From the CTV News archives: Prime Minster Pierre Trudeau jokes about the press coverage he receives and tells people not to watch the evening news.
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1971 the year Fidel knocked up his wife.
@Lucas Bowman Either that or Justin is baby Jesus reborn.
And now for your 2 minutes of hate;
This is funny and all but unless you live where it isn’t safe then you have no right to talk down about it at all., also things have changed a hell of a lot and for the worse since 1971, it’s 2020 now
Daddy! Oh I wish you were here to see the news today! It’s magnificent!
You’ve misspelled Step- Daddy…
Sounds like a dictator.
You can’t handle the truth….
And the Trudeaus have been making our country worse ever since
He sold canada out to world bank in 73 and his kid is try in to finish the job he was a sicko
Where is you’re proof!?

Get over it crybabies, Trudeau is here to stay, 2 terms, and 2 more coming!!
Yeah because he hasn’t fucked the country all the way up just yet.
I don’t have much to say about the senior as it is too long ago, but I have to say the junior is quite a disappointment.
Miss this guy!
I gotta give it to ol’ Pete. He was a loquacious and smooth as hell orator…
But then again, so was Justin’s dad…
He isn’t wrong in anything he says. What I take from it isn’t we shouldn’t be watching the news but we should expect more from it. The format he speaks of still holds true if it bleeds it leads.
Not one umm ahh ahh ahh
Words of wisdom.
1971: Jokes about press coverage.
2020: Press coverage is a joke.