19-second video of Zelensky goes viral. See what was edited out

A viral video of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky takes his remarks out of context to wrongly make it sound like he demanded that Americans send their sons and daughters to fight in the war in Ukraine. CNN's Daniel Dale breaks down why the dramatic excerpt is not what it seems. #CNN #News

19-second video of Zelensky goes viral. See what was edited out


    1. ​@cot no one said you would but honestly, the only thing you ever fought for was your place in a buffet line


  1. It’s bad enough when your crazy uncle falls for edited video on facebook. When your congressman falls for it and goes as far to issue a public statement on it before asking his staff to look into it, it’s pathetic and dangerous.

    1. @Rick Schroth Yes. Sorry Rick. You’re right, I’m saying that *it is* Ukrain’s gas. I could have said it better. I added words in brackets [ ], below, to hopefully clarify. Thanks for pointing that out.👍

      ​ @Will Tell All  Sadly, 99.999 percent of people don’t talk about the significance of the humongous bubble of [ Ukraine’s ] natural gas that sits under eastern Ukraine and the Ukrainian side of the Sea of Azov. It’s enough gas to supply all Europe, depriving Russia of all existing and future income from [ Russia trying to sell from it’s ] gas reserves [ in Russia ]. [ Because in the future, Europe will buy Ukrainian gas from Ukraine, and Russia will lose money because Europe will *not* buy gas from Russia. ] But does anyone ever speak of it? Hmmm🤔


    3. @Operation: Harsh Doorstop Communist? I thought we were all Nazis. Make up your mind. Or more likely you have no idea what those terms mean.

  2. Those politicians who believed it and reacted immediatelly without checking it out should resign – they’ve just shown how incompetent and actually dangerous they are.


    2. Even if Zelensky said Americans should fight in Ukrain what’s wrong in that? Because Ukrainians are fighting and dying for American and NATO interests in Europe. So it is only fair for them to ask the favour to return 😂

  3. As an ordinary American who actually watched the conference with Pres. Zelenskyy, I am appalled by our politicians who clearly didn’t. It’s one thing to be incompetent, it’s another when you mislead people whether on purpose or not.

    1. Unfortunately, irresponsibility has taken over a lot of politicians in this country. Those kind of politicians are playing with the stupidity of a lot people that believes any lie anyone say.

  4. American sons have already died in Ukraine with the international legion and don’t forget the medic who gave his life providing aid to the wounded, RIP Pete Reed.

    1. They have them kneeling on the street fot hat one tho the ukrianians everyday are gratitude

  5. We need to be careful on watching some videos on social media because some people may “twist” the message into something that may destroy a person’s integrity and character. Also, the technology to put a person’s face in another person’s body on videos is already existing.

    1. @Ronald Gosiengfiao LMAO dude just cause someone speaks against things doesn’t mean they are a bot smh

  6. Some people are far too quick to respond to quotes taken out of context, and some media are reliant upon that. Nobody should ever take a quote seriously until they have seen the whole thing in context. It’s a dangerous thing to do.

    1. Even if Zelensky said Americans should fight in Ukrain what’s wrong in that? Because Ukrainians are fighting and dying for American and NATO interests in Europe. So it is only fair for them to ask the favour to return 😂

    2. @James Pelgam The fact that you think it’s the same thing reveals an utter lack of intellect. Let me clarify this for you:

      1) If Russia isn’t stopped in Ukraine, it will attack Baltic states and Poland (Russians say so themselves on their TV).

      2) Baltic states and Poland are members of NATO.

      3) If a NATO member is attacked, this would trigger article 5: “an attack on one is an attack on all”.

      4) Since USA is a NATO member as well, it would have to be involved.

      5) Therefore, if Russia isn’t stopped in Ukraine, US soldiers would have to get involved, and die as a result.

      Zelensky say that would be a terrible thing for USA. So, in order to avoid this happening:

      A) Russia must be stopped in Ukraine. For this to happen, Ukraine needs more weapons.

