A Libyan man accused of being involved in making the bomb that destroyed Pan Am Flight 103 over the town of Lockerbie in December 1988 is now in US custody, according to authorities in the United States and Scotland. CNN's Nic Robertson has more. #CNN #News
1988 footage shows Pan Am Flight 103 wreckage. The bombing suspect is now in US custody

Eye for an eye
I had no idea the explosive was planted in a boombox… WOW
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FBI: We had nothing to do with twitter, all twenty of us.
Exactly what I was wondering…..where is the coverage?
@Shane Best Thank you for liking my page , Support you showered on me, I hope you never stop watching my movies , how are you doing ?Are you one of my fans

Cover the Biden press briefings. Own it
The latest Twitter File dump is all about TRUMP! I would think that CNN would be on that story like white on rice. Why no coverage? Why not, CNN?
People protest that the media focuses too much on Trump and people protest when there isn’t enough attention on Trump.

Twitter files!?
@Fire Marshal Bill Liberal I.Q.’s down 96% since 2015
@Fire Marshal Bill how about other manufacturers? 65-80% down?
Most people dont realize how much makeup, tanning cream and blonde hair dye
Donald Trump wears to look young
-Jimmy Dore
@@AngrySasquatch but at least he’s not alzheimer who barely can walk
Maybe we can trade him for a jaywalker?
Grow up.
Here is the recommended clip that say it :
Only if he is a trans
wow you seem not smart.
wow your so not smart
Dark Brandon never forgets
Iran recalls shooting down its plane in 1988, killing 390 people and calling on Washington out of the region
Long overdue!
Here is the recommended clip that say it :
Guided missile cruiser USS Vincennes shoots down Iranian air flight 655 killing all 290 on board. July 3 1988
@Kevin Jenner He’s not Iranian.
I was a young Army solider stationed in West Germany at the time and flew home on this very aircraft just a few months before. Give me a few minutes alone with this guy.
I remember the moment I seen this Pan Am flight crash in Scotland on TV. My favorite cousin Judy, who was a former Miss Virginia, was working for Pan Am at the time & she was currently working on flights between the U.S., U.K. France & Germany. A chill went down my spine thinking that she might have been on that flight. Luckily she was not, but she knew some of the people working that flight.
This guy’s been around for 35 years and now, all of the sudden…..he’s arrested ??? Give me a freaking break
Ya it happens dude.
@Chris Fraser Exactly
I’ve seen many cold cases in which the one responsible doesn’t get caught until years later
All this news need to tell and ya keep it up with the old news…
CNN has run out of viable news stories.
al-Megrahi was innocent. That’s beyond doubt and has been for decades.
This is cool, however still crazy I saw a segment on this before one on what we found out about Twitter but nvm carry on. Lol
Americans may be some of the most religious people in the world but they are also the most vengeful.
Wonder who really paid him, them. CIA officials
Everything that happens in the world the Americans are behind it. Nothing gets done without the Americans blessing.
Look at Gaddafi now…
Righteous wins over evil every time at the end.
I submit history as evidence.
Whoever _repents_ of all his sins (turns from sins) and _calls_ on the *Name* of the *LORD,* will be saved! *He* who died on a cross for the sins of the world, _rose_ from the dead on the third day, and by *His* blood, whoever _repents_ and _believes,_ has full redemption of sins and eternal life!
Today is the day of your salvation, repent and confess *Jesus Christ* now as your *Lord* and be saved, because you broke the law but *He* paid your fine with *His* life’s blood!
For those with understanding: Matthew 24:40-41 will take place very soon, this is the sixth seal. This is the generation of the harpazo, rapture, and behold you will witness the trumpet blast that will make the sky recede as a scroll being rolled up! Therefore, be ready and be the five wise virgins, do not be the five foolish virgins! (Parable of the Ten Virgins)