1. @Robert Clawson
      Robert Closson is a deplorable he has no morals and he doesn’t even know it
      – Brad Dibble

    2. “If the president does it, it’s not illegal” – Richard Nixon.

      Trump’s assertions are that if the president does it, it’s not illegal. If it’s not illegal, it’s not wrong. Charging or investigating the president is illegal. That’s treason, which is punishable by death. Criticizing the president is deportable and impeachable, even if the criticism comes from a senator, who cannot be impeached.

    3. @Mr. Sensible Sit down ‘Mr. Sensible.’
      Better yet, bend over, we already know you’ll do it for Donald

    1. @Doondah lmao…just go to his Twitter feed and see how an idiot conducts himself. I’m sure you won’t because the truth is always more comforting when you don’t have to see it.

    2. @Wize Wolf i follow him, you idiots buy into troll tweets every time. He’s making jokes out of you anti-american liberals.

    1. Sofia Rossi I hope the corruption is exposed, no matter what side it’s on, both are pointing fingers so someone’s gotta be wrong

    2. @Danny v Come on, Man. It was “hey if you want this military aid you better help us with Biden. Never mind that the entire “Biden” thing is long ago debunked. THEN he tried the same thing with China. He openly admitted that he’d accept foreign help in our elections WHICH IS ILLEGAL.

      You can’t defend it anymore, so just stop.

  1. “The people understand”… Bastard doesn’t speak for me. How do we keep electing people who claim to speak for everyone, when they really work for themselves?

    1. Michael Law, = Bias and one sided! What about the Senate? They are part of the government too. Did you forget? Huh”

  2. The rest of the world will have trouble taking America seriously as you continuously ignore the will of the people. Treason.

    1. Tbf by your logic this entire situation is treasonous as no one voted for it which is exactly why it’s nothing but an inquiry.

    1. @Alice’s Rabbit Oh, the original topic? I’ll take infamous quotes by Democrats for 200 Alex. “I’ll have more flexibility after the election.” Who is Barak Obama, Alex. Let’s go again on that one. Infamous quotes by Democrats for 300, Alex. “At this point, just what difference does it make.” That would be, who is the infamous Livia Drusilla, Alex. “Judges?” “Yes, we’ll accept that, it’s still your board.” I’m gonna run the thing, Alex. Infamous quotes for 400. “Oh, you’ve hit the double Jeopardy.” Great! Let’s bet the wad. “Gutsy move.” Not really, Alex. “Who famously said, when questioned of his own corruption, “Don’t look at me, look at him.” 🤔

    2. @Naomi Ogle No way you should not suggest that. Your in danger of losing your cult membership…….

  3. The Don had corrupt lawyers working in his private life to get away with crimes. The gop replaced those lawyers.

    1. “The Don”? …you mean Don Lemon?
      …corrupt lawyers
      …private life
      Yeah. I suppose you do mean Don Lemon.

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