Maureen Tate
They realized what can happen when you think your vote doesn’t count.
Electoral impropriety and outright bribery is the ONLY way Trump keeps our Whitehouse.
Oh yah……and a little help from Boris n Natasha.
I expected all this already on the Democratic party taking the majority in the house & Senate as well as the Presidency in 2020. I am republican for Mr. Weld who supports the Impeachment and suggested to the Dems to charge Trump with Treason as well. But Trump has literally destroyed my party for 2020, I accept it and I believe Mr. Weld has also. The thing is, it’s about what’s right for the country and our constitution that matters and not the evil that the current administration has brought on the country. I will continue to support Mr. weld though so he has a chance to knock out trump for the finals anyhow if it goes that far though he most likely will be defeated in the finals. I think republicans against Trump should support this cause if nothing more.
Democrats win 2020……….Dow drops 6000+ points, your children are taught they are neither male or female, anyone and everyone pour into the US, taxes increase to 20 percent at the bottom, unemployment goes to 9 percent, 1/3 of small businesses close due to mandated 15 minimum wage and even with free college, there are no jobs to be found. Health care is never fixed. GDP falls to .25 percent. The stock market’s decline continues………..Iran gets nuclear weapons 2024 Republicans win Presidency, the House and Senate Trump 2020
Florida Crypto R- I have been a life long Republican that will never vote Republican again except maybe to primary Trump.. I say the Democrats need to take the Senate, the House and the Presidency!!! The Republicans need to be taught a huge lesson..We need to remove Rubio as well, he’s a coward!
alyne Groovin oldskool 70’s
You are deaf dumb and blind if you believe what you are afe saying but can’t because you are a troll and cannot even spell or speak proper English
@The Punisher Disgraced sexual predator Trump booed by Americans.
World applauds.
Get ready to change your screen name next November, to *The BedWetter*
@A better me 0bama doubled the debt in his 8 yrs.
I’m not in the Trump fan club or whatever it is. I’m Independent. Voted for 0bama the first time. I just think the office of the Presidency should be respected. And, I blame the bought off lame stream media for the lies & propaganda that has caused such deep division in our country. That’s my story & I’m sticking to it.
Greed = Republican Party. The 14% tax cut for very profitable multinational corporations in a good economy says it all. This cut has skyrocketed our federal deficit during a good economy. Expected to go over 1.1 trillion this year. Greed and corruption has taken over. Bush 2.0 economy, first the boom due to money dumped into corporations (stocks go up) now comes the bust and this time we can not buy our way out of it with government money because it is already spent. Enjoy the 2nd Republican made Great Recession. Idiots never learn.
@GuitarZombie you may have Google and maybe you can read but….you dont seem to understand what you’re reading. So tell me, if that’s what you think of a left leaning agenda, how was it furthered during Obama’s administration?
@WTF Again? Co-equal isn’t “hamstrung”. I have no great regard for Mitch or Nancy but it’s how our govt is supposed to run. Time to vote out ALL those owned by the Corporatocracy & return govt TO the people. I’m a proud boomer for Bernie.
Dishonesty in government is the business of every citizen.
It is not enough to do your own job.
There’s no particular virtue in that.
Democracy isn’t a gift. It’s a responsibility.
@Varekai Ascendant yes and hopefully if people get out and vote and the Senate goes blue then may be the dems can pass legislation to get judges like Kavanaugh removed. Because they’re not confirming judges based on their knowledge and their record in judicial matters, Moscow Mitch McTreason is confirming them on their religious and right-wing ideology and these religious loonies are going to put people’s, mostly women’s, rights back decades!
@stephen wedderburn I believe that there’s going to be a complete review of every single appointee’s that Trump “placed’ in key positions in all levels of Government. The Democratic Party Must do a thorough purge of all the obvious corruption in all departments if our democracy is to survive.
It very well could happen , Democrats are coming out to vote !
Maureen Tate
They realized what can happen when you think your vote doesn’t count.
Electoral impropriety and outright bribery is the ONLY way Trump keeps our Whitehouse.
Oh yah……and a little help from Boris n Natasha.
A lot of Democrats have changed their Party to Republicans.
@Judith Rhice that’s a load of crap
I expected all this already on the Democratic party taking the majority in the house & Senate as well as the Presidency in 2020. I am republican for Mr. Weld who supports the Impeachment and suggested to the Dems to charge Trump with Treason as well. But Trump has literally destroyed my party for 2020, I accept it and I believe Mr. Weld has also. The thing is, it’s about what’s right for the country and our constitution that matters and not the evil that the current administration has brought on the country. I will continue to support Mr. weld though so he has a chance to knock out trump for the finals anyhow if it goes that far though he most likely will be defeated in the finals. I think republicans against Trump should support this cause if nothing more.
If Republicans start going on Fox News and making the case for why he is toxic to their interests en masse public opinion will shift.
It’s up to them to lead.
