1. News flash:
    The elections in America are *also* stacked in the favor of the establishment. Except that it’s more subtle.
    Or at least it used to be. Now it’s either brazen, or desperate, or both. Just look at how antiestablishment candidates are being treated (Bernie, Tulsi, Yang, Marianne) by the mainstream media (yeah CNN that includes you) and the political establishment. You either get buried or smeared.

    1. The shadow gov is in total control. It is not new. Not even Trump can drain the swamp. Right now the swamp is beginning to eat him alive.

    1. @Moon sure stay in school but, learn how and what it looks like to survive. The systems of government in China are just that. American interests are only I’d they can make our products cheap.

    1. @Minien would i be able to use youtube without the capacity of being able to read?? Now tell me what do you purport with the N word

  2. Old Russian saying, “It’s not the voters that win an election, it’s the people trusted to count the votes that wins the election.”

    1. all public elections are controlled by corruptive governmet/group in HK ! 選舉 … 選舉 … 做場戲, 13 億 真易騙 ! 貪官/籐瓜族 – 齊齊搵食做大戲 .this gang is supported by US – 民主黨 – 口講支持民主選舉, 實質 貪官/籐瓜族 一鍋粥 同流合污 , 齊齊搵食 ,保貪權, 騙港人 !貪官/籐瓜族 全操控 香港 選舉 !
      寄件者:  新增地址
      日期:  2017年2月2日, 星期四, 下午03:02:56 GMT+08:00
      收件者:  2017-02-01致 : 民主黨 … 本人 黃文康  將參加 2017 年 香港行政長官選舉,並已告知各大報章和各界人士.本人 在 2017-01 已向貴黨介紹本人的參選理念今天在電視上看見貴黨希望相約多些參選者了解多些政策
      理念.現致函貴界, 敬請安排一訪. 謝謝 !
      請支持 21 世紀 新一代 新經濟 – 創新產業 , 2017 年 香港行政長官參選人 : 黃文康 ,
                    wong man hong (simon wong) , 創新產業 – 發明家 .2019-11-03-又一科大生重傷 (現已傷亡), 教育界議員葉建源 – 矇騙新一代無機心做其馬前卒, 頭爆 .. 眼爆 — 無恥人格 — < 殺千刀 > . 荼害眾多學生被打被傷, 現仍在立法會開開心心耀武揚威 !
      立法會議員 – 做戲後全通過超高建造費, 自家工程公司, 貪官/籐瓜族 <億億聲>落袋 . 大玩香港後 – 貪官/ 籐瓜族又可開開心心, 無法無天 , 大貪特貪 ! << 瓜分香港公帑 >> .林鄭月娥所有政策 , 條例將被重新審查  . 
      2017 年 香港行政長官選舉 – 公認合法侯選人: 黃文康  (simon wong)

  3. People can’t find someone to fight with. They fight with themselves. Humans. That’s what’s wrong with this planet.

  4. Only chance protesters have convince Hillary the Chinese government has dirt on her then there will be millions of spontaneous suicides

  5. Please tell me is this a freedom: a freedom to let a group of people free to beat up another whoever disagree with them, is this a freedom to burning elderly people and hiding behind the masks, is this a freedom to use laser pen shot on elderly civilian’s face who disagree them and clean the mass you left on street, is this a freedom to burning the bridge and burning the bus and block people who on the way to work and make a living for their family? is this a human rights? a right can rudely beat up people who simply speak Chinese. It makes me so sick while support them in the beginning and later just found out that they have so dark and ugly face and heart in behind. especially for those who stands behind and push kids in front, those coward politicians. To those students or so naiver ‘warriors'(I do think you are coward).. how much tax you have for this city, how much contribution you have put to this society, how much??? None!!! you have zero contribution, and how dare you can destroy the public facility freely, if you are not criminal, who are? You are not after freedom, you are not after democracy.. you are simply a group of dump heads and selfish scums. You put kids on street while you study in Yale, Howard, and shows in public like hero.. hero my A*** you group of criminals.!!!

    1. @@carmen- oh i almost forgot i got a riddle for you…
      What did the fireman call his twin sons ?
      Answer: Hose A and Hose B
      Hispanics causing panics…

    2. all public elections are controlled by corruptive governmet/group in HK ! 選舉 … 選舉 … 做場戲, 13 億 真易騙 ! 貪官/籐瓜族 – 齊齊搵食做大戲 .this gang is supported by US – 民主黨 – 口講支持民主選舉, 實質 貪官/籐瓜族 一鍋粥 同流合污 , 齊齊搵食 ,保貪權, 騙港人 !貪官/籐瓜族 全操控 香港 選舉 !
      寄件者:  新增地址
      日期:  2017年2月2日, 星期四, 下午03:02:56 GMT+08:00
      收件者:  2017-02-01致 : 民主黨 … 本人 黃文康  將參加 2017 年 香港行政長官選舉,並已告知各大報章和各界人士.本人 在 2017-01 已向貴黨介紹本人的參選理念今天在電視上看見貴黨希望相約多些參選者了解多些政策
      理念.現致函貴界, 敬請安排一訪. 謝謝 !
      請支持 21 世紀 新一代 新經濟 – 創新產業 , 2017 年 香港行政長官參選人 : 黃文康 ,
                    wong man hong (simon wong) , 創新產業 – 發明家 .2019-11-03-又一科大生重傷 (現已傷亡), 教育界議員葉建源 – 矇騙新一代無機心做其馬前卒, 頭爆 .. 眼爆 — 無恥人格 — < 殺千刀 > . 荼害眾多學生被打被傷, 現仍在立法會開開心心耀武揚威 !
      立法會議員 – 做戲後全通過超高建造費, 自家工程公司, 貪官/籐瓜族 <億億聲>落袋 . 大玩香港後 – 貪官/ 籐瓜族又可開開心心, 無法無天 , 大貪特貪 ! << 瓜分香港公帑 >> .林鄭月娥所有政策 , 條例將被重新審查  . 
      2017 年 香港行政長官選舉 – 公認合法侯選人: 黃文康  (simon wong)

    3. All you need to do is just vote the protesters so they don’t need to throw petrol bombs , they don’t need to set fire on the old man. So easy?

  6. Young Hong Kong protesters are increasingly spreading their own virus Because endless demands are destroying themselves and their families and trying to destroy Hong Kong by trying to provoke more anger. Why are they stupid at this level or are they being studied to crazy levels.

  7. Come on guys. The more violent the protest from the students the less the world is going to care. Be Peaceful.

  8. Stop only interviewing one side of the story. The western media only interview pro democracy people like Claudio Mo and Joshua Wong etc etc. so tired of this biased reporting these past 6 months. We won’t be fooled though!

  9. Hong Kong’s future is in you hand. Protesters: If you vote for us, violence will disappear. If not, more people will put on the black mask and petrol will be on someone?

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