At the Consumer Electronics Show in 1989, innovations from high definition TVs to CDs foreshadowed the future of tech. A teddy bear acting as a car alarm even managed to make it into this CNN video pulled from our archives.
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The internet is the perfect weapon for copyright pirates
Only support white business
Aye aye captain
So is the general public.
& radicalising terrorists apparently.
I bought those when I was stationed in Okinawa, Japan in the late 80’s.
Ytis that
oh wow
Man, our world has changed since then. I don’t like our world now.
Why don’t you like it now?
Me either
At least we dont have a nuclear Cold War anymore.
@Dixie Normous haha
@I am White Your mom supports me
I’m always fascinated by looking at retro tech. There are so many prototypes that never made it to market.
Possibly outnumbered by those that made it to the market, but failed so miserably that either we don’t remember or have never heard about them.
@JDOGFTW It was very popular in music studios
Ytis that
oh wow
Hey guys,
I have a new video up!
Welcome back CNN, bringing some interesting news.
Weird seeing CNN not talking about trump
Mitch RISIGNED or in jail
@Please Clap lol yeah things are about to make u_turn
Such a weird change. The ratings will drop and it’ll be years of Trump reports still. But this is nice
Gtis that
oh wow
Those newfangled VCR’s are copywrite violations waiting to happen!
Buy a Betamax, they’re the future.
This is such a welcome change of subject…
Yes, why deal with the present when we can reminisce about the past?
Ftis that
oh wow

5 months in the world before this cover & wow there talking about HDTV’s & Nintendo as future bound? they were not wrong.
Nintendo didn’t bother with HD on the Wii when they could of as the PS3 and Xbox 360 had HDMI. Nintendo and HD is a no-no till much later in 2012 with the Wii U.
Ttis that
oh wow
Back in 82-83 I played the old arcade games Mach 3 and Dragons Lair. Those games had laser disks…super sci fi back then
Damn, i shoulda invested in the teddy bear car alarm
I think Mark hole from ladbaby would’ve loved to had that after leaving his kid toy behind and his wife made him to go back and get it

Utis that
oh wow
And yet all the children born in the 2000’s called these tech “Stone Age”. But to us baby boomer, gen X and Y, it was the tech of the future…. before apple
Apple was there back in 1989 making BS gimmicks like the 1993 Macintosh Television and 1994 Apple CD player, 1995 pip pin, 1996 20th century TAM and their first ever laptop which was from 1989.
Yeah and you probably called when you were a kid the stone ages so what’s your point
@Short Kid what ? 60s was stone age in 1989 as vinyl was on its way out by 1996
Crapple sucks. Overpriced, corrupt as hell… specs not even as good. Come on.
Ttis that
oh wow
Wow, what if you could go back in time and walk around those booths with a smug on you face?
I miss those days in the 80’s.
Michael J. Fox was right.
I miss the bands, music and my un-jaded entry onto the adult stage..
Wait till the 90s for the HD tv lol wait till 2000 lol
1080i was out in 1993 in Japan on HD VHS
Ttis that
oh wow
@Pye Ltd. The tech existed in the 90s but there was no practical implementation of HD until the 2000s. Just like how you can get an 8K TV now, but there’s very little or nothing you can run at 8k.
Everything was so bulky lol
I still have two 80’s color televisions in wonderful working condition for vintage gaming.

1989: in the future they will have UHD TVs
2021: I just want a vaccine!
Ttis that
oh wow
Hd, Not UHD
Here in Germany Ppl of East before the wall fell in 1989 Nov.
1989: in the future lucky West Germans will have all these technology
2021: I just want my wall and shitty technology back
I remember my dad tellin me when i was a lil kid, that cd’s/dvd’s were gunna take over vhs… i thought he was crazy….
Advancements in technology decreasing in interaction. Sad times with awesome gadgets. Kind wished we still in the 90’s