Democrats win 2020……….Dow drops 6000+ points, your children are taught they are neither male or female, anyone and everyone pour into the US, taxes increase to 20 percent at the bottom, unemployment goes to 9 percent, 1/3 of small businesses close due to mandated 15 minimum wage and even with free college, there are no jobs to be found. Health care is never fixed. GDP falls to .25 percent. The stock market’s decline continues………..Iran gets nuclear weapons 2024 Republicans win Presidency, the House and Senate Trump 2020
Florida Crypto R- I have been a life long Republican that will never vote Republican again except maybe to primary Trump.. I say the Democrats need to take the Senate, the House and the Presidency!!! The Republicans need to be taught a huge lesson..We need to remove Rubio as well, he’s a coward!
@Mrrogersbestneighbo did you listen to the slanderous propaganda video you’re commenting on?
The world will be a better place with Trump NOT President.
@Randy Sanders you do know that Dixiecrats are just Democrats who turned Republican right
Totally agree
alyne Groovin oldskool 70’s
You are deaf dumb and blind if you believe what you are afe saying but can’t because you are a troll and cannot even spell or speak proper English
Sml lig
probably best to ignore trolls
Maga death is coming soon to a President near you
@The Punisher Disgraced sexual predator Trump booed by Americans.
World applauds.
Get ready to change your screen name next November, to *The BedWetter*
@Dan McFarland silly troll.
“Reality Star Flips The Power Away From His Party”
I guess he really is making America great again.
He never had a party, outside the one Putin chose for him.
The only baseball story I care about is trump getting booed at a game! Hahahahaha! Love it!
@Joyce Sutherland You need a new shrink
@Brad Farrow Lol
So funny!! I cant believe it. How could Trump possibly win re-election? No one likes him wherever he goes!
@A better me 0bama doubled the debt in his 8 yrs.
I’m not in the Trump fan club or whatever it is. I’m Independent. Voted for 0bama the first time. I just think the office of the Presidency should be respected. And, I blame the bought off lame stream media for the lies & propaganda that has caused such deep division in our country. That’s my story & I’m sticking to it.
@Joyce Sutherland trump is well on his way of doing it in 4, God forbid what he would do in 8!
Republicans are an endangered species!
Well-put facts.
The American people would like you to do us a favor though….. resign.
Not this American and the 63 million others that voted for Trump. #KAG
@John Dough yeah 62 million wanted something different until trump showed his ignorance now they will show him his way out
@John Dough out of 157.6 registered voters. That is far from a majority.
@John Dough you wont get 63 million this time brother.
If it upsets the “Cheeto in Chief”, then I say; “RUN JEFF RUN!
America can’t afford republicans any more.
Greed = Republican Party. The 14% tax cut for very profitable multinational corporations in a good economy says it all. This cut has skyrocketed our federal deficit during a good economy. Expected to go over 1.1 trillion this year. Greed and corruption has taken over. Bush 2.0 economy, first the boom due to money dumped into corporations (stocks go up) now comes the bust and this time we can not buy our way out of it with government money because it is already spent. Enjoy the 2nd Republican made Great Recession. Idiots never learn.
@Honest Business I’m all for a balanced budget
@GuitarZombie you may have Google and maybe you can read but….you dont seem to understand what you’re reading. So tell me, if that’s what you think of a left leaning agenda, how was it furthered during Obama’s administration?
GuitarZombie The last President to balance the budget was Clinton.
Imagine the day ya all tell us trump is leaving the White House! VOTE AMERICA!

You can easily imagine that Trump received his instructions to undermine Ukraine and delay US aid at one of his blatant secret meetings with Putin.
Trumpsky is “Putin`s Puppet.“
@Thomas Garty –
Seriously? Are you really that ignorant?…
Joyce Sutherland obviously you are
Take him out at the ball game…Take him out at the polls…
@WTF Again? Co-equal isn’t “hamstrung”. I have no great regard for Mitch or Nancy but it’s how our govt is supposed to run. Time to vote out ALL those owned by the Corporatocracy & return govt TO the people. I’m a proud boomer for Bernie.
Pat Kelly lol Love this
Hey Batter Batter Batter
Swing batter
I always think of Ferris Buellers day off when I think of baseball.
Dishonesty in government is the business of every citizen.
It is not enough to do your own job.
There’s no particular virtue in that.
Democracy isn’t a gift. It’s a responsibility.
Yes! Do research on the candidates.
Check their background.
Much deserved long overdue demise of the GOP.
The total destruction of the RethugliKKKlan is essential for the nation to survive.
Sessions should be prosecuted for lying to congress during the Mueller hearings.
Brett Kavanaugh Lies under oath as well.
@Varekai Ascendant yes and hopefully if people get out and vote and the Senate goes blue then may be the dems can pass legislation to get judges like Kavanaugh removed. Because they’re not confirming judges based on their knowledge and their record in judicial matters, Moscow Mitch McTreason is confirming them on their religious and right-wing ideology and these religious loonies are going to put people’s, mostly women’s, rights back decades!
@stephen wedderburn I believe that there’s going to be a complete review of every single appointee’s that Trump “placed’ in key positions in all levels of Government. The Democratic Party Must do a thorough purge of all the obvious corruption in all departments if our democracy is to survive.
It’s coming Republicans it’s coming … and each and everyone of you republicans in dc should be locked up for your crimes against the usa
Congratulations GOP, you set yourselves up for this.
So much that I can’t stand to even hear the word Republican and dummy me have voted for some in the past but never again!
When tRump disappears into a cell along with his kids, our greatest national nightmare will be over.