Former President Donald Trump's private Boeing 757, once the crown jewel of his wealth with customized leather seats, gilded bathrooms and seat buckles layered in 24-karat gold, now sits idle and in need of repair. CNN's Kate Bennett reports. #CNN #News
1 engine broken, the other wrapped. This is the current state of Trump’s 757

My god they’re desperate and can’t let him go lol
The donkeys never want to hear bad news about The Chosen One: US’ most notorious traitor #DonTheCon is now facing both legal and financial crises. Now, want to hear the good news: after Easter fraudster Trump is coming back to the WH as POTUS! The fraudster is also coming back on the internet with his new media of his own! Like it? Yes?

@Sunny Days – You’re still obsessed with Trump. Your programming has served you well. The indoctrination centers have done a wonderful job on you. How does it feel to be brainwashed?
@S H Sh you forgot the IT For Brains, of course you mumble under you’re breath alot most mentally I’ll people do, increase you’re MEDS .It may help with the DELUSIONAL WACKY Baseless CONSPIRACY THEORIES you Believe In. LMAO
@Les Kelly FOX NEWS RATINGS HAVE DROPED Murdoch is being sued by Dominion and they are not promoting The Right Wing, BIBLE Thumping, BASELESS WACKY CONSPIRACY THEORIES like they were before the lawsuit.
How pathetic, CNN just can’t move on and stop talking about Trump .
Hmmm how long has benghazi been talked about and hrc wasn’t even President.
Kamala didn’t salute?? That’s what fox has
@Chumnley snoop
@Elijah CJ I’m with you. Its 2 sides of the same coin. I was on both sides and now I opened my eyes that these people are delusional. The same things they complained about their doing themselves. Its cringe and annoying.
Why would he need it in the last few years this is pathetic.
That’s a good point.
Man, them ratings must’ve plummeted when Biden went in office
100 %
@Deepinjersey1 Biden tripping up the stairs of AF1 is not boring
@Rangersix92 I’d rather that than racist remarks and inflammatory comments every other day.
@Trainzguy2472 nor is it boring when Mr. Trump tells the world during a 4th of July speech that the Revolutionary War was won because our men manned the airports.
@Rangersix92 lol pretty fucking boring guy. nobody cares what a president really does or what laws they help pass unless it directly affects them… Biden has a gentle and soft vibe to him and is pretty predictable, Trump on the other hand was an interesting character and you really couldn’t predict him and he had a lot of energy. I liked having trump as president even though i don’t like him or his policies because I think he was more interesting and political discussion was more exciting because everyone was at each others throats lol. i haven’t seen an all caps rant about trump being a fraud or an all caps rant about how “THE LIBERALS ARE DESTROYING AMERICA AND WE WILL NOT STAND DOWN WE WILL FIGHT” recently because people have got bored of all that without someone firing them up. :/
Jeez, he’s had AF1 for 4 years. CNN: “it’s unclear why it’s grounded”
@BDVX …..yeah…cuz *that* was the substantive part of this debate….smdh…
@Trainzguy2472 everybody’s an expert on the mind of a billionaire and how to maintain a plane. LOL. Guess what the military does when they don’t use a plane for a while, cover it up and put it in the desert. This is a hit piece, nothing more
@Jordan Eggerman Also the current president can drink water with only one hand.
@Austin no kidding, right? Not saying much, but what it *does* say…. lol
@BDVX and the cost to un-mothball a plane is almost the cost to build it from nothing. Again, it isn’t fiscally responsible to mothball a 757 that you plan on ever using again…
Lol my god they really can’t leave the guy alone
@Day Dreamer
@Day Dreamer You got a real lying sob to deal with now
@uncle main sounds You got that wrong
Yes, before anyone abandons a100 million dollar jet they cover up the engine and have the other removed for maintenance. Thanks for the true story CNN.
Is that what you do with your plane?
@BDVX Airplane owners do that to protect the investment in their airplanes and also to keep their airplane airworthy.
ANY plane with a bad engine yet to be repaired could be called “abandoned”.
Doesn’t need it right now Air Force One Nancy Pelosi uses Air Force One cuz she’s all that the back of marbles carries around with her
@Larry Hall Sooo… You do realize the 757 only has two engines, yes? Where’s this third engine coming from?
@Mekronid You’re correct. I was just trying to be witty. Please accept my apology.
@Larry Hall Uh, okay. I was legit confused. If it was meant as a witty joke then I’m also sorry for ruining the joke.
@Mekronid I wish I really was more of a ‘gear head.’ Even withy amps and phone I’m somewhat ignorant. Thanks for the correction!
CNN is like a sad emo kid writing love songs about a lost crush.
@A k oh good! I am happy we have common ground. GODSPEED FRIEND!
Underrated comment.
Reminds me how fox always brings up Obama and Hillary constantly.
@Carlos Ruiz Why do you watch fox?
@Wooden Puppet to get some laughs out the ridiculous things they say. Like the whole mr. potato head outrage they have going on. The dr. Seuss outrage the opinion shows showed, and yet they still wont shut up. It’s amusing watching them call other people snowflakes and yet when something so so and inconsequential happens they get triggered.
This is basically me ragging on my friend for his work vehicle having a flat because they had a company car, cept its a billionaire.
Billionaire? you mean he owes a billion
The trump house of cards is disintegrating
more time spent on Trump’s plane but not the war Biden started or the crisis on the border.
CNN is so pathetic they’ll still be talking about Trump 20 years from now
Yeah, well in 20 years, Trump will still be the standard of awfulness in government.
@Daniel Dravot Lmao 20 years you will be begging to have awful Trump back, if this country is not balkanized already
@bing binger, it’s a shame you cannot grasp how sincerely despised Trump is by the majority in this country.
Y’all act like Airplane engine repairs and inspections are like getting your oil changed. There’s a lot of old airplanes that get repaired daily
They wanted him gone so bad yet can’t stop talking about him

People like clowns especially a fat orange face one…..
One side has an orange and the other, a bill cosby fan that can’t remember.
@Greg edwards So you’re saying cnn likes trump?
The donkeys never want to hear bad news about The Chosen One: US’ most notorious traitor #DonTheCon is now facing both legal and financial crises. Now, want to hear the good news: after Easter fraudster Trump is coming back to the WH as POTUS! The fraudster is also coming back on the internet with a new media of his own! Like it? Yes?

@James Nguyen As far as for ratings, they loved him. CNN ratings have plummeted since Trump left office.
How boring is it to watch CNN talk about how awesome Joe Biden is everyday?
The news stations don’t know what to do now that Trump is gone.
They also have no more jokes since he has been gone

@susan asta – They are the joke.
@Don Olinger
The donkeys never want to hear bad news about The Chosen One: US’ most notorious traitor #DonTheCon is now facing both legal and financial crises. Now, want to hear the good news: after Easter fraudster Trump is coming back to the WH as POTUS! The fraudster is also coming back on the internet with his new media of his own! Like it? Yes? 

We have new heavy machinery and things go wrong even with them. CNN really must get a new angle.
“Vintage aircraft”. Wait until you learn about how old the 747 is.
747 can be considered vintage.
Regular maintenance = “abandoned and in need of repairs” to CNN. MSM is A JOKE!
Gotta get that hard hitting “news” lmao. CNN is a JOKE!
OMG are you going to talk about his last bowl movement and how it was softer than usual. Maybe you can talk about how machines break down, thats what they do.