16 Yr. Old Student Assaults Teacher | NHT Confusion | TVJ Midday News – June 7 2022

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16 Yr. Old Student Assaults Teacher | NHT Confusion | TVJ Midday News @TelevisionJamaica


  1. I’d like to see what happened from the start , bcuz it looked like the teacher was the aggressor. The kid just looked like he was making sure she didn’t hit him w those objects. Didn’t really see him hitting her.

    1. Dance a yawd before yuh dance abroad..
      Boy bruck bad from mawning…y would you enter a class without the teachers’ consent….was he brought up or dragged up.🤔☹

    2. @Anime Mega Bucket well , maybe don’t charge anybody. It didn’t even look that serious. Have the young man apologize, that’s his elder and he did cause it , he keep his behind in the class to which he belongs and every body just move on. I’m in Philadelphia, kids here would have killed that woman. Compared to the kids here , that young man is a saint.

    3. @LISA BLAKE I agree with you. She should have had more control. However, for a teacher to lose control, something probably happened prior.

  2. what i saw is the teacher initiating the fight. granted he did not even belong in that class.

    1. What you saw is not the full thing-so can’t draw any conclusion. What they they show you is the teacher attempting to hit the student with a chair-something must have happen before that.

  3. So y’all just gonna lie on national television. Shame on you TVJ shame on you, come with the other side of the video where the child is assaulting the teacher and not defending himself.

  4. Why wasn’t the teacher arrested? I don’t understand this video, because it seems this woman was not defending herself but attacking. Hmmmmm

  5. We need to see the entire fight in order for proper justice to be served. Young man should have left class room as he was told, but in this video the teacher is the one going at the little boy. He took the chair from her and tosted it aside. Please be fear with this case cause unuh well courpt . I have a son also. Punish him for only what he have done wrong . Nuh badda guh mek up a bag of lies now.

    1. Some of these adults are not fear look what the teacher did take up the chair to hit him, grab him up and almost box him but people blaming the boy do wrong.

    2. Same thing mi say need to see whole thing because in this part the teacher is the one pushing it

  6. I’m glad that this lil boy was able to control himself enough to not hit her with that chair or at all in this clip of video that is shown. I doesn’t even look as if he is trying to fight her , only pushing her out his face.

  7. It was very upsetting to watch the teacher was also out of line she should never put my hands on him she should’ve called someone to Excavated him out She should be discipline her self Everything was so bad

  8. Some of these teachers behave as if they own the school. However, if the student was ordered by the teacher to leave her class, he should have complied.

    1. These children a behave like parents now. angry and behave like no one.should talk to them…

      Big people have just the same.

      But government need to take hail and come with some harsh punishment.
      Both for adult and children

    2. @Mathew Owens How are they behaving like parents? In the video it was only shown the student defending himself.

  9. In the video clip the teacher does look like the aggressor and the child is only trying to prevent her from hitting him. I did not see where he attacked her. Even if she asked him to leave and he didn’t want to why did she decide that she could throw him out and not call the security or something? If I had a sixteen yr old boy I would not get into a fist fight with him because I don’t have that kinda body strength and neither does she.

    1. Wendy Williams if you work in the school system you would be singing a different story, I am telling you because I work at a school, some students have no respect or manner for no staff members, some of them even promise teachers gunshot.

    2. @marvin mcleod There isn’t an escuse for hitting someone with a table unless it’s self defense.

    3. @Angelee Peele a lot happen before the video started rolling. we only saw the middle and the end of video

    4. @marvin mcleod based on the video making the rounds, the teacher is the aggressor. If you know the full story , tell us and show the evidence.

    5. I didnt see the entire altercation, but there should be measures in place to deal with that situation. If the child hit the teacher first, He needs to be punished yes. How did it get to the level where she’s in a physical fight with him
      That is definately a dangerous approach

  10. I think people should hold their assumptions until a full video of the entire debacle is available (if one is even available).

  11. Sorry for those teachers. It doesn’t worth it anymore. Let the dj , scammers and bloggers go and teach.

  12. Investigation need to be carried out with all students in the classroom to get to the bottom of this 😥

  13. But the teacher attempts to “Assault” the young person with the chair and the young person removes the chair, in self defence from what I see.

    The teacher appeared to be out of control and the young person appeared to be very protective of her in her actions. What do you think?

    Has the teacher been charged?

    Did the young person assault the teacher or is it the otherway round?

    The question I ask, is if a young person does not obey a teachers order, is it acceptable for a teacher to assault a young person???

    We expect all young persons to comply with teachers orders in the classroom but when they fail to comply, what should a teacher do? Physical violence is never a solution. Please advise the teacher in this situation.

  14. The teacher should have call the police. Thats professional thing to do as a teacher . At 56 years old, why would you want to get into a fight with anyone for any reason?

  15. Granted, this child had no place being in her classroom, and was OBVIOUSLY out of order, but WHY was the teacher about to hit him with the table/chair and pulling on the tie around his neck? Like someone else said, he seemed, at least in this portion of video, to be more in self-defense mode. Even when the other students intervened she would not let go of the tie around his neck.

    Teachers have got to learn de-escalating skills. This cannot be a battle of wills. Also, schools need some additional protocols which involve security guard personnel, or the like, to intervene asap. They are both in the wrong, sad to say. I hope she’ll be okay.

    I also hope they will thoroughly investigate; see if the child has a track record, or was this a one of. No point ruining his life for a stupid mistake. Jail ISN’T always the answer. This is where we are. Very sad indeed.

    1. Yes many of these kids is out of control but less there is more before the video started because what we all see is the teacher push aggressions she is more aggressive than the kid

    2. Well said thank you we as adult need to set example and be a problem solver and not a problem motivator

    3. So what would you do if a child came in your classroom being disrespectful then slapped you?? Think you may act in a similar manner

    4. @no name at a old age like that can’t even stand up good to put up with a teen listen people do people worst than that and they walk away she set no example

  16. Is this the entire video or a clip? Did the fight start the way we are seeing it? Let’s be careful how we handle this case, and that it is fairly adjudicated. I hope the police has investigated it and the right person will be punished.

  17. I watched the clip a few times and it was clear from the start of the video that he did something to her, just by her reaction and frantic look to find something to lick him with. Teaching high school kids is not easy. High school kids these days are verbally abusive, have unchecked behavioural problems, and some parents are so defensive when you bring their child’s behaviour to their attention. I can only imagine the daily stress teachers face, especially with kids from specific neighborhoods and challenging family life. As a parent, I don’t agree with her response because as a professional she should know or be aware of the protocols of how to handle this situation. However, as a human being, I can sympathize with her knee-jerk reaction to being attacked.

  18. The people who are quick to cast judgement on the teacher pls note this is only a clip..we do not know what happened frm the very start of the incident..let us hear the full investigations b4 we make hasty judgements..

  19. Bwoy, this is sad. We are living in a time where adult can’t speak with children and children can’t speak to adult… I strongly believe they should look at both end before charging anyone. Being a teacher at high school is hard, cause I have seen where children disrespect teacher badly …..

  20. I demand to see the full video. In the clip, I did not see that young man doing the first hit. I am deeply convinced the teacher was the aggressor! I am happy to help the family of this boy getting a great lawyer! We want JUSTICE!

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