NBC News correspondent Heidi Przybyla, Bloomberg Opinion’s Tim O’Brien, MSNBC host Donny Deutsch, and Washington Post reporter Aaron Blake on the Democratic candidates calling out Trump’s rhetoric and what Congress can do to address calls for gun control
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2020 Candidates Take On Donald Trump’s Rhetoric Following El Paso Massacre | Deadline | MSNBC
When 911 happened, it was done because airlines were vulnerable.
So what did we do? We strengthened the TSA, implemented new rules, and now it is much safer.
And we all sucked it up, dealt with the inconvenience, and continued to live our lives.
Time to do the same with gun safety. We can live with waiting periods and background checks.It’s time.
EDIT: Shout out to Trevor Noah for making this amazing point last night.

@K B I applaud your common sense, and I’ve never feared someone coming for my guns. I’d like to ask you a question, if I may. You seem a good candidate to answer this: If a man is pro 2A, is the same man pro constitution, or not necessarily so? Have you had any discussions with other guys about this? I just get curious about it. Thank you if you choose to respond, and all the best to you.
I saw Trevor Noah too! You are both right! Americans can handle the inconvenience!
Trevor Noah’s piece was garbage. There are waiting periods and you do have background checks in order to get a gun. The real issue here and the real story is: US Citizen takes law into own hands because Congress refused to change asylum laws. That is why he said he did it. To stop the “invasion”. Is it not an invasion when whole countries are emptying out and showing up at our border? It seems people no longer think for themselves.
Even better to have 24/7 surveillance inside of each room in our homes. If it prevents even ONE tragedy, it is SO worth it! Nothing to hide, nothing to fear! We’re sooooo much better than this!
9/11 was a explosive event controlled demolitions, any 4th grader can match a controlled demolition. Many people still are ignorant that a 3rd high rise collapsed that day at 5:28 P.M on 9/11/01, the 47 story Soloman bld fell in 6.5 seconds not hit by any aircraft. Why is it that if you ask people on the street many do not even know this fact? Why? Because they did not want people to know. The Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry has filed legal actions and Grand Jury Petition to demand the overwelming evidence of explosives be presented. Bombs and nano thermite blew up New York, not jet fuel. Over 81% of America agrees so get involved and realize that the country was taken over that day by the Godless Zionists who control the American minds, who control CNN and FOX and 96% of the media including Hollywood, who controls the private Federal Reserve that Pres Kennedy fired and was murdered for, who brainwashes all our citizens nightly who allow it by watching their nightly news, mostly lies and always pro Israel the culprits of 9/11 more than proved. Stop being crazy tin foil hat conspiracy nuts people and wake up to the truth, you were fooled.
Universal background checks has 90% approval. What’s so hard?
Yes you are against Russian interference but are ok with illegals interfering with our country and election process@K B
It was not a sexual wink it was him calling you a Russian troll …………….Combat veteran does not mean as much since they let women in.. Standards were lowered for PC nobody had maternity leave in my day 15% of the army is PG WTH?
Moscow Mitch!
How can President Trump fill an administration when most in government are corrupt?
Trump rapes children
He doesn’t deserve To be called or be president! He’s a disgrace and Makes all whites Look bad… FFS
Nothing from little marco rubio? Nothing from ben dim wit carlson ? Nothing from ted my father killed jfk cruz? Little integrity, and honor…little to respect with these selfish souls
No. No God = more depravity. No morality = less civility.
Why dont you YouTube concealed carry self defense. See what the media hides. Every day people all over the world defend themselves from those who would do them harm. The news only shows 1 side see the other.
More guns More people can defend themselves
And the size of his hands, that really bothers him too.
Oh yeah, coz as he said, if his hands are small, something else must be small too.
@Mustafa Yusuf Really Mustapha? How do you know that?
@Father Dougal He said it (about himself) not me, I was just quoting him. Don’t blame the messenger.
If Donald is the “least racist person in the world” why is he so hurt by Obama’s words if he’s not talking about you.
