in this week's edition the story of a young entrepreneur who decided to take the mantle after his father lost hope in the family business.
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Keep the fire burning youth all the best,God Bless
I love this. Such a breathe of fresh air!!
Let’s give these families help and hope… JAH!!!
@Christopher Campbell 1
Greatness young man!
such a joy continue to show him the right way daddy keep firm sameway son
This is an awesome story about a remarkable young fellow! I suggest that he sets up a Facebook page showcasing his business and sharing the story of his business journey. Hopefully other youngsters (and even adults) will see and emulate him.
I’m in the same business. What a beautiful son
You’ll never know where this can take him. I truly hope he gets help. God never let nobody hurt this young boy.
Cover him lord
Extremely extremely lovely. Youths like these touch the core of my heart. This is also proof how a father can impact his child or children in a positive direction. I pray his dad give him all the necessary support and encouragement. Kids these days are preoccupied with phone and other gadgets, so i lift my hat to youths like this. Stick by him dad…. please please.
Youths like these are like precious stones. There should be some kinda foundation to help families like this…. especially the child. Youths like these I’ll give my last dollar and do without.
Bless this boy oh God God please let bad mine pass him by Lord.
In the name of Jesus Christ. Blood covering
Good news coming out of Jamaica. Yes! This young man and his father are an inspiration. May the Lord guide and protect them.
This is soo touching..he has the intention to do it so he will prosper..with Jah by his side and his family’s support..where there’s a will, there MUST be a way

God bless this little boy great job we need more kids like this in Jamaica

I wish God’s richest blessings on all your endeavours young man. The sky is the limit. So very proud of you.
Continue to believe in your dreams young man, Jamaica needs more of your kind. You have vision and a positive drive
Is a joy to see when kids is like that I’m proud of him nuff blessing
He’s learning the value of hard work and service from a young age. Bless the father and son and pray all goes well with the business
I can’t even find the right words to commend this young man God bless him .