1981: Jordan’s King Hussein visits Canada, meets with Pierre Trudeau

In 1981, King Hussein of Jordan visited Canada. Here's how the trip went. #CTVNewsArchive

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1981: Jordan's King Hussein visits Canada, meets with Pierre Trudeau


  1. Enough with the Trudeau propaganda; when are you going to cover Biden corruption? I would love it if you covered Trudeau’s financial crimes but it may be a big ask.

    1. @garry w ? Not sure what you are trying to say. But if you are talking about funding Biden has the rich elitists for donors. Wall street is big on him thanks to his and Obamas massive bail out for them last time. Disney is also a big contributor to Biden. By everything Biden does he is proving that he has no problem taking money from corporations and then scratching their back in turn so to speak

  2. With the GAG ORDER ON just stories off the past PATHETIC course can’t report on CANADIAN GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION

  3. I heard Pierre went through his tickle trunk and found his best King costume for a visit with the King of Jordan. Now I know where blackface Junior gets his love of costuming !

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