1. Because she’s the most useless “public servant”.

    Every time there are problems she disappears for a while.

    1. @Mike Mondano China does not make her clothes – can you send the link to support your claims?

    2. Because it’s not racist. trump original attacked the content of the squad character, and their ideology. CNN you could but lipstick on a pig, you’re still a pig.

    1. This comment section shows why CNN is dying.
      I mean, how many sane, America loving people are upset that rogue elected officials , acting like fools- on our dime-have been called out?

      That is why CNN is at the bottom of the ratings.
      Attacks on DT and his family are so prevalent, you think that’s ok.
      But calling our people who obstruct everything we need to do is a problem for you?

    2. Muhammad was a pedophile caravan robber you have quite the fixation on sex with children. Someone should look into your behaviors.

  2. More people need to be talking about the SDNY releasing documents showing that Cohan was telling the truth about Trump’s connection with the campaign finance crimes.

    1. @Grim Reefer

      *That’s just that belly full of semen, tell your boyfriend that you need to take a break.*

  3. Thx Anderson, I was thinking that same thing. She tried putting her input in the G20 but not this… she has the spotlight to say something good, but chooses not to🤦‍♀️ says a lot of overthrowing her position and going against her dad. Perhaps we might be expecting something that she might just believe as her racist father. Actions do speak louder than words I say

    1. @Mustang .308 what you’re saying makes absolutely zero sense buddy. You have a non argument. I have no right to speak, you’re 100% wrong. In my country the Constitution grants me the right to speak even if you don’t want me to have the right, don’t like what I’m saying or even if you get offended I do have the right to say whatever I want. So I debunked you there.
      Next you didn’t vote for me well I hope not. Want to know why? Here I’ll tell you, because I didn’t run for anything. It would be insane if you wrote my name and out of outbox and voted for me for something when I you’re not running for anything. Showed you don’t even know what you’re angry about there.
      Next you start it tell me to shut up. You must be really triggered, do you have TDS? look it up it’s a real thing, and we thought it was a joke at first but it is real medically. You’re showing a bunch of signs of it. So yeah telling someone to shut up right away is a good way to get them to listen to you. And if you don’t care if I listen then what’s the point of even commenting to me? Is it to make you feel better?
      all right there’s many more problems with that comment but I don’t have all day so I’ll leave you with that constructive criticism. Read it over what a mole over it and next time you comment on YouTube maybe considered some of the things I said into action. If you do I’m pretty sure you’ll be much more successful, cuz you definitely got a hard L out here. All right schools out of session.
      best of luck and try to relax dude not everyone’s going to agree with you you can’t get angry over it.🙏💚

    2. @Mustang .308 TDS I voted for Trump where’s your evidence that I don’t like the orange man. Wow you really don’t know what you’re talkin about. Trump’s one of the best presidents we had he’s done a lot of things in the last 4 years that no ever other president has done. And I’m going to vote for him again Trump 20/20. So I don’t even know why you’re arguing with me if we agree. Are you fighting with windmills or did you just not read my comment and jumped the gun?

    3. @Gene Brown oh I’m not trying to suck up I just stand up live went about and I think he does all right reporting. I may be wrong though I didn’t know he pushes communism. Communism is evil so if he pushes it and I definitely don’t align with some I just never heard that. I’ll look into it thanks for telling me about it. I’m not one of the people who live in an echo chamber, I want to know the truth and I changed my mind accordingly. I believe there’s nothing wrong with me being wrong.

    4. @Gene Brown sorry I’m tired, I don’t think you were talking to me with that comment. My bad if that’s true.

  4. Of course she can care less…Melania will use her green jacket and Ivanka will try her idiotic smile and lunatic attitude.Sad family that walk as holy and are selfish.

    1. @LAST CALL You are so brainwashed. Is that all you rejects know the term libtards? is that what Trump has taught you? The joke is on you you are a liberal but don’t know it.. you’re not rich enough to be a Republican and quite frankly Trump doesn’t do poor white trash… So there you go!

