200 Klansman Gang Members on Police Radar – November 29 2020

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200 Klansman Gang Members on Police Radar | TVJ News


  1. To think a bunch of black men would name their gang the “Klansman.” Just goes to show that Jamaica not only has a gang and guns problem it also has an education problem.

    1. It’s like planting a tree.
      It’s beginning with been ignorant and that leaded them to take on that name and killed there own black brothers and sisters.
      I keep on asking myself, why some of us black people take on the worst names and symbols?

    2. @Everton Simpson Everton ,relax,,the kkk is not the only clan..I think you guys are more having a emotional reaction because of the association with such word.

    3. Clan: a close-knit group of interrelated families, especially in the Scottish Highlands.
      Clansman: a member of a clan .. hence Clansman aka Klansman

  2. Thing government easy. Everything dem tlk to d public. That should be kept private so d man dem relax. Instead a pure relocation a go gwaan. Straight.. jah jah.

  3. So when this minister comes on the air and talk about targeting 200 klansman gang members what him expect?he’s only telling them to go and hide and cool out!!!

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