of joining Twitter just so I can troll him

Every single US Civil Service employee is subject to immediate dismissal (firing) for using the discriminatory phrase, “Go back to where you came from.” Any and every use of that phrase and its variations is unpatriotic and Anti-American. Every person in that rally chanting, “Send her back,” hates America and everything America should stand for. This (not Trump’s lies) is telling it like it is.
I’m a naturalized Australian, originally from the UK. I have had it said to me, even in my white privileged life, it hurts but as in the US unless you are a native your ancestors came from somewhere. People need to grow up and take their blinkers off. Get to know people who don’t look or sound like you it is life-changing.
Im on team Julian Castro!
Thanks, Lawrence, for getting Julian Castro on your segment.
Tfrump is a race baiter but the bigger picture is that we live in a totally racist country filled with hate. The hate is from the Ignorant people….this is who they are…..and always have been.
All of these controversies created by Trump are meant to distract from his FAILED presidency. The only meaningful piece of legislation that he has signed was a huge tax cut for himself and his wealthy buddies. His so-called strong economy is running on borrowed money which he stole from future generations, and is the reason for the burgeoning national debt.
Hi Lawrence.


Patience democrats, patience.
Exceptional reporting, Lawrence.
Keep on digging, Lawrence.
Hi Julián.
oF course it’s RACIST. None of the tRUMP cult are telling Melania to go back to where she came from. Unlike 3 of these Congresswoman, Melania was not born in the USA. Unlike all four of the Congresswomen, Melania didn’t grow up in the U.S.
REGISTER VOTERS!!!!! The best thing we can do is vote Racist, Dysfunctional Dotard out by the biggest landslide in US history. THAT will be our answer to him & to MAGA folks, & we, the people, will move forward, building a better world for EVERYONE (not just the wealthy, not just white people, not just Christians or heterosexuals or old white dudes). Eventually, some of his followers, who, let’s face it, are unhealthy, pained people (think about how LOW you’d have to be to vote for a person like Donald Trump?!), will wake up & realize they’ve been conned, they’ll see their lives change for the better, their hearts will heal, & they’ll join us. The others? It won’t matter. They’ll continue to do what dysfunctional, pained people have always done, but WE don’t have to let them bring US down….we just continue to lift ourselves & each other UP, UP, UP! We can do this!
That’s our way out of this.
this is not an intellectual debate, this is an ad for the democratic party..
I’m just asking, should this fool be running for office in Cuba? He does not have any American values.