    2. Petrus Delassio Rich enough to be a Republican? That comment unequivocally shows your ignorance. Political parties are based on people’s ideological views not which tax bracket you’re in. There are white collar Republicans and blue collar Republicans. Same goes for the Democrats. The only difference is that liberals tend to be a lot more lazy and have a tendency to complain and choose to be unemployed. Not to mention the Democrats started the KKK and created slavery as we know it in the United States. Abraham Lincoln who was a republican then stopped it. Idiots like you probably don’t know that.

    3. Petrus Delassio Her smile is the reason why you think she’s a lunatic??? Please don’t respond anymore. I’m embarrassed for you 😔

    1. These 4 congresswomen fools are leading the way to another 2020 Trump victory! lol… The depth of their stupidity is amazing….  The DemoRats had 20 candidates in the 1st & 2nd debates, the clear winner in both was  🇺🇸 President Trump❗
      Tweet~Tweet! Bitches! hahaha! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z70MO8I9rJ4

  5. Please do not refer to your reality TV personality President as the leader of the free world.

    Other leader considered him a joke, Australia, UK, Germany, Canada, NZ, just naming…

    1. @Jeffrey van de Ketterij he only appeals to his horrifying base and no one else. So if he can win with only their support he will be fine. But you have shown your pure hate for the rest of the country and we won’t forget it after trump is gone. Please wear your maga hats in public so we can know you are not worth knowing or hiring. You are complete garbage.

    2. @Trumprules Clintondrools and trump has no deal with Iran because he wants a war there. He screamed it to his base night after night. I will invade Iran and take their oil. It’ll be easy TRUST ME! That’s why we have no deal.

    3. @Mr. T Let me know how that works out for them. We saved Europe’s asses and helped rebuild. Dont be silly.

    1. @Diane Hooper They are in the same club of gobblers and you and I aren’t in it. Have you ever wondered what these teleprompter junkets do that earns them millions every year? Hello. Can you say propaganda?

    1. “Jews will not replace us”.

      Was it Ilhan Omar that made that anti-Semitic statement?

      No, it was the “very fine people” that Donald Trump defended in Charlottesville. So who is anti-Semitic?

    2. No, she’s devastated. She knows her dad is wrong, what is she to do? Speak up and trash her dad to the world…the most she could do is stay silent. It would be horrendous is she speak up against her dad. She’s not speaking up because she doesn’t believe her dad was wrong. She’s not speaking up because of love and respect for daddy even though he’s wrong.

    1. @CD Smith … It IS “truly difficult” for you to figure out anything …. apparently…. And you seem to be stuck on the word “inbred” … as if that is the Bain of your existence … 🤔 … Or, is that who signed your 🤡NN diploma ?

    2. @CD Smith The Squad can take care of 2020 and the racist and facist and xenophobic maga-hatters and trump supporters, they just need the FULL support of ALL Democrats!

    3. Why do the KKK Democrats keep accusing Trump Republicans of bigotry? Oh yeah. They just want all Americans to be a compliant slave class. No thanks. I’m voting for Trump again in 2020. Maybe this time the KKK Democrat party will finally become extinct like the Whig party.

  6. At the G-20, she espoused women’s economic empowerment and equal rights. She left out.. “but only if you’re white”.

    1. @Macsen Wledig You like stupid questions so…. Why do the KKK, Unite the Right, American Renaissance, Neo-Nazis and every other Alt-right group support Drumpf?
      The New York Jewish mafia doesn’t care either.

  7. when has ivanka ever stood up to daddy she does not want to upset daddy he is the reason for her luxury lifestyle and never needing to work

  8. Republicans have the same mentality as my dog. He doesn’t care about heath insurance, protecting the environment, education, infrastructure, or human rights.
    He just wants the neighbors dog to stay out his yard.

    1. Have you ever wondered if you’re becoming a bigger bully than the imaginary one you’re fighting against?

  9. She inherited her immortality from daddy.

    Or maybe she siphoned it out of him when they were getting it on.

    1. Lets talk immoral. When a black person is republican lefties show their true racist colors and say disgusting racial slurs to that black republican.

  10. Ivanka seems to be a Barbie doll come alive with about a doll’s brain capacity and human feelings.

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