      B) Since it’s just weapons Ukraine needs, US soldiers won’t need to die. Instead, only Ukrainian lives would be sacrificed.

      Do you see the difference? If you don’t support Ukraine, you will loose people later on, if you do support Ukraine, you loose money now.

      This is NOT the same as saying US sons and daughters will die in Ukraine no matter what.

    3. @Chinysukaine Pyobytt Errr… which war are you tuned into? If Russia is “doing better than ever,” perhaps they shouldn’t be losing massive swaths of territory that they initially took when their invasion first started. Must’ve been worse off than now if this is considered “better than ever” lol

  7. Even “out of context” that clip doesn’t remotely appear as what it’s been made out to be. But more importantly, this comment section. First of all, it isn’t “politicians,” it’s specifically *rightwing* politicians. (Not making this distinction is also a massive part of the problem.) And secondly, the *rightwing* politicians aren’t “falling” for the narrative, they are intentionally *creating* the narrative on the basis of manipulating their audiences.

  8. I didn’t even see the original conference but knew straight away the context it was said in using common sense. We are all led by incompetence.

    1. It’s likely that those people already had an (opposing) opinion about Zelensky and about helping Ukraine, so they were just seeking for any opportunity to confirm their narrative without checking where the clip came from and in what context it was spoken. Sadly common sense goes out the window for people like that.

  9. This says much more about Mike Lee and Crowley than anything Zelensky actually said. You can learn much w/o someone speaking at all.

    1. Even if Zelensky said Americans should fight in Ukrain what’s wrong in that? Because Ukrainians are fighting and dying for American and NATO interests in Europe. So it is only fair for them to ask the favour to return 😂

  10. If you really care about what Zelensky was saying, giving his county the support they desperately need is the right choice.

    1. @Dj LeeJames – Techno Russia hosted illegitimate voting on Ukranian soil and decided parts of their country belongs to Russian and then put their troops there. How do you justify this? Its like Russians sending soldiers to Alaska and deciding it belongs to them because it used to 100 years ago. But lets just apply Russian logic here. They said Crimea and Donbass wanted to be part of Russia because majority of people voted for this. If this is the case, why did Russia invade Chechnya after Chechens voted for independence in the same exact way. Do not be naive and think Russia is being fair, its part of their propaganda problem. And before you come at me saying that I am siding with the west or US, both sides can be wrong and there isnt always the right side.

  11. “Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something” – Plato

    1. “” A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished.”” ~Wise men who have something to say.
      The prudent dont have ~~my old car, dye, duss.. So there we go.

    2. check this one “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”

  12. The actual message is extremely important and it wasn’t received because of a criminal level of incompetence of those to whom it was delivered. This is serious.

    1. @Priya Mec Why Russia invaded them? Because Ukrain want to join NATO. They want to take Crimea back too. So Russia can’t let them join NATO or it would have been a war between Russia vs NATO instead of a Ukrain vs Russia war

    1. @7th Sign Yes? How is this not legit? They clearly showed how the statement was taken out of context. Could not be more legit than that.

  13. A good reminder that you should ALWAYS fact check things and get context. I’m not upset that some people have misunderstood, but I’m upset that some OF those people are in major positions of power and could make major (horrible?) decisions based on that information they clearly didn’t get right.

    1. Even if Zelensky said Americans should fight in Ukrain what’s wrong in that? Because Ukrainians are fighting and dying for American and NATO interests in Europe. So it is only fair for them to ask the favour to return 😂

  14. I study psychology, many individuals in the news, media has shorten clips and reword what individuals have said. This is nothing new and done on a daily basis. Thank you for telling us the whole story much appreciated.

  15. It’s alarming that we have to fact check everything in this age of information because someone had very ill intentions… It’s impressive that Senator Lee could get away with it without any repercussions after the damage was done… The same goes to Ms Crowley

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