$100 million campaign to promote Jesus will air during Super Bowl

A $100 million campaign, "He Gets Us," that promotes Jesus Christ and his teachings is set to showcase its ads during the Super Bowl. It's funded by anonymous donors acting through a nonprofit linked to staunchly conservative causes, as CNN's Tom Foreman reports. #CNN #News


    1. @sammyshott23 Yes it is, and that’s not a bad thing. I THINK, however, this is more about Political Power and an attempt to increase base-size for the GOP.
      The Republicans KNOW that the Evangelicals are using them, and the Evangelicals know that THEY are being used by the GOP in return … it’s just one big, cynical and incestuous love festival !


  1. And Jesus, looks down upon this, and weeps. Look beyond your dogma and into your hearts, only there will you find true peace and salvation. I just think for a moment on what a 100 million could do for the poor and needy, and I cringe at the hypocrisy.

    1. Exactly. The people funding this are the same ones who call Democrats demons. As a Christian, I find it incredibly offensive that someone would exploit something I hold sacred to advance their not-so-veiled political ideology. In The Gospel, Jesus exemplified the words he preached through his actions and people followed him having been inspired by the grace, compassion and love by which he lived. Christians today should follow that example and demonstrate the peace that comes with the belief in true grace, then people will follow. Jesus doesn’t need an infomercial. I’m curious? Are they so lacking in self-awareness that they don’t recognize the flagrant hypocrisy of reminding people Jesus was a refugee and simultaneously supporting far right causes(although they unconvincingly try to hide it), of having vast amounts of money & choosing to make a Jesus infomercial rather than feeding the hungry, providing medicine for the sick, etc?

    2. @Ali F Strangely the website doesn’t promote his message it just talks about various identity factors and guesses about how he felt. “Was Jesus lonely?” “Was Jesus a refugee?”

  2. From my perspective, it seems that the same folks who purport to prefer that football remain free of “politics” are the ones pushing that faith be relevant to the same—

    1. @Frenite and just more to my point: the Super Bowl is intentionally scheduled at a time so that it does not conflict with most folks’ faith-related services.

    2. @Wydeedo Then why have ads in the first place if the Super Bowl is strictly about football? Since there are ads promoting various things and millions of people who watch them, I see no reason why a Christian group wouldn’t want to promote Jesus if they have the money to purchase an ad. Similar marketing strategies can be used for companies and religious organizations.

    3. JESUS H. CHRIST, what have we become? There is one God and so may other prophets, do we need conversion and organized religion to govern us?


    5. @SuperBullaMan What are you talking about?? You make some bold claims for someone with no supporting evidence .

  3. Wow…. 100 million dollars. How many less fortunate people would that could have fed. When I look at a high end design newly built church, I ask “where all this money coming from and why it is not spent on poor people?”

  4. When you can afford Superbowl ads, it’s time to stop asking working class people to put money in the basket and start paying taxes.

  5. There should be something in tax law for non-profits and churches that first stops them from being able to amass this much money and second doesn’t count propaganda as a non-profit activity.

  6. Imagine giving thousands thinking your money will help homeless and whatnot. Then you see it went to the super bowl commercial. 😂 😆 😂

    1. Imagine thinking that the super bowl ad is so harmful to your idenity that it bothers you so much you have to comment on it. Society runs on Religion and at this moment religion is constently being attacked by those who put themselves iver others and dont want a set of morals and values. Religion has always allowed societies ti grow and without it they have always collapsed

    1. Yes when people lack belief in a set morals and values we end up falling a part. Where we think men can be women and get so easily manipulated into thinking the vaccine works.

    1. I guess you didn’t read the part in the description that states “It’s funded by anonymous donors acting through a nonprofit linked to staunchly conservative causes”…..

  7. I definitely share her view and this is very dangerous to our Christian faith in the face of low rate of new convert because some of us are using political groups and their platform for pure propaganda.

  8. “Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.”
    ~Lucius Annaeus Seneca

  9. “You can safely assume you’ve created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.”
    ~Anne Lamott

  10. “Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they’re sure trying to do so, it’s going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can’t and won’t compromise. I know, I’ve tried to deal with them.”
    ~Barry Goldwater

    1. @Sean McCartney what about him? Is he pushing his beliefs on you? Is he saying that you have to abide by his religious beliefs?

    2. Some of these people including Greene and Boebert and the Huckabees…Hucklebees, the lying hypocrites who claim to be their form of Christianity want a Theocracy.

    3. The preachers have gotten control of the Republican Party, Christian Nationalism has taken over and if you think the Moslem are bad wait until destroy our American government. Religion and fascism go hand in hand.

  11. “Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.”
    ~Blaise Pascal

    1. I’m almost hundred percent certain that my comment will be deleted,
      The reason why are they running such ads is because the most googled person in the world Andrew Tate converted to Islam and thus his followers started looking into Islam, these people are loosing their s h I t over that, has nothing to do with the right wing bs.
      Let’s see if my comment will last or I’ll get banned

  12. “I no longer listen to what people say I just watch what they do. Behavior never lies.”
    ~ Sir Winston Churchill ✨️

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