In November 1961, dozens of student sit-ins along Route 40 in Maryland and Delaware targeted segregated restaurants and hotels.
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Across the South in 1961, college students, faith leaders, shop owners, high school students, civil rights leaders and many others risked their lives to battle white supremacy. They wanted voting rights and the integration of schools, businesses, public transit and libraries.
They lost their jobs, were kicked out of school. Their bodies were bloodied and battered. Others were banished for days, weeks or months to prisons across the South.
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#1961 #CivilRights #nonviolence
Horrific episodes of Whites Auctioning Black Slaves, make me Cry anytime I see them.
My Salute to M L King Jr, Medgar Evers, Rosa Parks & all others who Fought for their Freedom & Human Rights.
The Vicious Brutal Savage Murder of Emitt Till from Chicago can never be Forgotten & Forgiven.
Lol snowflake issues