From the CTV News Archive: Watch this 1975 W5 interview with a man who claimed he was abducted by aliens.
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What a liar, Aliens are not real.
@Eulogy Jones reply with all the UFO sightings and detailed proof that aliens exist.not claims but proof
You’re the type of person that wouldn’t believe a child that told you someone inappropriately touched them.
They real for sure
@Picklr what detailed proof
Yes, they are. The Pentagon and Department of Defense already admitted it.
Of course there are many unknowns out there in the universe.
Ancient aliens existed. There footprints have been found on earth.
@Firedragon 20179 ,
Go watch the History channel. There are many episodes of Ancient aliens.
Really history channel I was thinking something along the lines of a britanica you know a trustable source
@Firedragon 20179 ,
If you want to gain knowledge for yourself, do your own research.
@Victoria no you simply can’t prove your claim
@Firedragon 20179 ,
You prove your ignorance without knowledge.
I think YouTubes recommendations is the biggest mystery here
Your right, don’t know what Twitter thinks about that tho
I agree , I was just watching the Trump and Biden debates and boom this pops up and it was uploaded 30 min ago? Ok then lol
MILAB pretends they’re aliens.
Aliens are indeed real. There’s Alf, Mork from Ork, my favorite Martian – not to mention all the ones that America fought in Independence Day.
Does anyone else know that feeling when you try to tell someone your experience and they won’t believe you?
Love you

Far out
The universe is so large and complex. Thinking about what’s out there just hurts my brain, I wouldn’t be able to comprehend it. Aliens are definitely out there.
so profound
@Lionfellow Stfu
Yah the probability of life makes it seem impossible we are the only one. I don’t think that ufos are coming just bacteria on some far of place
@Alex Lopez solid rebuttal champ
@Lionfellow Why you trollin bud
This made the news?

This would never be news today..
MKUltra was a study of torture effects on mind control and has evolved into being used in every University in Canada to dumb down and control those who are easily controlled.
It’s one of my favourite strains of weed too!
I don’t believe in aliens but I think there are other creatures
The real question I have is why is this being released now? Like I don’t mean the video itself because it probably was released but why are they making a video now about this event that happened almost 50 years ago
its all about the election
Kot Makoi Malak Gudi
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