@makingadifference lol hate? The person you support spits out more hate and you gonna tell me hate yes I have a greater hate against white supremacy and those who support it regardless of “ALL THE FACTS ON T.V.”
@makingadifference having his supporters yelling send them back? Are you for real?
@makingadifference LMFAO fake news huh so I guess the shooting in el paso is fake news? Lol yeah ok.
@makingadifference The people you’re arguing with are completely clueless…
While there is a direct correlation between mass shooters and psyche-drugs (antidepressants, SSRIs) candidates accepting donations from pharmaceuticals will not discuss it.
to prevent mass shootings we must stop the nra -money to corrupt re-pubs and keep military weapons from crazy right -wingers. the first amendment isn’t a licence to shoot people you hate. deer hunters don’t need ar-15 assault rifles.
” We should soundly reject language that feeds a climate of fear, and hatred. Or normalizes racist sentiments.
~ President Obama.
This is BS. Democrats only say this because they NEVER tell the truth and they want to censor anyone else from telling it either. Truth is the new hate speech. They didn’t want Trump telling the truth about illegal immigration, they didn’t want him telling the truth about the inner cities run by Democrats. Their flowery language is meant to censor people. Typical Republicans play along, Trump doesn’t. Anytime he sheds light on their schemes they shout racist! It didn’t work in 16′ and it won’t work in 20′.
@makingadifference They also keep saying that Trump is “anti immigration”, and somehow the stupid and gullible sheep believe that.
I voted for trump and he IS TO BLAME for this shooting.
roxybarone the shooters themselves are to blame
Pete looks really very odd…. Look at his face… It is transforming… Keep reviewing his face from now onwards..
A man who has a HUSBAND..
The gun issue is a fulfilment of the laws of life..
As you make your bed, so also are you compelled to lie on it…
7:27 nice edit. wonder what stupid thing he said that you guys didn’t want to post on youtube lol
2019 mass shootings in the US: 248 incidents, 246 killed, 979 wounded.
2015-2019 US casualties in Afghanistan and Iraq combined: 156.
Currently it’s safer to be in the military and serve at the end of the world than to go out as a civilian.
Except there’s way more civilians than soldiers…?
Please don’t listen to this Donny guy. Making this issue the only thing discussed during the next debate is fearmongering and its what got us to the point we’re at now. Discuss it in the context of policy not blame.
Corey just panders and will say anything to get a vote
Even better to have 24/7 surveillance inside of each room in our homes. If it prevents even ONE tragedy, it is SO worth it! Nothing to hide, nothing to fear! We’re sooooo much better than this!
No matter how many Die from the W.H guy’s Words,he’s never going to live up to it! I wonder what his in-laws are thinking about how he treats immigrant’s,what Country are they from??
You are brain dead. How is he against immigrants when he’s married to one? He loves immigrants more than you. Do you love them enough to marry one? If you ever thought for yourself you would know Trump rails against ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. stop following the herd and learn to think for yourself.
What this man and everyone needs to realize is our country was taken over on 9/11/01. Trump is a traitor same as the rest. On 9/11/01 Trump was on a recorded call speaking with common sense for the only time I’ve heard him, saying bombs had to be used to destroy the WTC. Then two days later he is interviewed on TV with a German Reporter and he flipps like a pancake parotting the official lie that the jet fuel was so hot, the impacts so great, when you have kamakazis willing to fly into ….” At that moment in time on 9/13/01 Donald Trump sold out his city and his country. Was he offered a position of high power to shut up about bombs? He shut up and he is President, so the proof is in . Watch Adam Green Know More News to learn exactly who Trump is. Trump has said his first love is Israel, in those exact words. His first loyalty is to Israel he says. Watch the reports archived on Know More News triangulated right on screen with you and you will see and hear the president of the U.S. speak his loyalty is to Israel. They have minted coins with his mug on them and named a community after Trump in the stolen lands of Golan Heights. Trump continues to fund the genocide of Palestine and the free health care and free college for Israel, while homeless pile up here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YW4CvC5IaFI&t=306s